City Vs Everton Post Game Discussion thread

As an Aussie fan I'm rapt with the win and even better that I got to watch it at a decent time. Going to be some horrible Thursdays at work now we're in Champions League.

Mixed feelings about Tim Cahill obviously but on that topic can someone with a better comprehension for Moyes accent inform me just what on earth he said or was suggesting about Kompany intentionally causing injury or something? I can't understand the word he keeps saying after 'definitely'?
doggiesin08 said:
As an Aussie fan I'm rapt with the win and even better that I got to watch it at a decent time. Going to be some horrible Thursdays at work now we're in Champions League.

Mixed feelings about Tim Cahill obviously but on that topic can someone with a better comprehension for Moyes accent inform me just what on earth he said or was suggesting about Kompany intentionally causing injury or something? I can't understand the word he keeps saying after 'definitely'?
You probably won't get any people in here with more of a clue than yourself. He speaks fluent shite. Fluently.
Re: Samir Nasri

Jumanji said:
SebastianBlue said:
cibaman said:
It did seem like we were playing 4-2-4 against their 4-5-1 for a lot of the game. We looked a bit stretched and outnumbered in midfield. The front 4 were great at Spurs but I'm not sure that its the way to go against teams that park the bus.

I imagine something like this might have been a bit more effective:

------------------ Hart -------------------
--------- Kompany -- Lescott -----------
Richards -------------------------- Clichy
---------------- de Jong -----------------
------- Milner -------------- Yaya -------
------------------ Silva ------------------
---------- Dzeko -------------------------
----------------------- Agüero -----------

But that would have required de Jong so I think Roberto played the best available squad and made great substitutions when he perceived their weaknesses.
Yeah, I thought that, posted it earlier. De Jong would have allowed Yaya to really get forward in advanced areas where we know he can slip the through balls that Silva wasn't able to until the end of the match (b/c he was marked ofc). We know this very well, as Yaya played AM last year and was our best player imo last time we played Everton.

I really agree with you about Milner as it would have given us (along with Yaya) the directness we could have used to really exploit (or try to) the bus parking.

Spot on. I know he can compete (and has spent much of his playing days) in the DM position but I still think he is best utilized in the CM/AM role.

Just came to mind: I wonder how long it will be before the FA has to create a rule to protect playmakers. We see Modric, Silva, Nani (I am trying to be fair-minded), and others hacked relentlessly week after week. If nothing is done then the league will find it difficult to attract creative players as they'll be worried it is the fastest way to end their careers. It's been going on for decades, I know, but it has recently become a tactic in of itself. Tackling/fouling rotation has become a clinic at the academies.
SebastianBlue said:
fy6blue said:
What exactly was Vincent supposed to have done apart from take Cahills tackle from behind?


When Moyes whinged on about wanting the referees to watch the video again I actually said out loud (girlfriend sitting right beside with my dog jumping off my lap as I rose up) "I wanted them to as well. If they did Cahill would have been sent off."

If we were a bitter side we could easily send clips to FA for further review regarding "Clear Intent to Injure".

Thankfully Roberto and our beloved club have more class than that.
And Kompany did nothing? I certainly didn't spot anything but it was a way oof.<br /><br />-- Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:56 pm --<br /><br />
fy6blue said:
SebastianBlue said:
fy6blue said:
What exactly was Vincent supposed to have done apart from take Cahills tackle from behind?


When Moyes whinged on about wanting the referees to watch the video again I actually said out loud (girlfriend sitting right beside with my dog jumping off my lap as I rose up) "I wanted them to as well. If they did Cahill would have been sent off."

If we were a bitter side we could easily send clips to FA for further review regarding "Clear Intent to Injure".

Thankfully Roberto and our beloved club have more class than that.
And Kompany did nothing? I certainly didn't spot anything but it was a way oof.
off. Sorry. Not turned scottish.
Good solid performances all round today from City. Justice was done and a bogey off our backs.

The less said about Everton and their brand of non - Football the better.
fy6blue said:
SebastianBlue said:
fy6blue said:
What exactly was Vincent supposed to have done apart from take Cahills tackle from behind?


When Moyes whinged on about wanting the referees to watch the video again I actually said out loud (girlfriend sitting right beside with my dog jumping off my lap as I rose up) "I wanted them to as well. If they did Cahill would have been sent off."

If we were a bitter side we could easily send clips to FA for further review regarding "Clear Intent to Injure".

Thankfully Roberto and our beloved club have more class than that.
And Kompany did nothing? I certainly didn't spot anything but it was a way oof.

Watching each angle it is difficult to assign any sort of intent to Kompany's reaction to the tackle. In contrast, it was clear Cahill's intention, otherwise he would not have been sliding in on Vincent from behind. How Moyes can attempt to make Vincent the villain in a crunching two-footed sliding tackle from behind by Cahill is beyond comprehension.
Sit right next to the away fans under the 'sky' box. The Everton fans have to be the worst I've seen since the Celtic game. Not just one or two either...Joe Royle was watching them with a look of disgust. I pointed him out to a couple of 'normal' Evertonians on the top row-they didn't fancy going down the stairs as there was trouble going down-they were both clearly embarrassed by the idiots and also intimidated-waiting for the loons to clear off before they went themselves.
ultimateharold said:
Yaya opinions today people?

He was hopeless when Everton had the ball, much like the early stages of last season. I hope he builds it up again like last year.

Thought he was excellent, looked well up for the battle and his skill level is sublime.
Re: Samir Nasri

Jumanji said:
SebastianBlue said:
cibaman said:
It did seem like we were playing 4-2-4 against their 4-5-1 for a lot of the game. We looked a bit stretched and outnumbered in midfield. The front 4 were great at Spurs but I'm not sure that its the way to go against teams that park the bus.

I imagine something like this might have been a bit more effective:

------------------ Hart -------------------
--------- Kompany -- Lescott -----------
Richards -------------------------- Clichy
---------------- de Jong -----------------
------- Milner -------------- Yaya -------
------------------ Silva ------------------
---------- Dzeko -------------------------
----------------------- Agüero -----------

But that would have required de Jong so I think Roberto played the best available squad and made great substitutions when he perceived their weaknesses.
Yeah, I thought that, posted it earlier. De Jong would have allowed Yaya to really get forward in advanced areas where we know he can slip the through balls that Silva wasn't able to until the end of the match (b/c he was marked ofc). We know this very well, as Yaya played AM last year and was our best player imo last time we played Everton.

I really agree with you about Milner as it would have given us (along with Yaya) the directness we could have used to really exploit (or try to) the bus parking.

Stop going on about De Jong.

He isn't fit yet.

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