City's worst manager of all time

Re: Citys worst manager of all time.

blue10high said:
And he ripped us off we paid a lump sum as he was so ill he could never work again,but the ar-ehole went back in to management again.
mikeymod said:
Coppell. total rag shit bag.

Agreed. 33 days. Bumped into him soon after he vanished. Driving round in a Bentley. Called him a ****. I don't think he was too happy then again neither was I.

Alan ball is up there too.
alan ball (rip),not even a contest. said to the players on the coach after his first freindly -some of you will never play for this club again.
superb man management!
Hard to pick a ‘stand out’ worst. Lots of very,very bad ones. Ball yes, Coppell yes, Malcolm yes, but for me, the one I found the most aggravating is Pearce. Got the job without any real credentials, then got the under 21 job with no credentials, but the real issue is this - he served up a brand of football that reduced our gates by 15% and would have got much, much worse had he not been sacked. Clueless and lacking in logic, dresses like a shoplifter and only understands ‘spirit’ but knows nothing of ‘flair’. A total prick who will hopefully get found out for the no hoper he is.
For those that are saying Pearce, think about the state we were in when KK decided he wanted out but wanted paid to leave.....think about the overpaid, over the hill sick notes he inherited, then think about him having to sell our only real goal threats before the start of his two seasons.
He worked wonders just keeping us in the top flight (unlike many others mentioned on this thread).
Alan Bollock.

Frannies mate.

Its hard to slag off Creepy Coppell cos he only lasted a month, whereas the peerless Mr Bollock ruined us over one and a bit seasons. 1 point from thirty in his first 10 games as manager.


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