City v Sunderland Post Match Discussion Thread

Comrade Buka said:
Silvex said:

Mourinho in?

Anyone who has some tactical knowledge and can light a fire under the players arses.

Mancini's reaction to our second goal said it all, for me. Like a fucking petulant child.

I noticed that - he should have been screaming at the fookers. Hazard a guess he was thinking " I cocked up again"
For me YaYa is playing far too deep he should be playing up in the pocket behind our front player, in fact when I saw the team selection I thought he was going to leaving De Jong and Milner to protect the back four. Mario does not put a shift in he's deadly from the penalty spot but it's not enough, I know he scored another but over the season he'd be my 4th choice striker. If and it's abig if Blackburn can get something on Monday night then we may have a chance, but of they go 5 points clear, they will end up winning the league by 7 points at least.
very poor 85mins from them today. Im so so gutted, i actually feel sick.

if 1 or 2 teams can do us a favour between now and mid may...then who knows?

if not, congratulations to our rivals - manchester united, they'll have deserved it this season sadly
Damanino said:
Can Mancini bring the best out of this City squad?

I am closing on the opinion that he can't.

Early CL exit, no FA-cup, no League-cup, no EL and possibly no PL title.

Found disrespectful when Redknapp earlier said anyone could win the title with Citys squad but I am thinking on how many other PL managers could reach second place in this league this year with City's squad and reach zero cup success. When are rivals Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea have a very bad season, Chelsea is old, players dictate to managers, Pool/Kenny/Carroll/Suarez/Downing horrible season for them apart from Carling Cup and Arsenal only still in the top4 because of a huge season from RVP. Their weak season helped us to look better than we really are.

Mancini had the chance to show a big improvement this year and beat only 1 close rival, the city rival who had also a lot of problems. Had to bring back Scholes, had a goalkeepr who let in a lot of stupid goals in first half of the year, Vidic/Fletcher out for season lot more injury than at us, going out against Basel in CL, they are weak this season. Their experience is huge they know how to win it but do't know when will all the things fall such a lucky way against for us as our rivals are shit.

And then when we could win it we play withoutwinning mentality, desire.

Stoke, Swansea, Sunderland, we should have won these 3 matches and we got 2 points out of it. All of matches we didnt push for about 45 minutes really hard to win only when we conceded a goal.
(Today we did it even later, 3-1 down and we had 15 minutes of nothing than two fast goals just too late.)

This is not a league winning mentality.

Exactly, new manager please. Mancini fuck off to Italy and take your "son" Balo with you.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
citymad said:
Feel sorry for Mancini. We know from the training threads he spends time on breaking forward with speed. Its clear that the players arnt listening to him. In fact its his tactical changes when things are going wrong that is getting us through this awful patch.

It looks like the players dont want to play for him
behave yourself were out of form no more no less
bad showing by the defense today. kolo just need to go. and david silva, wow... maybe he's injured and hiding it cuz he doesn't look like the player he was at the beginning of the season.

it just seems like all the creativity has gone out of this team. like the espn commentators said, maybe rest silva for a whole week and see how he does bc he's not playing well at all
BoyBlue_1985 said:
citymad said:
Feel sorry for Mancini. We know from the training threads he spends time on breaking forward with speed. Its clear that the players arnt listening to him. In fact its his tactical changes when things are going wrong that is getting us through this awful patch.

It looks like the players dont want to play for him

BoyBlue_1985 said:
citymad said:
Feel sorry for Mancini. We know from the training threads he spends time on breaking forward with speed. Its clear that the players arnt listening to him. In fact its his tactical changes when things are going wrong that is getting us through this awful patch.

It looks like the players dont want to play for him

If that was the case they wouldn`t keep on coming from behind when we have been losing recently.
gangerolv said:
Kolarov, Pizarro and Johnson only the players that turned up today. Even Tevez did more than Dzeko and Balotelli the whole game.

The toure brothers was awful today.

tevez was awful.balo scored 2 goals,what else do u want from a striker?johnson would never be a great player,too many useless movements and time wasting on the ball
dobingsdobber said:
Dax777 said:
andrewmswift said:
so what this proves is we need a regista just as much a winger. night and fuckin day when pizzarro came on
Like I have said a thousand times on a thousand thread. Pizzaro is the key. Just a better smarter player.
Quite right my friend,should start every game from now on.Bit of guile,eye for the killer pass,good brain so doesn't have to charge around the pitch.Chuck him in and see what happens,and bear in mind he is the one player the opposition don't know much about.
Yep, he should be playing every game.

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