City Vs AjaxPost Game Discussion Thread

Ovo said:
Sick Swan said:
Why is Mancini on the pitch shouting "goal, it was a goal" at the referee?

expect fine for Mancini.

It wasnt a penalty Mario did a millisecond too late dive.

Two Italian gigalos on their vespas off into the sunset together?

What the fuck are you on about?!

Haven't you clocked it? He could have just posted ' Mancini Out'!!!
RandomJ said:
Find it disgusting the media are saying "yes they should have had a penalty and a goal but they played poorly" That's not the fucking point. The point is we should have won that game and we were robbed.

We didn't play poorly, we battered them. Two defensive errors doesn't take away from that fact we ran them ragged and should have won.
2 pens and a goal. But we had stuff go against us last year but we still put teams away. Truth is that we know decisions will go against us, we have to do better. Yes there was injustice but we still should accept we were poor.

Heads out of arse time. Need to beat spurs and stick #together
mackenzie said:
davymcfc said:
Started off very very badly. Really good fight back. I wish we could always play at that tempo.

Two awful decisions have cost us a vital win.


Absolute bollocks.

We COMPLETELY bossed the game for the first 10 minutes.
welsh_andy said:
why the fuck do we have to rely on officials, the buck stops at the team and management

We don't have to rely on officials,but it would be good if they could actually do their job properly.Meaning City may have won the match.
What "buck" is that ?
Which 11 would you have started with then.
What manager would you like at City then
Sorry taffy,but you sound like a fukn rag to me..

In Bobby we trust.

abu13 said:
Let me start by saying i love Bobbie but i hope this is a wake up call to him with regards to our defending, if he fails to change the way we set up for corners then you have to question his ability to adapt.

a couple of weeks ago he told us that he knew what the problem was and he would fix it, to be fair to him we have had a couple of clean sheets since but in Europe we look so exposed.

How can a team that looked so solid at the back for the last two years suddenly look so shakey?

In our CL matches this season, we've been dominated in midfield possession, instead of the usual other way around, and Nigel isn't around to offer protection for the backline. Mancini has made some very good halftime and in-game formation changes to counter this, but usually only after we've conceded once or twice. Our lack of width and pace in the midfield has also made us more vulnerable in this regard, as when we win the ball back, we don't have the ability to use pace on the counter, and without Silva, we then usually give possession back to the opponent.
Granted we conceded two poor goals we were still robbed tonight.

I watched both legs in Denmark and I can tell you that the commentators were creaming their pants for Ajax to win due to the Danish internationals on the team.

I cant help but to think the refs felt the same way.
pudge said:
tommo74 said:
pudge said:
Gutted, absolutely gutted.

Cheated out of it.

But one thing I will say is, why the FUCK did we stop putting me on the posts for corners!?

Football tactics 101, and it's cost us at least 2 goals in the Champions League.

Probably because it wasn't your job to mark the posts
Clever, I left out one letter and you skip over the point.

It was a joke to lighten the mood, I am just as pissed off as you, it was poor marking from the corners but couldn't resist the joke, sorry mate
mancity1 said:
We haven't been good enough to give ourselves a realistic chance of qualifying.

At least with Chelsea , Manure and Arsenal looking like they might all get through we have the advantage of pressing on in the league without distraction.

I would expect us to win the league should that be the case.

The trouble with this theory is that the others might end up playing only two more games than us in the competition. And Chavs and Arse might not get through their groups anyway.

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