I dont know for sure but imagine the first 3 rows in the lower tier are the same price as the rest of the lower tier except for the odd value gold or whatever it's called which can be anywhere. I expect every S/T holder affected can still be accommodated in the lower tier. After all these are the areas of the ground we get blasted for when the seats aren't sold.if I was forced into around a 50% increase to stay in the lower tier or have to move to the 3rd tier as a result of the seats being taken away I would stop going. It wouldn't be down to economics either, just one on principle.
That is what will happen to some of the fans in the first 3 rows. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?
I personally dont have a problem with it because quite how somebody would pay what is required to be paid to watch PL football to sit there is beyond me, the view low down is terrible. Not just at our ground btw but all grounds that had to have seating at pitch level, ridiculous but that's another argument for the fuckwits that run the Country (ie. the fuckin Dippers :-))
Everything the Club do is to balance the books, rather that than robbing owners taking money out. Hopefully it will bring forward plans to develop and increase Family stand.