Courtney Meppen Walter

Only just heard about the news of the crash on the web, very tragic for all the parties concern..................
Blue2112 said:
mansour's tow ropes said:
mcfcinprague said:
I'm sure I'm no different from a lot of others on here today in that I've been wanting to make a post but haven't been too sure what to type in trying to be objective and not be a sensationalist

I feel desperately sad for the families of those who have lost their lives, whilst also trying to imagine the feelings of the other families involved here

Those of us who drive no doubt witness incidents very often that only by some miracle don't cause total carnage - I have seen the usual idiots on my long drive from Devon to the last 2 home games, where they weave from lane to lane over/undertaking to get to the front and usually in powerful cars - but yesterday on the M6 northbound there was one in a 54 plate Fiesta, clearly oblivious of what could happen to themselves in a car not really designed for protection at the speed he was travelling at, never mind what would happen to others

And then last night after the game I was in the queue on Pollard Street to get onto Ancoats and whoever was in the white Bentley immediately in front of me accelerated like an F1 driver to get through the lights and turn right (on red as it happens) totally oblivious of the numbers of people crossing the road etc. or maybe they were "showing off", whichever it was doesn't matter, it's what these people do

A rush of blood to the head, it's a laugh, I can beat him away from the lights, whatever the reason, it's what they do

Now not for the first time, we know why we wish they didn't do these things, and think when will they ever learn. They know it happens, they read about it every day, yet they appear to be oblivious to it in their moment of madness

It's a wider problem for society to deal with not just our wonderful football club, but hope as a result of this tragic incident, whatever happened, whoever was to blame that the club take some sort of appropriate action internally to ensure nothing involving one of our players allows it to happen again.

And those of us who are parents drum it into our own loved ones again and again, because we don't want to be in the situation that these affected families find themselves in today.

I know that I never want to be in this situation, on either side of the fence

great post. i can't imagine what CMW is going through right now, his head must be all over the place. he had a dream life, and now after 1 bad judgement/decision, his life is ruined.

and then you have the victims. the 2 in hospital, probably yet to find out of the deaths of their family members. so sad all round, if only everyone could turn the clock backs 24 hours and this whole thing could be avoided.

yes CMW was probably being a twat, but his life is absolutely ruined as a result of a poor decision and terrible luck, perhaps more often and not the 2 victims would have survived. who knows.

i think one problem is that these players, barely 18, are paid 300k a year (according to a post on this thread), they spend relatively little time playing football and have so much spare time, they have loads of money to piss around with, they aren't very bright (on the whole - its a stereotype but unfortunately an accurate one), and they have nothing other than football a lot of the time. they don't go to school or college a lot of the time, so have nothing else to keep them grounded. added to this is all the stress and pressure of trying to make a career as a professional footballer.

something should be done now inside the club, i don't know what, but with the new training ground and all that (the focus on the academy), there should be a revolutionary plan drawn up in which to manage youth players in an innovative way, perhaps making part time jobs compulsory, or making them get a couple of a levels or something, because i never want to read about a city player being arrested for causing loss of life again

Well said Mansour. Through work i've had some experience with both City and United players over the past few years and I've said it on this board on a number of occasions that off the pitch and away from the club we are miles behind United in looking after our players. We have both multi million pound footballers and potential multi million pound footballers and from what I've seen personally they are more or less left alone to their own devices once they walk away from the club. I'm not saying they need baby sitting 24 hours a day but these guys earn small fortunes and have very little or no help/advice/guidance on how to go about their day to day business. Mario's a case in point but most fans think it's all high jinks when his gets involved with stupid things like fireworks and let him be he's just a young kid having fun. Having fun until it's too late.

Obviously you have a short memory....
Tragic news, i'll reserve my judgement on CMW until we know the all facts about what happened. It's easy to jump on the attack for a 'stupid young man driving stupid', i hope for all concerned he gets all he deserves, whether he is guilty, or not.
Those who think Meppen Walter's career with City should be over if found guilty are being unfair, in my opinion. Everybody deserves a chance to learn from their mistakes. Jim Whitley served 15 months for being a get away driver in a robbery before he made a first team appearance. Franny Lee went to visit him in the young offenders institution.
Always thought CMW was a good egg and a nice kid.

Condolences to the families of those involved
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
The cookie monster said:
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
A couple months ago he posted a photograph on Twitter that shows him quite obviously driving at speed whilst taking the photo of himself...with his little brother in the passenger seat.

I pulled him on it, telling him he was foolish firstly for taking a photo whilst driving, secondly for then tweeting it and thirdly that he was opening himself up for attack from the press etc as he would now be in the public eye

Its a pretty shocking photo if you ask me, which i still have...however i doubt its something i could post up here.
Why couldnt you post it
He posted it for everyone to see.

His twitter is no locked so you cant see it there....also i believe its incriminating (well, completely seperate incidents, but could be percieved as having "previous")

If it is incriminating in any way, im sure its best not posted on BM.

I retweeted it again, so if you have twitter i suppose you could see it that way

IF he did post such a photo on Twitter it says everything about him.
I'm surprised there's a thread allowed on this at all until the investigation but while it's still here :-

1. Although the Grauniad states it's a "powerful" Merc other online media state it's a "low" powered model. After all "powerful" sounds better from their perspective.

2. Again quoting other online media, he's on less than a grand a week, a damn sight more than me but not the amounts being thrown about on here.

The actual model is immaterial, it's not the the car that drives too fast it's the driver. It was in a 30 zone I believe so he could driving anything and do serious damage.

The brother and sister killed had just come out of their local Sikh temple when they were hit so lets just let the experts do their jobs and have some sympathy for the victims.
seemedownkippaxstreet said:
Those who think Meppen Walter's career with City should be over if found guilty are being unfair, in my opinion. Everybody deserves a chance to learn from their mistakes. Jim Whitley served 15 months for being a get away driver in a robbery before he made a first team appearance. Franny Lee went to visit him in the young offenders institution.

I think causing the death of one or more people is a bit different though, I think you would think different if it involved your family.

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