City Vs Liverpool Post Match Discussion Thread

If some of the people on here had been captains or generals of the British Army in World War 2 we'd all be eating bloody sauerkraut and frankfurters and wearing lederhosen right now!
LoveCity said:
I just got home and it's been a long time since we were that bad at home.

Can we please get rid of Adam Johnson and get a proper winger in with a backbone and good attitude?

Let's not start on Kolarov... words fail.

The only encouraging sign was Nasri who grabbed the game by the bollox but the movement around him was wank so he often had no one to give it to.

You are, across all the football related topics, one of the consistently best posters on the forum.

Thanks once more for saying what I wanted to say but better.
i thought after the 2nd half vs united are lads would be buzzing how wrrong was i.......

jesus christ only micah richards was playing

what is the purpose of AJ? he is awful over 90mins hes an sub to run at tired legs at best

Savic should have used his head..he wasnt good either

Nasri finally showed some good stuff

Aguero was doing a tevez and not passing

Mario went back to the annoying kid when things dont go right he starts kicking up a fuss thankfully he was subbed could see a red coming.

Kolarov....shouldd go back to italy or whereever as soon as he got the ball i kknew he was going to shoot from far out *sigh* and his crosses? lol.

yaya & silva i miss them already so much.
BillyShears said:
LoveCity said:
I just got home and it's been a long time since we were that bad at home.

Can we please get rid of Adam Johnson and get a proper winger in with a backbone and good attitude?

Let's not start on Kolarov... words fail.

The only encouraging sign was Nasri who grabbed the game by the bollox but the movement around him was wank so he often had no one to give it to.

You are, across all the football related topics, one of the consistently best posters on the forum.

Thanks once more for saying what I wanted to say but better.

If Nasri starts, different result. For me the reason we lost was down to Mancini.
Re: 36000

Take it your both going Wigan Then!!!
intheknow! said:
DTKOAG said:
For a cup semi Final when the visitors bring 6000.
I sat in 232 with my lad on a row of our own with swathes of empty seats.
It was like a morgue and the team deserve a bit of support when backs are against the wall.
Big club & support my arse.

the blue panther said:
Don't get too depressed - it was all pretty predictable - as bad as we were, we totally bossed the 2nd half, and we lost the match due to a stupid penalty.
1-0 isn't a disaster and Liverpool have been pretty rubbish at home. Hopefully, Silva will be back and we will pose more of a threat - perhaps we'll sign somebody, or have a fit Balo available.
We can still get through, and if not, we can improve massively for the premier league run in when we're back to full strength and blow everyone out of the water from Feb onwards.
Biggest concern is that Johnson, Savic and Kolarov are clearly inadequate and barely first team material when our stars aren't available to give them time and space to shine.

You struggled last time against Pool at Anfield though.

I know Pool are shite at home, but they raise their game for the big boys. Also the fact that they are playing for a chance in the final, will give them an extra spring in their step.

It will be hard to go to Anfield and win imo, especially with Savic and not Kompany.
sincity said:
FFS, haven't these players ever learnt to shoot low, with the ball close to the ground?? Why do they always shoot high like rockets? Aguero wasted at least two glorious chances ,especially the one where it would have been a certain goal..Nasri and Kolarov were the other culprits..

We were also positionally poor..whenever there was a cross or a free-kick, there was almost no one at the receiving end...and another thing, other than Kolarov, there is no one in the team who is confident enough to take a free-kick...

Savic was not bad overall..regarding the penalty, I think there was slight contact, camera angles were not clear, but I think Savic caught him on the kneecap, but the Liverpool twat exaggerated by somersaulting as if shot, and then clutching his could have even accused him of diving, if the slight contact had not been there...

And why does Mancini not play Hargreaves? He is fit, no reports of injuries, but always on the least he would have played better than Balotelli..

Balotelli...what can you say about this guy? I don't give a damn what crazy stunt he pulls off the pitch, but when starts doing that stuff on the pitch I have no sympathy for him..Mancini was absolutely right in hauling his ass off, and I don't think it was because he was injured. Mancini did not even bother to look at him when he came off. I mean, didn't he realize this was a crucial match, and the whole team depended on him to deliver?

Referee was good for this match..regarding the glen johnson incident, he is not responsible for what idiots like Chris Foy did in the previous matches, though I felt Johnson should have gotten a yellow for that two-footed lunge..we all expect consistency for such decisions..

Not particularly happy with the result...we can only hope there will be a better response at Anfield..we need to win by 2 goals to get through, which is going to be difficult..
I couldn't see any "crazy stunts" by Balotelli on the pitch. He clearly didn't look 100%. Mancini gambled on his fitness - unsuccessfully.

I also think you're rather too kind to Savic, although that balances the many other posts who are far too hard on him.

As for strikers, I'm sure Aguero for one can shoot low, as he has demonstrated over and over and over again in his career. He still looked by far the best chance of City getting a goal tonight - look at the way when, surrounded by 4 Liverpool defenders, he still managed to get in a shot - a low one by the way.

(Is it a coincidence that the only two players you mention favourably are Balkan ones? Forgive me for my suspicions if unjustified, but there are too many posters who seem to be Bosnio-/Balkanophiles rather than true City supporters).

I agree with you on the ref. however - he showed up how poor Foy was.
I don't understand all the panic. When was the last time Pool played you guys and parked the bus to protect a 1-0 lead? There is no doubt you missed Kompany, Silva and Ya Ya Toure but even without them you are a much better team than Pool. I don't see why Savic is getting so much stick. He is very young and still has to adapt to Premiership football but there is no doubt he has potential. I also don't understand why some of you put down Mancini. Although I am a Chelsea fan I regard Mancini as the best tactical manager in the Premiership. So why all the fuss! Surely the Carling Cup is not a top priority of yours. You should be proud the fact that you are top of the League. I'll be more than surprised if you don't come out on top at the end of the season.
1st half - the 10 men performance at United shown - tiredness!

Nasri - showed spark... he needs more game time but i will worry about him next season due to bedding in time!!

Johnsons 2 foot tackle - this just sums referees this season ... utter crap!

Yaya, Kompany and Silva are our best players. FULL STOP!!

We will not be top of the league at the end of January but......

We will win the league!!

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