Congrats to the United fan at 4:18

GStar said:
Its those kind of nobs that mean the majority of us (football fans) get treated like shit.

If i threw a beer can at a passing car whilst stood next to a police officer, i'd be arrested; when it's football they just stand there and watch.

90,000 fans red and blue leaving down Wembley way together? Let's not police the first 200 yards and let the 35 year old, fat, live at home with parent virgins pick off whoever they feel like and generally act like proper whoppers.

If it wasn't for the fact they choose to support a shitty club that treats anyone and everyone not directly connected to the club like shit, i'd feel bad for their 'real' fans... because they've got the largest majority of lonely chav bastards intent on validating themselves to the cost of others than any other club.

I wasn't going to mate, but this is why i posted this on another thread:

glen quagmire said:
Reading the shite in the press, has pissed me right off!

We met some friends of my brothers, and travelled into wembley with them. One of them, from aberdeen has 4 st's at old trafford, and has followed united since DAY 1 OF taggart's reign. This guy and his family regularly spend £10,000 + A year following their team. The first thing he did when we met him afterwards, was offer his hand and congratulated me on the better team winning. He was gutted, but was genuinely gracious in defeat.

We waited a while, untill the bulk of the people had gone, and began to slowly make our way to the tube station. I say slowly, as the guy in question was limping from recent knee surgery! A group of grown fucking men, (forty-ish) started a bit of banter, as we were walking along wembley way, the banter turned a bit sour and i decided to bite my lip, as the dibble were closeby with their mutts and didn't want to be a walking tin of chum, for no rags!

After a few minutes, the bulk of the 'banter' was aimed at the big fella, who was the united fan. He told them how embarrassed he was of them, that they were only reflecting bad things on the club and showing some dignity, would be more apt on such a good day for the two clubs.

The dibble got involved, as there was a silly bit of handbags between me and some **** with a big birthmark on his eye. While the dibble were dealing with me, one of the slimy scumbags, sideswiped one of their own, for walking along with us! As he stumbled he burst a couple of stitches, from his op.

So for any journo's lurking, the united 'fans' were not only attacking youngsters and smaller people than them, while in large groups, they were also attacking their own, for having the decency, of just wanting to travel home, without trouble or injury after a football match!

The sad thing is they actually attacked a real fan, not a plastic, not a glory hunter nor a prawn sandwich eater a proper fan.

Sad rag bastards.

Sorry for the long post, it's the first and more than likely the last.
bluefromleve32 said:
how proud of being a blue does watching that make you feel. they started off all full them horrible selves, then we out classed them on the pitch and off the pitch.

red scum bastards, not only do their players spit there dummys out but so do their wanker fans

Well said....the irony for me is they say were obsessed!!! They also call us little citeh....ironic again how upset and angry they are towards a team and fans that are evidently insignificant to them!!! LOL
Amazing how many songs are about us, considering they don't care about us. Even better that they wont be able to sing the majority of them when we finally win something. 1-0! Cheers.
that vid makes me laugh! we went past that boozer on our coach going into the coachpark, a can or two was thrown. So we get off. Theres 50 of us, about 30 are top rum lads, will deffoe stick up for themselves. Anyway as we walk towards the pub walking towards wembley we cross over towards the pub. I see a rag i know from Eccles orchestrating their singing outside! When he clocked us he properly choked and the atmosphere went a bit flat out there. There were no comments etc as we walked right past them. Makes me laugh how none of them took liberties. we abused the rag and he just started "lets shake hands its all about the football!"

Shithouse bullies!
The fact they rarely, if ever, get reported for that kind f behaviour Glen, it doesn't make angry so much as disappointed.

Some of the those guys must have families and jobs; how do you go to work Monday - Friday then try and attack your best mate/co worker... all because of a football club, who when they catch you acting the plum, will fine you and ban you.

They really should all be round up and dropped off on the top of an Afghanistan mountain.
sheikys billions said:
Robinho's Subbuteo said:
Made so much more sensible thanks to your gem of a comment. Seriously, why did you even bother?
Promoting another rag video on here great stuff!!

I would hardly say it paints them in a good light now does it?
It was hardly any different at the city side of the ground. Outside the greyhound , cans were thrown at united coaches. Every other song was about them most with Munich references. Everyone was singing em. United fans walking past got dogs abuse and one was hit and he was with his mum. Its never one sided. Lads are lads especially when you have been on the piss all day.

There is very little in that video other than making them look a bunch of dickheads.

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