City Fans Leaving Early/Empty seats

As a wheelchair user, I have to park in the blue car park at the bottom of JM Way. It takes 20 mins for me to get to the car, then there is the challenge to get out. Sometimes, this can take an hour to get out, almost certainly 45 mins each game. I can’t attend evening games for this reason, as I need somebody to drive and push me in my chair, then somebody to be up to help me in the house when I get home, then get me into bed.

I sympathise with you, as my son is a wheelchair user , so I totally understand the problem.

I agree that 45 minutes is fairly normal , and we have been stuck for an hour a number of times.

Getting out of the stadium is generally a farce most times imo, and there appears little prospect of an improvement. I think many supporters probably leave the game early for this very problem, although we do not.

A few years ago we allocated a space in the Orange car park, which was much better for access and exit times, but I believe that the club then allocated those disabled spaces to the corporate supporters in the East Stand. We were definitely " ejected " to the Blue car park for games in CL , to provide space for UEFA and hospitality tents for sponsors / guests etc.

Night games are really not on for us , but I accept that we are a minority .
This may have been mentioned previously......but does anyone else think the stadium may be a contributing factor? Lets face it,its hardly's cold in appearance and it has zero atmosphere,it simply doesn't have the magic that Maine Rd had.Its also difficult to access,park and get away from.Maybe alot of folk just cant be arsed with the hassle?

Just a thought.
had a bit of an insight as to how garbage citys online ticket system is today and probably the main reason why city often cannot fill the ground ; - tried to buy 2 on for brighton at home . only single seats dotted around the stadium (wanted 2 together) and none of them anywhere near each other . price around 39 quid each . if you google man city tickets it comes up with "stubhub" offering 2 together at 75 quid each !!! i am a ST holder so they were not for me , the lad who wanted them has now decided not to bother !!! you can bet your life there will be loads of empties on the day ?
This may have been mentioned previously......but does anyone else think the stadium may be a contributing factor? Lets face it,its hardly's cold in appearance and it has zero atmosphere,it simply doesn't have the magic that Maine Rd had.Its also difficult to access,park and get away from.Maybe alot of folk just cant be arsed with the hassle?

Just a thought.

The metrolink issue doesn't help in the slightest, neither does the club's attempt to force atmosphere with cringeworthy videos featuring "Cityzens" who shout C'mon dead loud.
The metrolink issue doesn't help in the slightest, neither does the club's attempt to force atmosphere with cringeworthy videos featuring "Cityzens" who shout C'mon dead loud.
Transport/accessabillity is a genuine problem.People work all day and are then required to battle their way to and from a night match with the prospect of getting up for work again a few hours later.....while having to fork out much needed cash for the privilege of such.

Regarding the atmosphere,i dont know where the answer lies but something has to change as its flatter than a pancake more often than its not.
had a bit of an insight as to how garbage citys online ticket system is today and probably the main reason why city often cannot fill the ground ; - tried to buy 2 on for brighton at home . only single seats dotted around the stadium (wanted 2 together) and none of them anywhere near each other . price around 39 quid each . if you google man city tickets it comes up with "stubhub" offering 2 together at 75 quid each !!! i am a ST holder so they were not for me , the lad who wanted them has now decided not to bother !!! you can bet your life there will be loads of empties on the day ?

Yep. I've a big issue with that this year.
Only reason I went on Wednesday was because I had the same experience trying to get Prem tickets for any match.

If that's the way it is going to be in future, I think I'll jack in the Cityzen membership.
It made sense years ago with my wife and son. You are now paying for an option to buy tickets, but can't get seats together for any matches you want to go to.
I know ST's are hit hard in the pocket trying to get to all the competitions and I sympathise, but when I come over for a cup game, because I can't get PL weekend tickets, it's accomodation and flights for a start and two days off work and keeping the young fella out of school for two days also.

I've been to some cracking games midweek before, but I thought Wednesday's atmosphere was not just bad, but very strange right form the start.
Transport/accessabillity is a genuine problem.People work all day and are then required to battle their way to and from a night match with the prospect of getting up for work again a few hours later.....while having to fork out much needed cash for the privilege of such.

Regarding the atmosphere,i dont know where the answer lies but something has to change as its flatter than a pancake more often than its not.

I agree with the transport but its a great stadium.
I am worried this hatred of the CL will ultimately prove to be our downfall in getting to be one of the biggest clubs in the world. I dont mean record breaking or financially, I mean a true powerhouse of football in the world and to be that we have to win the CL.

But our fans dont like the CL.

How the owners sort that out I dont know, I just hope they dont give up.
I sympathise with you, as my son is a wheelchair user , so I totally understand the problem.

I agree that 45 minutes is fairly normal , and we have been stuck for an hour a number of times.

Getting out of the stadium is generally a farce most times imo, and there appears little prospect of an improvement. I think many supporters probably leave the game early for this very problem, although we do not.

A few years ago we allocated a space in the Orange car park, which was much better for access and exit times, but I believe that the club then allocated those disabled spaces to the corporate supporters in the East Stand. We were definitely " ejected " to the Blue car park for games in CL , to provide space for UEFA and hospitality tents for sponsors / guests etc.

Night games are really not on for us , but I accept that we are a minority .
Its good to get an insight into the particular problems disabled fans have when attending matches.
I agree with the transport but its a great stadium.

2012 helped create a genuine connection,but the aura of Maine Rd,where i could feel the history,the magic and the passion.....despite what we were being subjected to on the pitch.......simply hasn't yet been replicated,for me.I think many others feel similar and its why they will accept staying at home and watching the box or a dodgy stream.

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