Coronation of King Charles 3rd

What's everyone's feelings? Mine is one of ambivalence for the event and sadness for the waste of tax payer money in the middle of a cost of living crisis.

Polling shows its the older age group who are going big for this so I should have an interest but can't see it bothering me too much.

Youngsters clearly cannot relate to it at all - could be a defining moment for the Monarchy. Daughter works for a big clothing chain aimed at the younger market and they have been sent bunting etc for the shop and staff area and nobody can be arsed putting any of it up. It won't attract their target customers and at the moment they are busy maximising sales to keep their jobs as the High Street is dying - time spent putting flags up with Chas and Cams on them is time wasted off the sales floor
Now that scientology nut job Tiny Tom Cruise is going then i'm all in..
Give no shits about this, glad we are now playing that afternoon, I will be in the pub prior to the games preferably one with no telly showing the shite.

shove your bunting up your arse
Well said. That last sentence sums it up. I'm sick of the fucking sight of this lot, they make me sick to the pit of my stomach. And I'm sick of being told they're the embodiment of Britishness and the last thread of pride woven into our national fabric. I'm sick of being told by our mainstream media that we should deify one family because their ancestors slipped out of a select birth canal almost a millennium ago. My late Nana was my Queen, it's my own family I revere and I don't need any fucker to tell me to bow like a lobotomised sycophant to fucking criminals who are quite literally stealing millions from the public purse to enrich their own lives whilst giving nothing in return. I respect Boris fucking Johnson more than I respect Charles, at least he went through ordinary channels of application and hardwork to become the morally bankrupt prick he is today. A week from now we're going to parade a random individual around London in a gold carriage and put a fancy hat on his head, at the expense of taxpayer millions, meanwhile nurses are still fighting for fairer pay.

The whole thing is detestable and if that **** was to ever find himself in my orbit I'd spit at his feet. That's the closest thing to respect he'd ever receive from me.
Afuckingmen to all of that
They have a tower, decent cheese and wine and a sunny disposition.

Even I can't sell the last one.

Anyhow we get a bank holiday you miserable sods:-)
The French have one every July 14, which probably adds to their sunny disposition...
Sorry but if there's anything weirder than worshipping a mediocre, charisma void family, who retain their privileged positions from sheer accident of birth I've yet to hear it. Tell a lie , hearing the Rags going on about winning the Quadruple 3 months ago with 10 Bob Guardiola at the helm might have been even weirder. But only just.
For those who enjoy a bit of historical insight, here is a definitive guide into the answer to the question, How do you become King then? This award winning documentary manages to do what many have tried and failed, that is to weave in the complex relationship between Monarchy and the Political landscape.

That's been stolen word for word from the Labour Party thread in off topic.

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