City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

Council needs to sort out the transport after games do the scum have the same problem.

I have mentioned this before, for long complicated reasons I had to go to the swamp twice last year, the trams are queing up after a match to get everybody to Altrincham or town. For Chelsea, a full house, I saw a tram leaving as I walked by the cricket ground (heading towards Alty,) so I thought we were in for a long wait except,as it left another arrived and they held it back to fill it, absolutley no queue whatsoever (and behind that was another tram.)

So no they don't.
Right you can have this one for nothing on me and it's quality... oh sit down oh sit down sit down sit down don't leave.. sit down sit down sit down sit down watch City win the league... by James. Sing this 10 minutes before finish and let's embarrass the early leavers haha. Sing it you miserable lot

There was a chant we sang at maine road when i was a nipper back in the 70's,as soon as people in the old platt lane started to get up and go early,us lot in the kippax would start chanting " part time supporters,part time supporters "
I have mentioned this before, for long complicated reasons I had to go to the swamp twice last year, the trams are queing up after a match to get everybody to Altrincham or town. For Chelsea, a full house, I saw a tram leaving as I walked by the cricket ground (heading towards Alty,) so I thought we were in for a long wait except,as it left another arrived and they held it back to fill it, absolutley no queue whatsoever (and behind that was another tram.)

So no they don't.
Ah right so why aren’t they adding extra trams on for city games then at be a money thing but if one club gets the extra trams why doesn’t the other? Suppose with fans now be able to put there points to City they could ask why this is.
There was a chant we sang at maine road when i was a nipper back in the 70's,as soon as people in the old platt lane started to get up and go early,us lot in the kippax would start chanting " part time supporters,part time supporters "
Correct we did indeed. Unfortunately our support is a shambles now. No enthusiasm not even for my brilliant song. The Kippax were an amusing bunch
I just think the match day cost is stopping many attending, especially now we are are heavily involved in all competitions. It's down to the club to do what it takes to put bums on seats by lowering the prices, it's as simple as that. We don't have the glory hunters our owners wished we had to fill up the stadium. There is more supply than demand. Also as others have mentioned, public transport is piss poor, especially after the game catching the metro back into town.
Right you can have this one for nothing on me and it's quality... oh sit down oh sit down sit down sit down don't leave.. sit down sit down sit down sit down watch City win the league... by James. Sing this 10 minutes before finish and let's embarrass the early leavers haha. Sing it you miserable lot

I'd be more embarrassed being that bothered about people leaving early over being embarrassed at a handful of adults, singing James at me going early.
Anybody who has to rely upon parking at the stadium ie disabled supporters will almost certainly be stuck for a considerable length of time just trying to get out of the allotted car park.

This is bad enough for 3pm kick-offs , but is exaggerated for evening kick-off times, meaning that by the time you get away from the ground the roads are already jammed.
Still see people blaming UEFA, costs, amount of games etc.

As I said the other day, our midweek cup crowds have always been poor compared to our league crowds.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an FA Cup replay, League Cup game, Europa League game or Champions League game.

I knew we’d struggle to sell out these Champions League games as soon as we first qualified and sure enough, the first ever game at home to Napoli didn’t sell out.

League Cup semi final 2nd leg against Everton a couple of years ago didn’t even sell out and had a few thousand empties in CB tier 3.

A major element of our season ticket holders just don’t do midweek cup games and haven’t done for 30 years. They don’t see these games as part of the package of supporting City.

It’s a culture thing and it will be hard for the club to change.

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