City Matters thread

I find the whole episode far too amusing.

The fact she is studying for a masters degree in journalism would give the impression she's of reasonable intelligence. Yet, there are clearly more brains in a meat pie here.

Happily getting snapped parading around in a Chelsea shirt when you're supposed to be this big City fan in a public position. Good luck finding employment in your chosen profession at the conclusion of your course with that honesty and integrity now all over the web.

Probably the only reason they took on the role in the first place was to stick it on their CV with no genuine feeling towards City at all. They truly are that dumb they thought they'd get away with it.
Come on fella, 2/3 of the BBC at Media Media City will have one of those.

The rest of your post I agree with entirely.
I think Canal Street Blues (CSB) have done loads to widen our inclusivity and I fully support them.

However I think as a City supporters group that inclusivity should stop at allowing fans of other clubs to join or to represent us.
I thinks it’s City Matters that’s allowed that rather than CBS. I only know what I read on Twitter btw.
I'm the City Matter Families rep. I haven't got anything new to say or share about this other than what went on twitter last night. We've got a update about the North Stand expansion scheduled for this evening so I suspect that we'll be discussing it then. At face value it obviously isn't a great look for City Matters.

Re. City Matters as a whole. I completely understand the criticism of it. The minutes issue is something we raise every single meeting. Someone from the club takes minutes every meeting then for whatever reason it seems to take an age to get them published (if they ever do). The communication from the club to the supporters has left a lot to be desired and ultimately few people have any confidence that City Matter is effective. Regardless as to the outcome of this I'll be asking for better governance of the group and greater communication between the club and the fans.

I look forward to your jokes about me being a Chelsea fan.
Thanks for you response Danny, do you Drinkwater?

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