Could you join the armed forces?

Blue Tangerine

There are many trades in the Military that will teach you to do something that doesn't involve killing.

My missus' cousin did 9 years in the RAF and now has a near 100 grand a year job working as an engineer for an airline company, the fucker couldn't load a water pistol.

Ex nuclear submariners(marine engineeers) are capable of writing their own cheques.

Engineers are useful/productive.. i don't care for the money to be made, but I can easily argue those who sign up, who want to "go to war/defend the country/shoot people are fucking morons in the extreme.. that's what I am getting at. The psychopaths that "want" to join the army in hope of conflict... but even those who are intelligent enough to assume they can piss about and earn real money are weird. WEIRD.

I don't get it, sorry.
I understand, mate.

Coming up to my 24th year, currently have till 2019 to go but they have already offered me another five years taking me up to 2024.

Cannot see me doing this at the age of 50 though. Don't think my carcass would hold out.

I love the job but something has to give...eventually.

Too many good blokes leaving!

Twas ever thus though. I'm sure that when you joined up you heard the knackered old shits going on about how eveything was going downhill and how the best people were leaving. I know I did. It was when I figured out that I'd become one of those knackered old shits who was moaning about it not being as good as it used to be that I thought I'd best get out :)
Engineers are useful/productive.. i don't care for the money to be made, but I can easily argue those who sign up, who want to "go to war/defend the country/shoot people are fucking morons in the extreme.. that's what I am getting at. The psychopaths that "want" to join the army in hope of conflict... but even those who are intelligent enough to assume they can piss about and earn real money are weird. WEIRD.

I don't get it, sorry.

Not once in 25 years did I meet anyone who wanted to go to war. Not once. When you learn what going to war actually entails it tends to put you off the idea.
Blue Tangerine, you really do come across, on all your posts across a wide range of topics, as a really obnoxious prick. What is it?? Do you want people to feel sorry for you? Are we all supposed to feel inferior, intellectually & morally, to you because you continually take the 'moral' high hround about anything & everything you feel the need to comment on?
Think you need to get laid ( but best double up on condoms, wouldn't want to inflict unnecessary pain on any offspring / sperm/ ) would you??
Engineers are useful/productive.. i don't care for the money to be made, but I can easily argue those who sign up, who want to "go to war/defend the country/shoot people are fucking morons in the extreme.. that's what I am getting at. The psychopaths that "want" to join the army in hope of conflict... but even those who are intelligent enough to assume they can piss about and earn real money are weird. WEIRD.

I don't get it, sorry.

It really is a simplistic view that, mate.

No one is issued a gun a told to lay waste to the enemy.

The folk you describe above will be weeded out.

This isn't Full Metal Jacket with Gunnery Sgt. Hartman in charge.

We live by a set of rules and those that don't and cannot will not be allowed to serve.

Yes there are a few that will sneak through, and I have seen them, but no one actively recruits "psychopaths"!

Your local AFCO will be proof of this as the have a code of practice to work by.

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