Well-Known Member
pride in battle said:^^^^^^^
if you think it's okay to drive a car that causes death then you are deluded, yes I have done stupid thinks but not put peoples lives in danger, imagine a knock on the door, a policeman is there to inform you your children have been killed by a reckless driver, would you have sympathy then? No thought not...
You're i liar. Everybody has done something that endangers others at one point or another in their lives. You're an un-sympathetic prick with zero scope of the big picture. You could go out tomorrow and cause somebodys death without wishing it so. That shit happens all the time.
What an abhorant, black & white view of the world you hold. If my kids were killed by a relckless driver, I would be too devestated to know how to behave. I see you didn't respond to Prestwich Blue. He told you that he feels for the doctor who killed his child. And i understand and respect his view.
I put your view alongside every other extremist view, It's the view of a Daily Mail reading Mob Mentality Nick Griffin type knuckle dragging caveman...