I don't think the vast majority who are against more restrictions are calling scientists liars at all. I've got no doubt they completely believe everything they are saying and giving an honest appraisal of the situation based on their expertise. These people are obviously extremely educated and at the top of their disciplines and their epidemiological views are quite blatantly worth considering.
However, their views are patently going to revolve around solely what is best for the epdidemiologic situation and they have no remit, brief or requirement to consider the whole host of other variables that these restrictions impact on (economic, social, societal, educational etc etc). It's like if you asked someone whose only interest and role was to prevent people being run over by cars - they could quite legitimately suggest banning all cars....
There are a number of people who are fixated by covid to the point of tunnel vision and only see things through that prism. It has always been obvious new variants would appear on a regular basis and so to lockdown and have restrictions every year is not a realistic strategy. I am a big advocate of the jabs and they MUST be our way out but like the annual flu jab, this is not going away and we can't hide away every year.
Most people will get their jabs, happily have their boosters and consider that to be a fair mitigation and do a cost-benefit analysis vs a disease which isn't the deadly plague many seem to think it is. If you turned the TV off no one would even know about at all this panic.
Vaccines will always be chasing the tails of new variants and so there has to be an exit strategy. Zero covid is gone so it can only be jabs and carry on with life imo.