Claudio Bravo - 2016/2017 performances (continued)

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I thought the City fans who jeered Bravo every time he pulled off a save last night were a disgrace. The BBC latched on to it and used it to beat us up again. Claudio has obviously been demoted to number 2 and is trying to play his way back to form. If you cannot encourage your own team give up, stay at home and watch the Tele.

Agree totally. It was embarrassing & gave opposing fans & the media a load of bullets to fire - which they did instead of concentrating on the positive attacking play. We never used to treat players like this and I think Pep is really frustrated with the fans. I personally find it indefensible
+1. His distribution last night was first class and whilst he should have done better with the first he was yet again left exposed. He also made a couple of good saves in the original game. Everyone who raves about Merlin should remember how bobbins he was in the first few months he joined or even this season how Sane has only just settled.

He was exposed & had been for most of the goals he had conceded. He's not been perfect but his ability has been grossly misrepresented. His distribution is fantastic & he sets up many of the attacks leading to the goals.
People pay their money, they can voice their opinion. It's not a 'happy clapper, fingers in the ears' exclusive club when you walk in a football stadium.
If those who think the booers who are booing Bravo are ****s, should they boo the booers? I would boo a booer if I were in the stadium and a booer was booing Bravo. I can see the headlines now...

Last night was nothing compared to the stick Edghill got when we lost 2-1 at home to Coventry. That was proper anger. Last night doesn't help Bravo but it was light hearted,we all know he's not up to the standard we need. The fact is he shouldn't be starting any games for us anymore,it was a monumental fk up by Pep bringing him in. I don't think Hart was good enough either but we majorly downgraded with this guy.

If I remember right Edghilll didn't come out for the second half. He might even have left in tears at half time, or maybe I'm imagining that part.
Anyway as far as goalkeepers are concerned I worry whether Pep's "made my mind up" view of Hart will also apply to Aguero's future.
If bravo was in good form, had a howler of a game but then made some good saves I wouldn't mind the booing so much, sort of "wahey it's all good fun" sort of fake cheers are fine, sort of like when we boo sterling when he scores sometimes.

Bravo, however, is a character cut of all self belief right now, is struggling to fit in to his new home and desperately struggling for form. Booing/ironic cheers/ jeering is bang out of order and doesn't help anyone. Whether he was a mistake can be judged at the end of his time here, not part way through. We should be gettng behind him whilst he plays in blue FFS
i agree, it was embarrassing. i was sat in the family stand last night and the same fans jeering made no noise/ support of the team at all. i questioned at one point whether they were alive, the people behind me didn't even get up when we scored. arrive late, sit there miserably and then leave ten minutes before the end, why even go ??

no match going fan should boo or jeer your own player.
Sounds like we are criticising the same people here
From where I was sat, the sarcastic cheering last night for those couple of saves was aimed at Huddersfield fans, not Bravo. Still pretty embarrassing, but I don't think people were jeering directly at Bravo.
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