City fans attacking City fans, why? ?

It's been like this for years. Every club has it's dickheads, and we've had more than our fair share over the last 40 - 50 years in my experience.

Things were quite peaceful yesterday where we were in 541, apart from an old boy who was so pissed he literally rolled over the seats in front of him into the next row, and a idiot (probably in his 50's) who thought it was a good idea to kick a couple of seats to bits.

We didn't see any trouble on the way out - We stayed to see the presentation etc, went to have a chat with the Goat, and then strolled down to the tube, surrounded by like-minded Blues and Wiganers.

If it had gone off anywhere near my kids yesterday, they'd probably never want to go to another away game - And I wouldn't blame them.<br /><br />-- Sun May 12, 2013 9:44 pm --<br /><br />It's been like this for years. Every club has it's dickheads, and we've had more than our fair share over the last 40 - 50 years in my experience.

Things were quite peaceful yesterday where we were in 541, apart from an old boy who was so pissed he literally rolled over the seats in front of him into the next row, and a idiot (probably in his 50's) who thought it was a good idea to kick a couple of seats to bits.

We didn't see any trouble on the way out - We stayed to see the presentation etc, went to have a chat with the Goat, and then strolled down to the tube, surrounded by like-minded Blues and Wiganers.

If it had gone off anywhere near my kids yesterday, they'd probably never want to go to another away game - And I wouldn't blame them.
Blue and Proud said:
southwestblue said:
paulchapo said:
Yesterday I was sitting in the reception at the hilton hotel just after the game when the door staff led in a mid twenties guy in some distress and shock, accompanied by an older guy.HIs face was bruised and swollen and on asking the older guy what happened it appeared 6 city fans had been pushing and kicking off with anyone near them. As they ran past one of them punched the young lad in city colours for no reason at all.

Yesterday I saw too many drunken aggressive scum in our colours and all day drinking or not you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, some of whom were no kids but people of an age who really should know better!

I don't know if the two guys come on here but if they do I hope the lad who got hit is ok If the cowardly scum who like to smack an innocent fellow blue are here fuck off to the rags they are right up your street. .
Yesterday also got me thinking, why do I spend my hard earned cash coming to watch City with these low life's, yes I saw thugs fighting at the Green Man, men smoking and pissing on the toilet floor inside Wembley, fans refusing to sit down and return to their seats at the stadium after it was clear an elderly man was not able to watch the game as he could not stand for any length of time. I know its only a small minority of scum, but they spoil it for us all.
Horrible aggresive atmosphere yesterday during and after the match. I like a couple of pints as much as the next man, but I cannot fathom this preoccupation with getting absolutely $hitfaced and acting like an arse. Even more baffling that these arseholes come on here and boast about how much they have drunk like it supposed to impress people. Guess what? it doesn't.
The whole standing thing throughout the match really is annoying as well, completely inconsiderate and selfish. Once again a few morons ruining it for the rest of us, as if yesterday wasn't bad enough!!!

-- Sun May 12, 2013 11:41 pm --

southwestblue said:
paulchapo said:
Yesterday I was sitting in the reception at the hilton hotel just after the game when the door staff led in a mid twenties guy in some distress and shock, accompanied by an older guy.HIs face was bruised and swollen and on asking the older guy what happened it appeared 6 city fans had been pushing and kicking off with anyone near them. As they ran past one of them punched the young lad in city colours for no reason at all.

Yesterday I saw too many drunken aggressive scum in our colours and all day drinking or not you need to take a long hard look at yourselves, some of whom were no kids but people of an age who really should know better!

I don't know if the two guys come on here but if they do I hope the lad who got hit is ok If the cowardly scum who like to smack an innocent fellow blue are here fuck off to the rags they are right up your street. .
Yesterday also got me thinking, why do I spend my hard earned cash coming to watch City with these low life's, yes I saw thugs fighting at the Green Man, men smoking and pissing on the toilet floor inside Wembley, fans refusing to sit down and return to their seats at the stadium after it was clear an elderly man was not able to watch the game as he could not stand for any length of time. I know its only a small minority of scum, but they spoil it for us all.
Horrible aggresive atmosphere yesterday during and after the match. I like a couple of pints as much as the next man, but I cannot fathom this preoccupation with getting absolutely $hitfaced and acting like an arse. Even more baffling that these arseholes come on here and boast about how much they have drunk like it supposed to impress people. Guess what? it doesn't.
The whole standing thing throughout the match really is annoying as well, completely inconsiderate and selfish. Once again a few morons ruining it for the rest of us, as if yesterday wasn't bad enough!!!

You can get shit faced and not act like arseholes, don't tar us with the same brush, cheers.
Too many shit faced arse holes sat near me yesterday including two who decided to swap punches. Drunken idiots managed to spoil my day far more than the performance on the pitch.

