City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Last season:
Napoli 48520
Shakhtar 45310
Feyenoord 43548

Lyon brought 600 away fans... there were train cancellations... the attendance was about right compared to last season's games.
It's 8 thousand down on last season. Empty seats in a home Champions League game is not healthy especially when there's 10,000 of them. I know there are some clubs like Barcelona who dip for some games but we are the only major English club that has a problem with attendances at the Champions League.

In the bad times, our support was the proudest and the only part of our club for which we could be proud. Now It sounds like some supporters are starting to rationalise that going to the games is no longer important.

Most blues have sacked off midweek games for the multitude of reasons already given and the champions league in particular, due to our treatment by UEFA. I think the lack of action on the coach attack and atrocious refereeing in both legs against Liverpool made a few more quit. Add to that the paltry allowance of tickets to finalists meaning many won't get to see us anyway even if we get there.

Rightly or wrongly many of our fanbase just don't like the competition and I don't see that changing probably for the next ten years at least.
Right you can have this one for nothing on me and it's quality... oh sit down oh sit down sit down sit down don't leave.. sit down sit down sit down sit down watch City win the league... by James. Sing this 10 minutes before finish and let's embarrass the early leavers haha. Sing it you miserable lot
Right you can have this one for nothing on me and it's quality... oh sit down oh sit down sit down sit down don't leave.. sit down sit down sit down sit down watch City win the league... by James. Sing this 10 minutes before finish and let's embarrass the early leavers haha. Sing it you miserable lot
Right you can have this one for nothing on me and it's quality... oh sit down oh sit down sit down sit down don't leave.. sit down sit down sit down sit down watch City win the league... by James. Sing this 10 minutes before finish and let's embarrass the early leavers haha. Sing it you miserable lot
Rather clashes with " Stand up if you love City" !!
On the Alty tram home from the Lyon match it was rammed, as we stopped at Cornbrook quite a few standing on the platform surged forward to force their way in. The poor bloke in the wheelcahir had no chance of getting on. If there had been room to raise your fist their would have been a fight, as it was it was just a very loud arguement about them charging into the tram crushing a youngster. Public transport cannot cope with evening matches. As it set off i heard a guy say that this is why he is thinking of sacking midweek matches, he was so fed up with the overcrowded trams.
Regent Rd/Mancunian Way is gridlocked for a year as they supposedly improve it and in general the car is a no no.
Buses are so poor and unreliable, trains never seem to run, certainly not from Bolton where my mates lad lives so to get 40k for a midweek match should be applauded not criticised and anyone that is sensitive to what the media says is going to be miserable for a hell of a long time.
5,000 down,or 8,000 down on very poor figures.
They weren’t very poor figures, they were decent figures. They are consistent figures for us since we first got into the comp in 2011 for the group stage.

Napoli 44,026
Villarreal 42,236
Bayern 46,002

Average 44,088

Dortmund 43,607
Ajax 40,222
Madrid 45,740

Average 43,190

Bayern 45,021
CSKA 35,000
Plzen 37,742

Average 39,254

Roma 37,509
CSKA 45,143
Bayern 44,510

Average 42,387

Juventus 50,363
Sevilla 45,595
Mönchengladbach 41,829

Average 45,929

Mönchengladbach 30,270
Barcelona 53,340
Celtic 51,297

Average 44,963

Shakhtar 45,310
Napoli 48,520
Feyenoord 43,548

Average 45,792

Overall average 43,645
Average in extended Etihad 43,867

Lyon 40,111
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