City's worst manager of all time

Re: Citys worst manager of all time.

de niro said:
Mark - TheBlue said:
Name the manager you think was the worst of all time and why you think this. You can only name one ;).

daftest question ever.

Alan fucking Ball. the **** of all cunts. i knew from the moment he was named we were doomed.
Exactly this.
Walked into the dressing room to meet the players for the first time, pointed at them all individually and told them 'You're shit, you're a loser' etc etc. 'None of you have got one of these'... yes, he had his bloody World Cup medal with him.
"AB takes no shit off anyone".
To which one of the younger players replied, to sniggers from the senior pros. "Who's AB? Oh right, Alan Ball?"
The fiercest competition ever on Bluemoon with so many candidates.

I cant make a decision between Alan Ball and Malcolm, second time round.
I managed to get into the Blackpool directors box a few years back and spoke to Jimmy Ball - the game was v Southampton and they had a presentation before the game for Alan Ball as he had not long passed.

Jimmy asked who I supported and when I told him, he said, "ah Man City - my Dad left you with some great players there ... Kinkladze, Kit Symons .... " I nearly spat my complimentary beer all over him but the occasion meant I just said, "yeah, it was sad news when we heard about his passing ..."

I really wanted to say, " the clueless twat got us relegated, when he thought we were safe because someone shouted from the crowd .... he played Eike Immel which saw Tony Coton leave .... his upset Uwe Rosler by not playing him as often as he should .... he signed Martin Phillips .... we shipped 10 in 2 games at Anfield and he felt like applauding .... " as I said, it wasn't the time or the place but Alan Ball must have been the most clueless manager we ever had. His first 10 games were the sign of relegation to come.
Re: Citys worst manager of all time.

Manc in London said:
fathellensbellend said:
stuart pearce, total and utter buffoon.

I think he is a poor manager, but we have had much worse.

not in my eyes, goalkeepers playing as forward while a striker is on the bench, samaras playing as a winger while richards played as a contingency striker.

no league goals at the south stand end for 10 long months, beanie the horse for luck, it didnt work.

we need to be cuter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

even though i am failing miserably managing city, i want to be the under 21 manager as well.

and the very best of all courtesy of manchester radio why when losing to utd 1-0 in a game that meant nothing but pride why didn't you chase the game stuart, "because when we attack we look more likely to concede another goal"

and also stuart pearces blue and white army played over the tannoy against bolton, the single most cringeworthy moment ever supporting city.

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