City Square open for testing

Did anyone else who went to the test event yesterday see the dick head rag that turned up?

Why the fook would you come to an event like this if you were a red? I'd rather eat frog shit than go to an event like that at the swamp.
[quote="pbibsIt was then hijacked by people venting their spleens about having to pay 50, 60, 70 or 80p a pint more than they do at the pubs that they have been enjoying going to for the last 3 or 4 years.[/quote]

Venting their spleens? All I can see is a few people who are suprised at the price because they thought the whole point would be to get people to the ground early and a good way of doing that would be to make the prices attractive. They're hardly frothing at the mouth with anger.

I'm sure the people running it know what they are doing. But I suspect they could have attracted far more customers by keeping the price of a pint under £3.
pbibs said:
Jonnos left peg said:
those pissed up 'no marks' as u call them are more likely these days to stop people getting a kickin than actually doing the kickin, I've been stuck with a bunch of them at various places when its gone 'tits up' and i'd rather have them around me than a table full of suits eating prawn sandwiches.

LMFAO. No wonder the decent people with the kids leave early.

I'm a decent person, I take my kids, I don't leave early or have a problem with what others drink. Over the last couple of seasons this 'Temperance Movement' has been creeping into the ground and it pisses me off. I've been taking my kids for a couple of years and have had a season ticket since being a kid myself. Whether it is liked or not, having a few pints before, and maybe after the game, is part of the culture of going to a match. Maybe some people should try taking their kids elsewhere than a football match if they have such an issue with people enjoying a pint or two. This dichotomy between people who drink (no marks) and people who take their kids (decent) people exists only in some peoples minds I believe.
ps post count is not a valid predictor of the validity of one's point or their inherent right to make it.
tonea2003 said:
wonder if they are rushing in some patio heaters, its not looking too good out there at the mo'.

Way back on something like page 5 of this thread, before it got hijacked, I reported that there appear to be some type of patio heater things on the stanchions. If they are patio heaters then I guess they may use them tonight.

If people don't want to use the City Square just don't use it. Simple as, there is no need to be knocking the club for trying to do something for the fans. Let's get behind them and see if we can make this work for goodness sake!!
I'm far from a tee-totaller, myself. I have absolutely no problem with anybody having a few bevvies before, during or after a game of football.
That said...
Some people don't carry their licquer as well as others. That's a fact of life.
Football games can attract a ( now mercifully, dwindling) thuggish element. That's another fact of life.
Now, imagine the uproar if City were selling beer at supermarket prices, outside the ground and there followed a riot inside the ground or even at Picadilly, after the game.
In fact, forget about there ever being trouble and imagine what sort of message the club would be accused of sending out if they were to be seen to tie binge drinking with sport (because that's what they'd be accused of, whether anybody ever got drunk or not).
Like I say, I've no bother at all with anyone drinking. Generally speaking an assh*le will be an assh*le whether he's drunk or not and those with common decency usually (!) behave when drunk. It's about the way you were reared to behave and nothing more.
Now, I'm off down the pub to cheer on the blue and next month, I'll be over for the Blackburn game to sup beer before the match at the City Square. F*ck the price! We haven't starved a winter yet and who knows, maybe the building society can take a joke when I tell them I spent their mortgage money on a portion of gravy!
Just to report that City Square was a great success.

I got there about 6pm and it was fairly full then, with everyone watching past games (mainly Derbies) on the big screens.. had a samosa (ridiculous at £3 so won't bother with one of them again) and a couple of pints and a sing-song.

The service was excellent, took no time at all to get served... There was a queue to get in from about 7 as it was full, and despite the shocking weather I was able to keep dry no problem... They kept interrupting the highlights to show stuff like the team arriving and got an interview with Joe Hart as they got off the bus. Also showed the team being announced and there was even a band playing with a short-skirted girl... What more do you want?

Went in again after the game for another beer and to watch the goals...

mad4city said:
I'm far from a tee-totaller, myself. I have absolutely no problem with anybody having a few bevvies before, during or after a game of football.
That said...
Some people don't carry their licquer as well as others. That's a fact of life.
Football games can attract a ( now mercifully, dwindling) thuggish element. That's another fact of life.
Now, imagine the uproar if City were selling beer at supermarket prices, outside the ground and there followed a riot inside the ground or even at Picadilly, after the game.
In fact, forget about there ever being trouble and imagine what sort of message the club would be accused of sending out if they were to be seen to tie binge drinking with sport (because that's what they'd be accused of, whether anybody ever got drunk or not).
Like I say, I've no bother at all with anyone drinking. Generally speaking an assh*le will be an assh*le whether he's drunk or not and those with common decency usually (!) behave when drunk. It's about the way you were reared to behave and nothing more.
Now, I'm off down the pub to cheer on the blue and next month, I'll be over for the Blackburn game to sup beer before the match at the City Square. F*ck the price! We haven't starved a winter yet and who knows, maybe the building society can take a joke when I tell them I spent their mortgage money on a portion of gravy!

WTF are you on about
I liked City Square. Good atmosphere, service was lightning fast and could speak English. Still can't add up to save their lives though. Also, why were they charging (not that I'm complaining) £3.60 for Heineken when it was £3.90 on the screen?

The pen was a bit small, yes but that just adds to the atmosphere really.

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