Citizens (cont)

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liamctid said:
BlueHalli said:
In all fairness though, what do the BA actually do? They have been around for a while now and I cant see no real attempt in improving the atmos at our games. Do they just arrange coach trips to games etc? Not really havin a dig but we hear 'BA this and BA that' yet what do they do? Maybe they need to start doin more if they're this big official organised group?. Im all for what the Citizens are doin and I think some lads from the BA should take a look and start thinkin about goin the same way or even merging with the Citizens as I find the BA pretty pointless at the mo as far as improving atmos goes.

And round and round we go.

So what would YOU do differently then?

And what CAN you do with the restrictions that are there from the club, the police and the council.
It seems a fair question to me, I go home and away fairly regularly, but I don't know what the BA do either. The last match I was particularly aware of them was in the League Cup last year at Arsenal and Wolves, that's over a year ago. Singing in a pub before an away game is never going to affect the atmosphere at home games.

The Citizens are trying to do something to change it, just like the BA were at the start. They are starting small and hoping to work up to bigger. Why don't the BA get together with their ideas, influence what you can, surely the bigger a supporters group together the better chance of getting City to take notice ?
liamctid said:
BlueHalli said:
liamctid said:
And round and round we go.

So what would YOU do differently then?

And what CAN you do with the restrictions that are there from the club, the police and the council.

Attempt to start new songs and promote them and, well, do what the Citizens are doin really. Try and get a group that can get together properly, spread the word, record some vids, start some of the songs off in variuos pubs before games, maybe get a block in low gate games like last night and other cup games.Numbers will grow and songs will spread. I think it could get to a stage where enough would be close enough in particular blocks where singing could start and the rest inbetween would join in. I think the BA are great but seemed to have hit a brick wall that they didnt attempt to get around. Like I say, I want both groups to work hand in hand as we're all one at the end of the day, we're all City fans. I go to many home games and wonder what is being done to improve the atmos as its gettin awful. I just think the Citizens are goin about it in a better way as far as atmos goes.

Hang on, you now think we're great? Not too long ago you were saying that people were unjustly speaking about us.

What's wrong with our current songs?

How do you envisage the Citizens obtaining a section in the ground where they can do all this "Ultra" stuff?

We have loads of lads dotted all around the ground. Why? Because we started as a group 7 years into the new ground. And people aren't going to just leave there seat because someone else wants to go there.

As I've previously said today it is not something that can be changed easily, because the problem with our support at the moment is that too many people aren't up for it throughout the ground. There was 37,000 City fans there last night.

What can you do when 34,000 only join in with Blue Moon once or twice because they're too anxious/want to watch the game?

I think 'great' as its the right idea but like Iv said, Iv got to the stage where I think to myself 'the atmos is shit, what is the BA actually doin' I understand what your sayin but you have then hit this brick wall I meantioned, where nothing seems to be done and nothing new really happens. Like I said, the citizens are attemptin to take a different appoach that could get around this problem. They will actually team up at these EDS games and put things to the test at a lower scale and build from there. I also said that arrangin a block at low gate games would be good to get things goin and get people together. The ajax game would have been brilliant for this as there was no end of seats in 111 when they went on sale.
Liam, your wasting your time mate.
Let them fall flat on their cocky arses just like blue watch , blue rebels, mcfc ultras and all those other groups who started a Facebook page and thought it was a 'movement'. And none of them were deluded enough to think that city fans would adopt a song leader and a fucking drum.

There's two reasons our home atmosphere is flat: the structure of the ground and the location of the away fans. The first is permanent. Until the club has the balls to deal with the second then it will never change.
BlueHalli said:
liamctid said:
BlueHalli said:
Attempt to start new songs and promote them and, well, do what the Citizens are doin really. Try and get a group that can get together properly, spread the word, record some vids, start some of the songs off in variuos pubs before games, maybe get a block in low gate games like last night and other cup games.Numbers will grow and songs will spread. I think it could get to a stage where enough would be close enough in particular blocks where singing could start and the rest inbetween would join in. I think the BA are great but seemed to have hit a brick wall that they didnt attempt to get around. Like I say, I want both groups to work hand in hand as we're all one at the end of the day, we're all City fans. I go to many home games and wonder what is being done to improve the atmos as its gettin awful. I just think the Citizens are goin about it in a better way as far as atmos goes.

Hang on, you now think we're great? Not too long ago you were saying that people were unjustly speaking about us.

What's wrong with our current songs?

How do you envisage the Citizens obtaining a section in the ground where they can do all this "Ultra" stuff?

We have loads of lads dotted all around the ground. Why? Because we started as a group 7 years into the new ground. And people aren't going to just leave there seat because someone else wants to go there.

As I've previously said today it is not something that can be changed easily, because the problem with our support at the moment is that too many people aren't up for it throughout the ground. There was 37,000 City fans there last night.

What can you do when 34,000 only join in with Blue Moon once or twice because they're too anxious/want to watch the game?

