City to start charging blue badge holders for matchday disabled parking

What I don't understand is if you have a blue badge and you don't want to pay surely you can park on the main road anyway? You can park on Ashton new road right near the bridge, only about 5 minute walk. Can't imagine it's much further than the official car park.
Sounds a bit patronising to disabled people to me.Lets let the poor disabled people have it for free they aren’t like us everyday people that can pay for things.
All most disabled people want is to be seen as equal to the rest of us, and for that to be facilitated, not subsidised.
Year on year we moan that the club have put the price of season tickets up especially as how rich the club is. I find it strange that 'we' now don't mind the club earning even more money by bringing in a new charge.
The fans should stick together, lower prices free parking for the disabled, free tickets for the under 13's. Fuck me, the club can afford it. Stick together and keep prices down.
Sounds a bit patronising to disabled people to me.Lets let the poor disabled people have it for free they aren’t like us everyday people that can pay for things.
All most disabled people want is to be seen as equal to the rest of us, and for that to be facilitated, not subsidised.

They're not equal though are they? They have trouble getting to and from the stadium so the nearest we can get them to the stadium the better and it should be free. Nobody is patronising them.
Any discount or concessionary scheme will benefit some people more than others. Just because some people can afford it doesn’t mean we should take it away from people who really need it.

My mum relies on her free bus pass to get around. My next door neighbour is also in his 70s and spends half the year on cruises. I wouldn’t want to scrap it just because some pensioners are loaded.
It should be free because they're over a barrel which has been explained a fair few times in this thread. Able bodied people have the option of walking, catching a bus, a train or a tram. Lots of disabled people don't have that option. We don't want to go down the road of "My dad is comfortably off so why shouldn't others pay?" I'll tell you why, because others might not be.

I mean come on, how many disabled fans do we have who park there? £12 a game might seem peanuts to the club but for some people it could be a lot of money. We are a wealthy club and adding extra costs onto people who have already been dealt a shitty hand in life is wrong. Personally I don't give a fuck how people try and defend this it is wrong

It should be free because they're over a barrel which has been explained a fair few times in this thread. Able bodied people have the option of walking, catching a bus, a train or a tram. Lots of disabled people don't have that option. We don't want to go down the road of "My dad is comfortably off so why shouldn't others pay?" I'll tell you why, because others might not be.

I mean come on, how many disabled fans do we have who park there? £12 a game might seem peanuts to the club but for some people it could be a lot of money. We are a wealthy club and adding extra costs onto people who have already been dealt a shitty hand in life is wrong. Personally I don't give a fuck how people try and defend this it is wrong.
Disabled people can get the tram and the bus that's nonsense, I'm happy for them to have special parking spaces, but don't see why they should be free. If they can afford a season ticket they can afford to pay parking. Do I think £12 is steep yes, but it should be lower for everybody.
I can assure you that those stats do not apply to everybody with a blue badge - and there are dedicated ST holders who also have financial issues.

But we all have opinions - based on what we know & who we know
I'd say they don't apply to most with a blue badge.
Disabled people can get the tram and the bus that's nonsense, I'm happy for them to have special parking spaces, but don't see why they should be free. If they can afford a season ticket they can afford to pay parking. Do I think £12 is steep yes, but it should be lower for everybody.

No not everybody can. Fucking hell we have able bodied people who moan about being shoved, jostled and crammed like sardines on trams and buses, how do you think somebody disabled will cope?
The facts are the club provided free parking spaces for a lot of these people.and now they want to charge them £228 a year. You might be fine with that, I'm glad I'm not.

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