Us smokers got banned a long time ago, pity there's not the same attitude to piss heads.
One collection of despicable drunken scum smuggled in guitars and a drum kit and inflicted an appalling racket of eardrum splitting proportions on the innocent fans around them at half timewhile claiming to be an ecumenical prayer group. Why don't the stewards search for this sort of thing?
allan harper said:
Blue and Proud said:
southwestblue said:
Yesterday also got me thinking, why do I spend my hard earned cash coming to watch City with these low life's, yes I saw thugs fighting at the Green Man, men smoking and pissing on the toilet floor inside Wembley, fans refusing to sit down and return to their seats at the stadium after it was clear an elderly man was not able to watch the game as he could not stand for any length of time. I know its only a small minority of scum, but they spoil it for us all.
Horrible aggresive atmosphere yesterday during and after the match. I like a couple of pints as much as the next man, but I cannot fathom this preoccupation with getting absolutely $hitfaced and acting like an arse. Even more baffling that these arseholes come on here and boast about how much they have drunk like it supposed to impress people. Guess what? it doesn't.
The whole standing thing throughout the match really is annoying as well, completely inconsiderate and selfish. Once again a few morons ruining it for the rest of us, as if yesterday wasn't bad enough!!!

-- Sun May 12, 2013 11:41 pm --

southwestblue said:
Yesterday also got me thinking, why do I spend my hard earned cash coming to watch City with these low life's, yes I saw thugs fighting at the Green Man, men smoking and pissing on the toilet floor inside Wembley, fans refusing to sit down and return to their seats at the stadium after it was clear an elderly man was not able to watch the game as he could not stand for any length of time. I know its only a small minority of scum, but they spoil it for us all.
Horrible aggresive atmosphere yesterday during and after the match. I like a couple of pints as much as the next man, but I cannot fathom this preoccupation with getting absolutely $hitfaced and acting like an arse. Even more baffling that these arseholes come on here and boast about how much they have drunk like it supposed to impress people. Guess what? it doesn't.
The whole standing thing throughout the match really is annoying as well, completely inconsiderate and selfish. Once again a few morons ruining it for the rest of us, as if yesterday wasn't bad enough!!!

You can get shit faced and not act like arseholes, don't tar us with the same brush, cheers.

You can?
The only part of the game that is "new" is the wider use of internet forums and other social media... so we hear more often about shit that happens.

Fans were far more violent not so long ago.

Yesterday I saw nothing Wenger style :smile:
Yes there were many of us (myself included) who had too much to drink ( I'm not a big drinker and probably went overboard) but everyone I came across was friendly and never saw any issues... I was in a Mosh pit for 30mins on the roundabout and we never had any problems with watching Police not having to intervene.

In the stadium, around me (just behind the goals) most fans were ok and never witnessed any conflict.
After the game I applauded Wigan as did many other Blues and there was no issues.

Outside the stadium however I did notice a few Blues spouting their views, coming across as spoilt little shits who were spitting their dummies.... they were teenagers though so probably can't remember losing against the likes of Bury in a league match.

Their faces as I walked past them (in my city shirt) with a smile on my face, just happy with the fact that I just had the privilege of being in a FA Cup final.

The new generation of blues - spoilt teenage brats brought up on xbox/ps Fifa with no concept that the best lesson you can have in sport is to understand and embrace defeat.
samharris said:
Mike N said:
Bizarre statement to say it has anything to do with the wealth of our club. We had scumbag fans a long time before we had any money.

I said the wealth brings greater expectation..nowt bizare at all..ffs we nearly have fights on here when matchday doesnt go according to plan..

Btw it was the wealth of our owner that bought us the players that got us to wembley yesterday..

just ava fight lads :-)
I'd like a word with the guy who after engaging in conversation with my wife at half time( I was at the loo) decided to prod her in the face. She has a brilliant memory for faces and she is going to point you out to me. When she does I am going to stamp on your head until your ears bleed.
1981 F.A Cup final replay. I was 12 at the time and remember havin to walk through thousands of spurs fans to get to our end. We were spat at and told to "fack off you norven cants". I was shittin myself, but me dad kept hold of me and R kid and somehow got us through it. We were vastly outnumbered that night, I'm guessing we only had about 20,000 in there to their 70,000. Spurs fans were in our end and I remember it kickin off everywhere. Unfortunately I also remember this Blue with a southern accent bein picked on by City fans. I felt really sorry for the poor lad. To top the lot, we lost and we were gutted. Never seen so many grown men cry. I was dreadin leavin the ground, avin to walk through all the cockneys again, but this time they were all sayin, "hard luck Manchester, see ya next year". What am gettin at is, it's always been there. There are more good fans than bad. I take my hat off to Wigan. We're certain to be in other finals, hopefully that of the CL.

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