It's perfectly possible to be a racist and to be a nice decent and loyal person. It's a set of ideas backed up by experience. Take Bert Trautmann. He was in the Brown-Shirts as a kid. Probably had all kinds of views about minorities. Life taught him otherwise. British people, who had fought in the war, and regarded him as an enemy, realised that. People are products of the environment they live in, and they take up the ideas that are prevalent and those ideas change over time. So don't write people off just because they think X,Y or Z.
City fans come from all over, and with different parents, backgrounds and experiences. We are all different. We should respect each other, and learn from other people. Maybe there is an absolute right and wrong, and there are certain views that are absolute but who is going to say what they are? The Church, the State?
I know who you are talking about in this topic, but I can't hear a word they say because of the PA. It's just background noise to me.
My favourite half time entertainment goes back to Maine Rd when we used to have cross-bar challenges or shooting the ball through a ring suspended from the cross-bar.
As regards presenters. I like Nat and Danny because I know them, and I know they are nice people. They don't have to make me laugh, they just have to present people on the pitch and interview etc, and they are perfectly capable of doing that.