City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

skybluekings said:
It seems like I've stepped on some toes with this thread.

I'm black and I would like to make the trip from Finland to come to see City play. But the thing that you don't know because most of you are living in England, is how the media portrays English football and English football fans.

The premiere league is the best league in football and it gets the most exposure of tv over here. Because of this exposure, the other side of the EPL is also reported: Players having racial chants against them. The fights after games.

If there wasn't a problem with the EPL and race there wouldn't be a stamp racism out of football campaign, now would there?

Someone made a post about socio-economic reasons and another posted about the demographics of Manchester. Both made perfect sense and helped me better understand. Still, it does seem that Man Utd has more "foreign decent" fans than City, alot more. I think you're even guaranteed to see some Indian guys sitting next to the Man Utd players at every home game. We see them every week there. I'm sure they have season tickets or something for that spot :D

However, at City, from watching the games or even the MCFC video of MCFC events, like players arriving or the City concert before the season started. You have to admit, from all that video you can count on 2 hands the "foreign decent" faces you see. So to ask if race is an issue is legitimate.

I do not think that MCFC is in any way racist. The owners are Arabs, 50% of the team is black. How can it be?

I just want to come down to hang out at a pub before the game starts, meet real City die hard fans, learn more about the club, and see my first City game. The purpose of the OP was to gather a sense of safety in doing so.

Then why didn't you give your OP some context and say that you were black? What African country, by the way?
coleridge said:
skybluekings said:
It seems like I've stepped on some toes with this thread.

I'm black and I would like to make the trip from Finland to come to see City play. But the thing that you don't know because most of you are living in England, is how the media portrays English football and English football fans.

The premiere league is the best league in football and it gets the most exposure of tv over here. Because of this exposure, the other side of the EPL is also reported: Players having racial chants against them. The fights after games.

If there wasn't a problem with the EPL and race there wouldn't be a stamp racism out of football campaign, now would there?

Someone made a post about socio-economic reasons and another posted about the demographics of Manchester. Both made perfect sense and helped me better understand. Still, it does seem that Man Utd has more "foreign decent" fans than City, alot more. I think you're even guaranteed to see some Indian guys sitting next to the Man Utd players at every home game. We see them every week there. I'm sure they have season tickets or something for that spot :D

However, at City, from watching the games or even the MCFC video of MCFC events, like players arriving or the City concert before the season started. You have to admit, from all that video you can count on 2 hands the "foreign decent" faces you see. So to ask if race is an issue is legitimate.

I do not think that MCFC is in any way racist. The owners are Arabs, 50% of the team is black. How can it be?

I just want to come down to hang out at a pub before the game starts, meet real City die hard fans, learn more about the club, and see my first City game. The purpose of the OP was to gather a sense of safety in doing so.

Then why didn't you give your OP some context and say that you were black? What African country, by the way?

I'm from Tampa, Florida and I work for IBM and Nokia over here in Finland.

I know you didn't mean anything by it, but because I'm black doesn't mean that I automatically come from an African country. My ancestors did :)
coleridge said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
More amplified bullshit from the usual suspects,. The OP has every right to make his observations known, right or wrong, but to turn it into a guy making a racial slur is pathetic. Guess I'm one of the minority he speaks of, so fucking what. You seen how many sikhs go to the shit tip up the road........ this undoubtedly makes united a more ethnically/culturally diverse club.......... beggars fucking belief.

I'd rather have an opinion than be a smug fence-sitting Yes Man. Why don't you name suspects, charge them and conduct the trial in your own Kangaroo Court? At least that would be more entertaining than 'fucking beggars belief', whatever that means.

Read again you thick twat, was supporting you........ now that beggars belief
baldybouncer said:
Zin 'messiah' Zimmer said:
More amplified bullshit from the usual suspects,. The OP has every right to make his observations known, right or wrong, but to turn it into a guy making a racial slur is pathetic. Guess I'm one of the minority he speaks of, so fucking what. You seen how many sikhs go to the shit tip up the road........ this undoubtedly makes united a more ethnically/culturally diverse club.......... beggars fucking belief.

What a load crap. Just because you've seen a handful of Sikhs caught on camera at OT, all of of a sudden Utd are a more ethnically/culturally diverse club! You'll be telling me next that there are no racist fans at OT.

