come on utd !!!

scottchorlton said:
rayray666 said:
Just rethought this, obviously my head was clouded when I posted, I want the rags to win f all, 4th place will do!!!


So you want bad for them over good for us?

REAL supporters want what's best for CITY, not what's bad for them!!

Who gives a shit about what they do! it's all about us


Don't know how old you are but i'm fed up of hearing them tell us that we have won nothing again, I would rather us finish 4th, rags win f all and us win the Cup and have something to bragg about!
Please do not ever imply that I have not got City's best interest at heart as I have supported for 40 years!!!

rayray666 said:
scottchorlton said:
So you want bad for them over good for us?

REAL supporters want what's best for CITY, not what's bad for them!!

Who gives a shit about what they do! it's all about us


Don't know how old you are but i'm fed up of hearing them tell us that we have won nothing again, I would rather us finish 4th, rags win f all and us win the Cup and have something to bragg about!
Please do not ever imply that I have not got City's best interest at heart as I have supported for 40 years!!!

I'm 34, never seen us win anything, surrounded by a brother and mates who support the scum, I have grown up constantly listening to their jokes, their gloating - I have grown up watching them celebrate year after year when they have won things.

I would love them to not win anything as much as you - BUT if that will in anyway affect our position then I will side with the result that enhances OUR progress.

We have had to put up with them winning things for years, one more wont do any harm, especially if we win a trophy ourselves this year, meaning we have something to gloat about too.

I'm sure you have City's interest at heart, just winds me up that some 'fans' seem to care more about their demise than what we are doing.

As much as I don't want it to happen, the scum will win the league. So its a simple case of me wanting city to finish 3rd to get straight into cl group stage. If that means scum winning today, so be it. Simples!
scottchorlton said:
rayray666 said:
Don't know how old you are but i'm fed up of hearing them tell us that we have won nothing again, I would rather us finish 4th, rags win f all and us win the Cup and have something to bragg about!
Please do not ever imply that I have not got City's best interest at heart as I have supported for 40 years!!!

I'm 34, never seen us win anything, surrounded by a brother and mates who support the scum, I have grown up constantly listening to their jokes, their gloating - I have grown up watching them celebrate year after year when they have won things.

I would love them to not win anything as much as you - BUT if that will in anyway affect our position then I will side with the result that enhances OUR progress.

We have had to put up with them winning things for years, one more wont do any harm, especially if we win a trophy ourselves this year, meaning we have something to gloat about too.

I'm sure you have City's interest at heart, just winds me up that some 'fans' seem to care more about their demise than what we are doing.


Believe me, I always have our best interests at heart but 1 place and an extra 2 games CL and them not win anything, I really do think that is a good compromise and the lauding over winning a trophy when they win nothing, it's worth thinking about Blue!

No matter what we say on here, what ever happens, happens!!!

I still don't want them to fin F ALL!!!

Sorry, just can't do it - a draw would be great though - with a hat full of red cards too please
CitySlickers said:
As much as I don't want it to happen, the scum will win the league. So its a simple case of me wanting city to finish 3rd to get straight into cl group stage. If that means scum winning today, so be it. Simples!

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