City to start charging blue badge holders for matchday disabled parking

Shameful from the club.

Yes many years after the late Francis Lee made his famous " If City won cups for cock-ups, City's trophy cabinet would be overflowing' quote the club are still shooting themselves in the foot.
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They shouldn’t keep putting season tickets up every season either. All about opinions i don’t think they should be trying to fleece the disabled and working class fanbase you do. It should be about the community and Manchester as that is what the football club’s history is and why it was set up in the first place. It should be more than just a business it’s been part of peoples family for generations and about community it’s not Tesco. From a purely business point of view though it’s a cracking idea. Price them out for as long as someone richer is willing to take their place.

I don’t think the club should be trying to fleece people and at no point have I said that.
If, and that’s a big if, the PL win the 115 case against City, and City are demoted, let’s see what if anything happens with prices across the board in the following season. Because I don’t think even City would have the audacity to increase prices across the board the following season. It’s going to take some imaginative pricing to fill just under 62,000 seats, to sell hospitality packages , and to fill 1000’s of car park spaces for Championship matches.

Biggest if ever, like you say.

Imho city would have no problem whatsoever selling every seat under those circumstances.

If anything, the fan base would be more likely to get behind the club as a fuck you to the PL.
A bad look by the club, unless people have been abusing the system, but even so appoint someone to sort the good from the bad.
I think they should still have those bluey/grey invalid cars parked behind the goal though - for free.
I’m sure that issue wouldn’t be that difficult to sort out without charging every disabled fan £228.
Should be Less yes, but that should be the same for everyone. There is no reason disabled spaces shouldnt be chargeable none at all.
So some abuse the system so punish everyone just in case, nice logic
50%. They should pay anyway, very lucky to have it free for so long. Parking is extortionate everywhere, we should all get it cheaper, but no reason for disability spaces to be free.b

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