City v Palace Post Match Thread

Guy behind me actually booed Garcia as the teams were read out. Can't stand that shit. I don't rate him, he was ok today but to boo him before the game that's just cuntishness.

People also want the game won by half time. This was a real test of breaking down a team, a typical pulis time wasting team who very nearly did that. And fair play. They are not required to come and attack and make it an open game.

Edin gets a lot of stick and some is deserved but some over the top. Won us the game. He just looks a player resigned to be playing elsewhere fairly soon.

Ferdy again played well. Hart made a couple if good saves and brave when it was required. Well done Joe.
What an anti-climax after the last two home games.
I hate these parking the bus tactics by the opposing sides.
What we needed was an overlapping right fullback to pull the defence apart - but unfortunately Zaba and Richards were not available, and Boyata hasn't the experience to perform that role.

When I realised that Palace are managed by Pullis I knew it would be a dull and boring game - but Edin delivered and for a day (at least) we are TOP.

We really needed an early goal but that didn't happen.

And Joe fully deserved the MOTM award - made some excellent saves even with one eye partly closed.
Bluekiwi said:
What an anti-climax after the last two home games.
I hate these parking the bus tactics by the opposing sides.

I think we'd better get used to it. In the first half of this season, most of our home games have been against sides that actually do try and play some football which I think suits us, whereas the second half of the season, we have more home games against lower teams that are more likely to play very defensively.
Would be nice to smash everyone at home but it was never going to happen and thought Palace put in a half decent performance that shocked a few people but some good performance's (Milner/Fernandinho/Nasri/ Hart) just need to keep the blue ball rolling till we get our full 1st team back.
3 Points is all that matters. I take back what i said about Navas as watching the game again, he did have a good game. His defensive work was especially good to see.
PhuketBlue said:
Bluekiwi said:
What an anti-climax after the last two home games.
I hate these parking the bus tactics by the opposing sides.

I think we'd better get used to it. In the first half of this season, most of our home games have been against sides that actually do try and play some football which I think suits us, whereas the second half of the season, we have more home games against lower teams that are more likely to play very defensively.

Unlikely to play as weakened a team as that though. Got away with giving some players an off-day today, and still won. Not many teams can do that. If you'd have offered me 1-0 before the game, I'd have taken it.

P.S. Liverpool certainly couldn't leave out 6 players.
PhuketBlue said:
Bluekiwi said:
What an anti-climax after the last two home games.
I hate these parking the bus tactics by the opposing sides.

I think we'd better get used to it. In the first half of this season, most of our home games have been against sides that actually do try and play some football which I think suits us, whereas the second half of the season, we have more home games against lower teams that are more likely to play very defensively.

My thoughts exactly - its a bit annoying though getting up in the early hours of the morning to watch mediocre games - much preferred the exciting ones in the first half of the season.
Bluekiwi said:
PhuketBlue said:
Bluekiwi said:
What an anti-climax after the last two home games.
I hate these parking the bus tactics by the opposing sides.

I think we'd better get used to it. In the first half of this season, most of our home games have been against sides that actually do try and play some football which I think suits us, whereas the second half of the season, we have more home games against lower teams that are more likely to play very defensively.

My thoughts exactly - its a bit annoying though getting up in the early hours of the morning to watch mediocre games - much preferred the exciting ones in the first half of the season.

An arse at that time, as I well remember. However, that was merely to catch the the last 25 minutes on 1ZB, via World Service. At least you can watch it now! Remember wetting myself when we beat the cnuts 5-1 in '89; never listened to anything so good in my life! Anywhere near West Auckland by any chance?
Wasn't gonna go to this as I knew it would be a shit game.
Not surprised by Pulis' tactics regarding players and defensive lines i.e. 10 behind the ball - sometimes all 11 and occasionally try and hit us on the break it's not like we're not accustomed to Pulis when he managed Stoke so gathered they'd be a handful today.

What I do find unacceptable is fucking blatant time-wasting after 5 minutes of the first half by Speroni which continued throughout the half. The twat should have been carded half way through the first half. At least 2 others imho at various points taking throw ins and free kicks.

Laughably celebrating getting a corner, ironically chanting "it's just like watching Brazil" - best get used to plenty of that lads - with no fucking points! Although to their credit it was like a "quiet room" or a "Library" today - I can only put that down to the anti-climax after we were magnificent against Liverpool.
Can't believe some posters have actually suggested:
They deserved a point
We got out of jail
What utter shit.
Setting his team up to waste time at every opportunity, get plenty of snidey kicks in (including Jerome leaving one on Joe - (I have no doubt that was deliberate) deserved nothing more than what it got - fuck all!
Got the snidey dig in about money again - 350 million this time. What a grade A ****! Of course he'll forget to mention any of that when his side play like twats against Yoonited and Chelsea and get mullered.
Train said:
3 Points is all that matters. I take back what i said about Navas as watching the game again, he did have a good game. His defensive work was especially good to see.

Important but not all that matters. i would argue it's a bit worrying that our backups aren't capable of creating scoring chances. We are too heavily relevant on Yaya, Nasri, Silva and Dinho. If we don't have 3 of the 4 in the line-up and at least 2 of them in good form we struggle. We really missed Zab today, and Kolorov as well. Without their overlapping we lack width and when a team packs 10 in the box it's too hard going threw the middle. If Kolorov doesn't play we have no attacking from the LB. If Zab doesn't play same on the right cause Micah is always hurt. In the midfield we have Garcia, who provides nothing going forward and Rodwell who's usually on the physio table. On the rare occasion he plays he doesn't really provide any creativity. To me he's more of a DM. The only non striker we can bring on is Milner. He can come on, work hard, score some goals but he's not really a game changer. We aren't as deep and talented as we need to be.

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