COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Off on a plane on Monday, it seems from the seat picker, only 9 seats are taken. That industry must be on its feet. Once this is over will it take a long time to recover what we've all taken for granted re: travel?
Most flights will be cancelled before then as only flying for work will be allowed.

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i think you'll find you're talking rubbish. i suggest you look at the part where the gov explainm what a support bubble is. It's for my fucking b=mother who wishes she was dead, can barely walk, uses a crutch, has dementia, and lives on her own.

People of ANY age actually who live alone can merge with another fucking household of any fucking size.

My questiosn were does that still count in this 4 week lockdown. I wasn't expecting iidiots to act like it beve fucking happened at all.

In England, single adults living alone - or single parents whose children are under 18 - can form a support bubble with one other household.

The second household can be of any size and can include "at risk" people who were previously shielding.

So to recap then, she can take that overdose tonight, i wont go round, and then i'll just do one in the morning then my son can find my dead body and go into care. That ok for everyone.

Good bye,
Mate if I was in your situation, I would be paying absolutely no attention to any government or other person. Your mum is your priority. Keep your self safe, go look after her and take the nipper with you.
Good luck mate.
I have two really close friends who I have known since day 2 and the year I was 5. Both have fathers in Stockport care homes.
The first freind's dad, 86 showed Covid-19 symotons in a Stockport care home on Tue and is now very ill.
The home avoided Covid-19 last time but not this time. Even though worker and family restrictions are unbelievably tight and rigorous,
Due to asymptomatic infection, you simply can't isolate the vulnerable when the virus is raging in the community.
Gove hilariously trying to wing it on Sophy Ridge. Convinced they are following the science and the 4 week lockdown will bring the R rate down below 1. Not ruling out the lockdown won't be extended but had to be pushed continuely to admit that. I get a little tired of politicians constantly talking about what other European countries are doing. We live in the UK not in France,Spain etc so it's fairly irrevelent.
Gutted that Golf Courses to close as well.....the only thing I was enjoying was the friday fourball with mates, walk outside risk low.... FFS......kept me sane over last few months. I have not been out of house much since March, worked from home the whole time, 3 holidays cancelled, have kept to all the rules........BUT keep telling myself 1000s of others alot worse off than me! WORDS FAIL ME WHEN IT COMES TO THIS GOVERNMENT AND SO CALLED LEADERS....fuckwits all of them, wasted billions and we are fucking no better off and little hope......oh, and Brexit to come in 10 weeks. HAPPY FUCKING CHRISTMAS BORIS YOU USELESS C**T!
Gove hilariously trying to wing it on Sophy Ridge. Convinced they are following the science and the 4 week lockdown will bring the R rate down below 1. Not ruling out the lockdown won't be extended but had to be pushed continuely to admit that. I get a little tired of politicians constantly talking about what other European countries are doing. We live in the UK not in France,Spain etc so it's fairly irrevelent.

This won’t be four weeks, what they announced in March was supposed to be for 3 weeks, it lasted 3 months. Once you go into lockdown it’s pretty difficult to come back out of it.
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