City launch legal action against the Premier League | Unconfirmed reports that City have secured "potentially significant victory" (p 808)

This is a really worrying post as it means that the media propaganda has actually started to make some blues doubt.

People are being brainwashed into believing that the rules and related charges pushed on teams including us are somehow fair and ethical and put into place to protect us all, created by individuals who are inherently good and caring. And as result, anyone who challenges these rules must be corrupt and or untrustworthy as they are acting against these ethical rules set up by good people.

Now what if I blow your mind and push the notion that those creating these rules are in fact the very opposite of good and their rules are far from ethical, but rather put in place to protect their own empires from stronger more determined owners, owners who are willing to invest in their own products rather than trying to stop their competitors investing in theirs.

City are not the bad guys here, the bad guys are making the rules and forcing others by either sheer force or propaganda to implement and abide by those rules, rules to keep them in their little boxes.

Those who claim this view is pure fantasy and paranoia need look no further than Manchester United and Liverpool privately vetting the incoming head of the Premier League unbeknown to any of their rivals.

Make no mistake about it friend, the red shirt clubs have been pulling all the strings for decades, people have just been too brainwashed to see it
Never mind all this talk of good guys and bad guys, its very hard to imagine that we're totally innocent of everything, to be perfectly honest.

So what's the end game here, if we do win the case and take the Premier League down as many City fans are calling
This is exactly how I feel as well. I have been a City fan for the best part of 60 years and all this “noise” is ruining my enjoyment of the game. I just want to watch my team play football. I am also struggling to understand why APT rules are a bad thing. I don’t really want to see a league where the team with the deepest pockets wins all the prizes.
It was always that long before we rocked up and from the conception of the game. I personally wouldn't be opposed to a true and equal version of the game. But that is in the form a draft system like the American sports where there are universal salary caps.

Not this current version where only those who are the biggest "commercially" get to spend the most.
This is exactly how I feel as well. I have been a City fan for the best part of 60 years and all this “noise” is ruining my enjoyment of the game. I just want to watch my team play football. I am also struggling to understand why APT rules are a bad thing. I don’t really want to see a league where the team with the deepest pockets wins all the prizes.
You can always tune it out for the next couple months until the Prem starts in August. If it's bothering you so much like you said, why pay attention to it? Seems unhealthy to me.

But if you want to point fingers at the people responsible for this circus of court cases, you should be starting with the Premier League / red cartel and not our own club. City didn't open this can of worms, the club just wants a level playing field and to not be discriminated against for having owners from the UAE.
Surely the club must be privy to evidence we aren’t? If not I’d seriously question the legal advice the club are receiving
I’m surprised nobody is learning from what The Premier League are doing to us. They’ve brought very public charges that they have at best a 50-50 chance of proving. Most agree on here they’re up against it. But the damage is done. Likewise, we have the wherewithal unlike other clubs to drag The Premier League through the courts too. It’s a massive headache for them. They’re still insisting on this kneeling before kick off occasionally, which is hypocritical. It also has the potential to cause a massive fracture with clubs like Newcastle and Villa realising they’ve been hamstrung. Winning would be nice but not massively important. Makes them think twice in the same way our books must now be the most scrutinised in the world by now.
Just asking a question regarding sponsorship and owner related companies.
Obviously our sponsorship is looked at and then decided if it fair market value by an independent company.
Am I right in saying that for example Emirates can sponsor arsenal for let's say 500 mil a year and this doesn't have to be looked at because Emirates don't not have anything to do with owning arsenal or are all sponsorship deals looked at by this independent company?
Fair market value should have nothing to do with related ownership matters.
This rugby writing Times shill is married to Arsenal chief commercial officer Julia Slot
So there’s no conflict of interest here , just a regular day at the office.
Missed in all of this bullshit... is this...

What best serves fans, the P/L and C/L competitions?

Fans want to see top, top clubs competing, of course. Attracting the best players.

And the P/L obviously benefits from viewership. Domestically and internationally. If the P/L is at a disadvantage from attracting the best players, and the best players go to some other league as a consequence, then the P/L product is less worth watching.

The C/L benefits from actual competition. Who wants to watch Real Madrid win every single title after City is relegated?
All of these so-called FFP play rules, both domestically and internationally need to go.

Instead, rules need to be put in place prohibiting a club going too far into debt to pay its bills. That's it. Current P/L and C/L rules having virtually nothing whatsoever to do with financial responsibility.
This is a really worrying post as it means that the media propaganda has actually started to make some blues doubt.

People are being brainwashed into believing that the rules and related charges pushed on teams including us are somehow fair and ethical and put into place to protect us all, created by individuals who are inherently good and caring. And as result, anyone who challenges these rules must be corrupt and or untrustworthy as they are acting against these ethical rules set up by good people.

Now what if I blow your mind and push the notion that those creating these rules are in fact the very opposite of good and their rules are far from ethical, but rather put in place to protect their own empires from stronger more determined owners, owners who are willing to invest in their own products rather than trying to stop their competitors investing in theirs.

City are not the bad guys here, the bad guys are making the rules and forcing others by either sheer force or propaganda to implement and abide by those rules, rules to keep them in their little boxes.

Those who claim this view is pure fantasy and paranoia need look no further than Manchester United and Liverpool privately vetting the incoming head of the Premier League unbeknown to any of their rivals.

Make no mistake about it friend, the red shirt clubs have been pulling all the strings for decades, people have just been too brainwashed to see it
People don't realise the political machinations behind football at the highest level... it's always been thus, and three teams particularly have always been very close bedfellows at boardroom level... the very three we now call the Red Cartel.

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