I think 'great' as its the right idea but like Iv said, Iv got to the stage where I think to myself 'the atmos is shit, what is the BA actually doin' I understand what your sayin but you have then hit this brick wall I meantioned, where nothing seems to be done and nothing new really happens. Like I said, the citizens are attemptin to take a different appoach that could get around this problem. They will actually team up at these EDS games and put things to the test at a lower scale and build from there. I also said that arrangin a block at low gate games would be good to get things goin and get people together. The ajax game would have been brilliant for this as there was no end of seats in 111 when they went on sale.
at that stage, why didnt you sing? or encourage others to sing? the home atmosphere shouldnt not entirely depend on the blue alliance thats fucking ridiculously stupid. its not BAs fault the atmosphere is like this, there are difficult barriers to overcome. at ''this stage'' i usually think, why is nobody singing outside of the singing sections?
stimo said:
BlueHalli said:
liamctid said:
Hang on, you now think we're great? Not too long ago you were saying that people were unjustly speaking about us.

What's wrong with our current songs?

How do you envisage the Citizens obtaining a section in the ground where they can do all this "Ultra" stuff?

We have loads of lads dotted all around the ground. Why? Because we started as a group 7 years into the new ground. And people aren't going to just leave there seat because someone else wants to go there.

As I've previously said today it is not something that can be changed easily, because the problem with our support at the moment is that too many people aren't up for it throughout the ground. There was 37,000 City fans there last night.

What can you do when 34,000 only join in with Blue Moon once or twice because they're too anxious/want to watch the game?

I think 'great' as its the right idea but like Iv said, Iv got to the stage where I think to myself 'the atmos is shit, what is the BA actually doin' I understand what your sayin but you have then hit this brick wall I meantioned, where nothing seems to be done and nothing new really happens. Like I said, the citizens are attemptin to take a different appoach that could get around this problem. They will actually team up at these EDS games and put things to the test at a lower scale and build from there. I also said that arrangin a block at low gate games would be good to get things goin and get people together. The ajax game would have been brilliant for this as there was no end of seats in 111 when they went on sale.
at that stage, why didnt you sing? or encourage others to sing? the home atmosphere shouldnt not entirely depend on the blue alliance thats fucking ridiculously stupid. its not BAs fault the atmosphere is like this, there are difficult barriers to overcome. at ''this stage'' i usually think, why is nobody singing outside of the singing sections?

Believe me, Iv started songs at the top of my voice and had no luck with people joinin in. I sing at the top of my voice when at games and the atmos means alot to me, hence whey Iv been on this thread so much. Im one man, not an organized group that is set up to 'improve' the atmos at games and is then expected to 'improve' the atmos at games.
Didsbury Dave said:
Liam, your wasting your time mate.
Let them fall flat on their cocky arses just like blue watch , blue rebels, mcfc ultras and all those other groups who started a Facebook page and thought it was a 'movement'. And none of them were deluded enough to think that city fans would adopt a song leader and a fucking drum.

There's two reasons our home atmosphere is flat: the structure of the ground and the location of the away fans. The first is permanent. Until the club has the balls to deal with the second then it will never change.
What are you on about? Really, just what are you on about? Liam's talking to someone who isn't one of the lads behind the Citizens. Yet you're saying "let them fall flat on their cocky arses"...well yore just talking out of yours, as per...
Didsbury Dave said:
Liam, your wasting your time mate.
Let them fall flat on their cocky arses just like blue watch , blue rebels, mcfc ultras and all those other groups who started a Facebook page and thought it was a 'movement'. And none of them were deluded enough to think that city fans would adopt a song leader and a fucking drum.

There's two reasons our home atmosphere is flat: the structure of the ground and the location of the away fans. The first is permanent. Until the club has the balls to deal with the second then it will never change.

The biggest problem at the moment is getting over 13th May, in my opinion.
liamctid said:
The biggest problem at the moment is getting over 13th May, in my opinion.
You're right to a degree, but also our fans are waiting for 3-0 every week, like its somehow a guarantee. The real time to get behind the team is when we go behind, but these days we never do, but its not jus a City thing, it seems to me to be the mentality of the english football fans in general. There are a few clubs that get behind their teams winning or losing, but not that many.

The chant "You only sing when you're winning" has never been more apt than at City these days, and even then we don't always.
cleavers said:
liamctid said:
The biggest problem at the moment is getting over 13th May, in my opinion.
You're right to a degree, but also our fans are waiting for 3-0 every week, like its somehow a guarantee. The real time to get behind the team is when we go behind, but these days we never do, but its not jus a City thing, it seems to me to be the mentality of the english football fans in general. There are a few clubs that get behind their teams winning or losing, but not that many.

The chant "You only sing when you're winning" has never been more apt than at City these days, and even then we don't always.

Not disagreeing with you, but I think we could do with a good 4 or 5-0 win just to bring a bit of confidence back into the stands. The majority of our home performances haven't exactly been worth shouting about.
Didsbury Dave said:
Liam, your wasting your time mate.
Let them fall flat on their cocky arses just like blue watch , blue rebels, mcfc ultras and all those other groups who started a Facebook page and thought it was a 'movement'. And none of them were deluded enough to think that city fans would adopt a song leader and a fucking drum.

There's two reasons our home atmosphere is flat: the structure of the ground and the location of the away fans. The first is permanent. Until the club has the balls to deal with the second then it will never change.
I don't think our atmosphere is much worse to most grounds in England
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