City v Chelsea Post Match Thread

WTF was DM doin in midfield? Why wasn't Jack Rodwell playing? At least he has some pace and skill. DM was woeful. Hopefully this will see him benched or sold, he's a liability. I would rather have seen Lescott in midfield than DM.
rnblade said:
WTF was DM doin in midfield? Why wasn't Jack Rodwell playing? At least he has some pace and skill. DM was woeful. Hopefully this will see him benched or sold, he's a liability. I would rather have seen Lescott in midfield than DM.
Rodwell isn't a tackler. MDM played as a defensive midfielder and made some crucial tackles last night. Despite suggesting he's a liability, he did the best he could and Chavski only scored a solitary goal. There wasn't anybody available who could suitably replace Fernandinho, and I fear the scoreline may have been worse with Rodwell in that position.
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Beaten by a better team on the night.

No complaints from me.

Move on and dont dwindle on it.

Chelsea played well-Fair do's. Not an excuse but take Aguero,Fernandinho,Nasri out oif any team and it becomes a lot harder.

Navas,Zabba and Hart did well. The rest-not up to it last night

Very disjointed

About sums it up - but would have included Jovetic in the positives column.
This defeat could be a good wake up call for us. We're not the finished article yet (despite what everyone has been writing about us in the media) and im 100% positive we will become a better team for it.

sometimes you just have to say you were beaten by a better team on the night, and whilst its disapointing to lose, in the grand scheme of things we have SO MUCH too look forward to over the coming years its frightening really.
I wonder if the amount of goals we've been scoring has perversely affected our concentration in front of goal. At Tottenham last week and in other games we all know we've squandered loads of easy chances and been a little blaise in our finishing, knowing full well we will create plenty of more opportunities and we have/did. However when the game is tight as like last night our lack of concentration costs us. Just a thought?
Thought I'd stay away from here after last night to let it blow over. I think last night we got shown for that weakness in midfield without Fernandinho, it was all down to shear numbers though in the end as opposed to ability. When you have two strikers on you sacrifice a midfielder and we certainly paid for it last night. I can understand Pellegrini if all his players were unfit, playing Demi in midfield certainly showed that half the players on the bench were carrying injuries or he just didn't think they could do the job well enough. We never controlled the game and it was because we relentlessly tried to play how we have all season which is fine but Chelsea had a gameplan to stop that. There was no plan B and that should of been to shore up the midfield and try and get some control over the game. Whether that never happened because of injuries to players like Milner, Rodwell who were on the bench I don't know but it also happened against Bayern who battered us in the same fashion. That period where the defence was in disarray in the final 10 minutes of the first half was unbelievable and I have never seen us look so disjointed and confused at the back, it was mainly down I think to the fact we were lacking so much in terms of control in midfield.

What last night showed was that Chelsea have the poorer set of players but used them in a fashion that made them the stronger team, we had a perceived weakness in midfield and Jose just took complete advantage of it by pushing players like Matic and Luis into that slot where Silva was, it was just a numbers game and there was no way Yaya and Silva could take control of the game outnumbered and with Navas out wide we had no chance in the middle and that's where all their attacks were stemmed. The only chance we had tactically was the overlapping effect down the right with Navas and Zabaleta but still both just couldn't get into the game because their three defensive midfielders could cover and double up either side. Kolarov got in a few great crosses of great quality but it usually cost us when they broke away as the attack broke down.

To me Pellegrini had a choice to change that match but because of the injuries on the bench he just decided it was better to leave it and maybe we could convert a chance as players got tired. It didn't happen, I think had we seen Milner in there for one of the strikers or even Clichy on and push Kolarov into midfield it might of changed the way Chelsea could just control the game and break all their players away when Yaya and Silva were forward. Most worryingly, I think last night showed another example of tactical naivety from Pellegrini who should of recognised that Mourinho likes to shore up his midfield for these games and especially against teams that are technically better than his. He is an expert at building his teams shape to get results against stronger teams who will attack them. We played right into his hands last night and I feel a little restraint and thought may of given us a better chance, it certainly in hindsight could also of prevented their goal which was a ridiculous goal to concede from a full back.

