Corinthians make 35 million bid for tevez (MERGED)

I agree its a very very long shot.......and with their window shutting in a few days and the SA's propensity for shady dealings and duplicity on agreements it would be a meaty contract to draft in such a short time.

Where there's a will tho an all that....i'm sure we have some internationally renowned lawyers who we can call on.....all i'm saying is that it ticks Tevez's boxes, ours and Corinthians.....the only difference being we don't get all the dough upfront....however, quite a few European deals are done on staged payments

Say it was 20 million down and staged after that, with incentives for City on how well they do with him in the team etc....

Oh....and ETIHAD sponsorship banners all over the stadium etc....
Eags said:
I agree its a very very long shot.......and with their window shutting in a few days and the SA's propensity for shady dealings and duplicity on agreements it would be a meaty contract to draft in such a short time.

Where there's a will tho an all that....i'm sure we have some internationally renowned lawyers who we can call on.....all i'm saying is that it ticks Tevez's boxes, ours and Corinthians.....the only difference being we don't get all the dough upfront....however, quite a few European deals are done on staged payments

Say it was 20 million down and staged after that, with incentives for City on how well they do with him in the team etc....

Oh....and ETIHAD sponsorship banners all over the stadium etc....

its not the staged payments - staged payments are the noem for most teams including City up until recently its more of a concern that we actually see the money - all they have done is sell a percentage of the TV rights which is fine but it means that they do not generate sufficient cash to buy Tevez - who is the TV company? are they solvent? what happens if they dont sell enough TV advertising to fund the sponsorship? the list goes on and on

This smell like a scam to spring Tevez so he can move on for a fraction of the price next year - listening to talk shite one of the reporters said that they were funding his wages from a local supermarket chain that will sponsor them for 23 million - to put that in context it would be one of the best deals globally - it aont going to happen its a con

feck off and sell him to RM
Where has this HERMAN sit come from?

I detest it. He has been a prick but he has done so much for this club.

Carlos Alberto Martínez deserves respect.

He is the first captain to lift anything of note for this team for almost 40 years, never giving less than 100% on the pitch.

Let him go... Lets put the whole thing behind us ffs.

You sound like a bunch of bitter rags. You are all a disgrace!
He is Mr Manchester City. Ask anyone in a foreign country, "name a player who plays for man city? ". They immediately say tevez. This is going off my past experience. He is vital to city, but its just unfortunate to see him go.
mancityscot said:
He is Mr Manchester City. Ask anyone in a foreign country, "name a player who plays for man city? ". They immediately say tevez. This is going off my past experience. He is vital to city, but its just unfortunate to see him go.
That won't be the case with champions league, mate. Everyone will at least have heard of us...provided we get a decent run
they're moving into a new stadium,have just built a brand new state of the art training facility etc etc, there's enough there to have charges,bank guarantees on etc.

Commercial revenues, sponsorship deals, NIKE etc......

Dya really think that our boys would let Kia-unt get one over on them...they'd have it sown up big time...if they defaulted we'd probably make more....thats what your big hitting internationally skilled lawyers are cover your arse in case of a default event....

Yeh...sell him to Real Madrid so we can see him banging em in on a weekly basis waiting to draw us in the QF's of the CL so he could exact his revenge....we'd then potentially see the folly in our need for an easy deal....and even then we'dprobably end up with a player( that RM don't want or feel is good enough for them) who might not be good enough for us or the prem

If you could only buy a new car if you had all the dosh upfront then not many new cars would be sold would they...???
LongsightM13 said:
Team with no money tries to sell season tickets off the back of our wealth SHOCKER!!!
(See also Blackburn, Rangers, Villa, Fulham etc)

yes but if they default on a loan repayment they will be embargoed and the still get a fookin shed load of dosh from the prem - different rules

-- Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:33 am --

Cityisland said:
Where has this HERMAN sit come from?

I detest it. He has been a prick but he has done so much for this club.

Carlos Alberto Martínez deserves respect.

He is the first captain to lift anything of note for this team for almost 40 years, never giving less than 100% on the pitch.

Let him go... Lets put the whole thing behind us ffs.

You sound like a bunch of bitter rags. You are all a disgrace!

Fella no issue with him going not at all - and i would have applauded him off - there was a post around the semi final when he fooked off to Milan to get fit and he got utterely slated - i supported him and all i wanted was for him to lift the cup and be the captain that did it - after that i did not care

However what i did not expect was a fookin public statement trying to get a move away (contrast his actons to that of Fabregas) a right royal slaggin off of Manchester despite living in one of the most adffluent parts of the country and the final bollox todau with this contrived shit from Corinthinans

Sorry but he did deserve respect but not anymore<br /><br />-- Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:44 am --<br /><br />
Eags said:
they're moving into a new stadium,have just built a brand new state of the art training facility etc etc, there's enough there to have charges,bank guarantees on etc.

Commercial revenues, sponsorship deals, NIKE etc......

Dya really think that our boys would let Kia-unt get one over on them...they'd have it sown up big time...if they defaulted we'd probably make more....thats what your big hitting internationally skilled lawyers are cover your arse in case of a default event....

Yeh...sell him to Real Madrid so we can see him banging em in on a weekly basis waiting to draw us in the QF's of the CL so he could exact his revenge....we'd then potentially see the folly in our need for an easy deal....and even then we'dprobably end up with a player( that RM don't want or feel is good enough for them) who might not be good enough for us or the prem

If you could only buy a new car if you had all the dosh upfront then not many new cars would be sold would they...???

probably explains why we have bounced the offer -
Cityisland said:
Where has this HERMAN sit come from?

I detest it. He has been a prick but he has done so much for this club.

Carlos Alberto Martínez deserves respect.

He is the first captain to lift anything of note for this team for almost 40 years, never giving less than 100% on the pitch.

Let him go... Lets put the whole thing behind us ffs.

You sound like a bunch of bitter rags. You are all a disgrace!

well said cityisland, carlos needs to go and we need to move on but never forget his effort and contribution he made to our great club. When city go on to great things carlos will be the loser. He has never slagged off the city fans. If what he says is true he needs to be with his family and in everyday life men who put their families first are classed as good men. Good luck Carlos.

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