The OP originally asked would he run into racists at CoMS. Errr, well yeh, because there are racists everywhere you go. It's a fact of life. Unfortunately, these dicks don't advertise the fact (hey look at my racist T-shirt)!

I'd be interested to know if the OP has ever made the same enquiry to Tesco's, ASDA etc (you get the point!) and asked the same question.

You cant be this thick......... pmsl

NB: Sarcasm= –noun

1. harsh or bitter derision or irony.
2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
What a complete an utter joke this thread is! I've never even given this a moments thought, i sit next to african and jamaican guys every week, to even bring this topic up shows that you yourself are racist, whether you are black or white!

To truly live in racial equality colour of skin shouldn't even come into your head when looking, speaking or talking to people, you obviously have a chip on your shoulder about it!

Maybe you should give some thought to the fact that Pakistani and Indian people in particular (of which there is a fairly large number in north west England) have cricket as their main sport rather than football and if they do follow a football team then that is mainly what it is, FOLLOWING rather than SUPPORTING.
Bojinov The Bull said:
What a complete an utter joke this thread is! I've never even given this a moments thought, i sit next to african and jamaican guys every week, to even bring this topic up shows that you yourself are racist, whether you are black or white!

To truly live in racial equality colour of skin shouldn't even come into your head when looking, speaking or talking to people, you obviously have a chip on your shoulder about it!

Maybe you should give some thought to the fact that Pakistani and Indian people in particular (of which there is a fairly large number in north west England) have cricket as their main sport rather than football and if they do follow a football team then that is mainly what it is, FOLLOWING rather than SUPPORTING.

It wasn't too long ago that a black teenager got killed by an axe to the head from white guys coming from a pub in England. LINK:

Safety is always an issue for people of foreign decent when living in a country dominated by one race.
No chip on my shoulder. I live in a country with a 99% white demographic, so how can I have a chip on my shoulder?
skybluekings said:
Bojinov The Bull said:
What a complete an utter joke this thread is! I've never even given this a moments thought, i sit next to african and jamaican guys every week, to even bring this topic up shows that you yourself are racist, whether you are black or white!

To truly live in racial equality colour of skin shouldn't even come into your head when looking, speaking or talking to people, you obviously have a chip on your shoulder about it!

Maybe you should give some thought to the fact that Pakistani and Indian people in particular (of which there is a fairly large number in north west England) have cricket as their main sport rather than football and if they do follow a football team then that is mainly what it is, FOLLOWING rather than SUPPORTING.

It wasn't too long ago that a black teenager got killed by an axe to the head from white guys coming from a pub in England. Safety is always an issue for people of foreign decent when living in a country dominated by one race.
No chip on my shoulder. I live in a country with a 99% white demographic, so how can I have a chip on my shoulder?

I wasn't saying that this country was truly racially equal, no country is! What I was saying is that you yourself are racist to even bring this up! You clearly look out for and judge people by the colour of their skin which is digsusting!
Bojinov The Bull said:
What a complete an utter joke this thread is! I've never even given this a moments thought, i sit next to african and jamaican guys every week, to even bring this topic up shows that you yourself are racist, whether you are black or white!

To truly live in racial equality colour of skin shouldn't even come into your head when looking, speaking or talking to people, you obviously have a chip on your shoulder about it!

Maybe you should give some thought to the fact that Pakistani and Indian people in particular (of which there is a fairly large number in north west England) have cricket as their main sport rather than football and if they do follow a football team then that is mainly what it is, FOLLOWING rather than SUPPORTING.

Yes it'd be better if we all looked the same. Are we allowed to assess eye and hair colour, height, tit size....or should you just shag a bird without weighing these things up to be truly none sexist or racist?
skybluekings said:
IFeedGoats said:
Maybe the OP is black and wondering how he would be welcomed at COMs(maybe visiting Manchester and would like to go to a footy match) after not seeing many black fans on TV, he might of heard some of the horror stories from Spain, Italy, Russia etc!

100% correct :)

Bojinov the bull maybe you missed this post? If you were/are a black man would you like to go to a football match in one of the above countries while a high percentage of the crowd were making monkey chants or shouting racial abuse?

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