Anyway the season isn't over until it is and both us and Chelsea now still lie 2 points behind Arsenal so really it is far too early to say who will win it as we both have to play Arsenal. Luckily there are not many managers who will come here with a side that has perfect counter attacking type players and a plan on how to use them. Hazard absolutely destroyed us last night and his roaming in the middle against the far slower Demi meant he could do what he wanted. We simply needed that extra man or someone mobile who could hang back. (like Fernandinho....) Yaya constantly tried to swing the game into attack and what resulted after an attack broke down was that he had to run to the other end of the pitch to defend and it just doesn't work that way.

Negredo looked like he didn't want to be playing and I think he still hasn't recovered from that shoulder injury which looked heavily strapped up, I can't recall him getting a touch so for Pellegrini to risk him means he may of had no choice but to play 2 strikers in my mind. One positive, Jovetic looked fantastic when he came on and Chelsea struggled a little to deal with him moving deep and starting attacks just like Aguero does. Some of his touches were sublime and that shot towards the end I thought had got us a point. He is starting to show that he is a great player and I think he'll have a big part to play in getting goals. A lot of people slagged Dzeko off last night and he didn't have much luck with his chances but he did what he could whilst surrounded by a unit of Chelsea players, it wasn't easy for him to play amongst that group. Even Aguero would of struggled for space last night but I think he might of scored some of the chances we missed.

Demi had an okay game and for the first time I didn't see him flying into any tackles but positionally he was nowhere near the player Fernandinho is, their goal was a little napping in midfield on the rebound and we just went to sleep to Ivanovic creeping into the area. It was a crap goal to concede I think but it was early in the game and we should of bounced back but Chelsea could of won that by 5 very easily. I'm gutted we lost but when I heard the team news and looked at Chelsea with Luis, Matic and 5 in midfield... It was just like when Bayern came here and put Lahm in there, I bet Mourinho no doubt had seen that game as a good example of a way to setup against us.

One more thing to add, we should of setup last night to defend a lot more too like I said with that extra man. The pressure was on Chelsea last night despite anything Mourinho has said in the build up and us going out to annihilate them is what cost us the game, had we setup to control the game and either keep it at 0-0 or get a goal on the break ourselves it would mean Chelsea would have to change their shape to attack. We had the better players so why did we play into their hands by making them the better team tactically.
Re: City v Chelsea Post Match Thready

Why couldn't we have played Kompany in the midfield role as that's why we bought him, and then play Lescott as a centre half as that's why we bought him.
Very disappointed with last night, but knew as soon as we saw the line-up what was coming.
We have a very important spell coming up and in the space of 4 weeks we could be out of the FA Cup, behind in the Prem, lose to Sunderland who are improving and be thrashed by Barca if we don't sort it out. Pellegrini has been marvellous but sometimes makes some glaring mistakes with the lineups.
Come on the Blues, oh to be having these discussions 10 years ago ;-)

steviemc said:
rnblade said:
WTF was DM doin in midfield? Why wasn't Jack Rodwell playing? At least he has some pace and skill. DM was woeful. Hopefully this will see him benched or sold, he's a liability. I would rather have seen Lescott in midfield than DM.
Rodwell isn't a tackler. MDM played as a defensive midfielder and made some crucial tackles last night. Despite suggesting he's a liability, he did the best he could and Chavski only scored a solitary goal. There wasn't anybody available who could suitably replace Fernandinho, and I fear the scoreline may have been worse with Rodwell in that position.
MDM did make some good tackles last night but he left the defence exposed countless times. He's an experienced defender but lacks the pace needed in the PL.

Dzeko missed two great chances to level the game and that's where the problem was last night for me, poor finishing and set pieces were useless.

Nevertheless every cloud has a silver lining, the pressure is on Arsenal now, Jovetic looks a really promising player and hopefully the players will realise that just because they hadn't lost at home this season doesn't mean that they are invincible.
rnblade said:
WTF was DM doin in midfield? Why wasn't Jack Rodwell playing? At least he has some pace and skill. DM was woeful. Hopefully this will see him benched or sold, he's a liability. I would rather have seen Lescott in midfield than DM.

Do you mean Jack Crockwell In Midfield with Yaya? You expect someone who cant f&@king play against Watford to be thrown into the game against Chelsea? At least pace and skill? That's not what we needed in yesterday's game. What we need is a quality midfielder that can hold his position and sweep up when our attacking players went forward.

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