City= many black players, but at COMS not many black fans

johnmc said:
coleridge said:
No, I don't. Experience teaches me otherwise.

Which is fair enough is some cases. But couldnt this just be a fan wondering how he might be accepted if he came to a game.

You questioned why he didnt mention his race when he posted the original post - i would think it strange that someone would expect him to do that.

Given the content of the OP, my friend, surely his colour was central to his question. Anyway, as he appears to be a former athlete, he won't have any problem.... Oh dear, I am no longer sure what is approporiate and so I'll just get back to work. Bye.
Brucie Bonus said:
Cambridgeblue said:
BB technically Russians are Asian too as they come from the asian continent... the term is a loose one. In Britain it is used to describe people whose ethnicity originates from places like Pakistan and India (what is often termed the indian subcontinent) as well as those of chinese, thai, philipino etc origin (what is often termed the far east or south east asia). British people with Pakistani or Indian heritage often use the term Asian to describe themselves so I don't think the user you are criticising is wrong to use it.

It is true that in the US the term "Asian" tends to refer to people of chinese, korean, japanese origin ect, but then they tend to use the term middle eastern, indian or arab to describe people from Pakistan, India, Bengal, Sri Lanka etc etc which is arguably more ignorant - especially the term Indian which Pakistanis in particular are likely to find extremely offensive.
Rusians are not "Asians". Great Russia is firmly in Europe, i.e. west of the Urals. Those Russians who live in "Asia" have moved there, but Mother Russia is most certainly of the continent of Europe, and it has never been otherwise. I note you cannot help but have a typical Bluemoon dig at Americans who are "arguably" more ignorant, but as this forum proves day in, day out, ignorance is universal.

You were the one getting shirty with another poster for referring, quite correctly in British English, to people from a certain ethnic group as "Asian".

I realise I inadvertently ommited the word "some" from my reply when talking about the fact that Russian citizens could be considered asian - which was meant to point out the absurdity of trying to define the term as narrowly as you were (in using the US definition). That you seize upon the fact I don't make it clear that the political boundries of Russia straddle Europe and Asia shows that you have completely missed the point.

My point was that you are no better than the person you were criticising in using a term which is inherently inexact, covering as it does a vast geographical area, and which differs markedly in usage between Britain and America. The british usage was clear from the context and you were just being facetious - grow up.
LCBblue said:
Your a bit of an idiot to put it quite politely.

If you are referring to me then you must try harder. I am unconcerned by unsubstantatied abuse but would politely request that you at least give me something to go on [such as 'You're a bit of an idiot because...'].
coleridge said:
LCBblue said:
Your a bit of an idiot to put it quite politely.

If you are referring to me then you must try harder. I am unconcerned by unsubstantatied abuse but would politely request that you at least give me something to go on [such as 'You're a bit of an idiot because...'].

new thread

you're a bit of an idiot because.........................
coleridge said:
LCBblue said:
Your a bit of an idiot to put it quite politely.

If you are referring to me then you must try harder. I am unconcerned by unsubstantatied abuse but would politely request that you at least give me something to go on [such as 'You're a bit of an idiot because...'].

Think it was aimed at the OP.
johnmc said:
coleridge said:
If you are referring to me then you must try harder. I am unconcerned by unsubstantatied abuse but would politely request that you at least give me something to go on [such as 'You're a bit of an idiot because...'].

Think it was aimed at the OP.

I am genuinely lost now. Great idea for a thread though, Zin. I'll start, 'I am a fucking idiot because I cannot always understand every nuance of ZZ's amazing intellectual wit or otherwise have the time to analyse his every word. He truly is the Peter Kay of BB and I repent'. Thread over.
Kool Cats and Guvnors had black and mixed race lads. Couple of boozers near ground run by Micky. I don't think its an issue at City

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