
Many of the vaccines you speak about . We're not vaccines!
The originating company registered them as Mrna products.
That's not a vaccine.
Apologies I realise your we are vaccines comment was a typo :)
I wasn’t speaking about any vaccines btw I was replying to the link that @HaalandEffect provided in a previous post, so I’m not sure of the point you are trying to make?
My eyesight was perfect before I had the last of the 3 jabs. My missus (who’s a nurse) said that it was just old age and nothing more. Just a coincidence. Boots the opticians said that I had been the 7th person to complain that week, after getting my last jab. I was always sceptical about what I was doing but did it for the wife. I’m a weak man. I remember a bloke at work who had the same jab on the same day as the missus. Both went off their feet less than a fortnight after with vertigo lasting a few days. Makes you wonder.
Yes does make you wonder. Thanks for your honesty.
There must be many more folk weighing up weather to articulate their own experiences....not an easy thing to do with emotions running high.
Imagine still caring about all this.
Whilst I’ll never be like those who said the dead were crisis actors or they just added Covid to every day deaths, the more I think back I have to conclude we were spun some form of shite. Something existed and it ripped through the world, but I look at some facebook memories from the time and wonder how we ever got to those depths, and how more didn’t comply.

If it happened again I think the majority would tell the powers that be to fuck off. I remember going for a pint and had to wear a mask at the bar. Then go back to my table and take it off whilst people crossed paths.

It was all very fucking bizarre.
He deserves it after lying his fucking head off about me, he is a fucking crank
If I have " lied " about you..I apologise Kaz.
I would never, intentionally ,lie about another poster.....Anything I've said about you would only have been what I've read/ 're cycled from your numerous posts..over the years. You 've said a lot.i don't agree with your views on some issues, I've liked others..

Now ,pray tell, explain ..why I've lied my fucking head off about you?
That was never my intention, I can assure you.
Whilst I’ll never be like those who said the dead were crisis actors or they just added Covid to every day deaths, the more I think back I have to conclude we were spun some form of shite. Something existed and it ripped through the world, but I look at some facebook memories from the time and wonder how we ever got to those depths, and how more didn’t comply.

If it happened again I think the majority would tell the powers that be to fuck off. I remember going for a pint and had to wear a mask at the bar. Then go back to my table and take it off whilst people crossed paths.

It was all very fucking bizarre.
Yes .it was bizzare.
Wear a mask at the bar while you stood up.
But you were ok to sit down...and let the mask slip.convid didn't spread when you were sat down drinking apparently.
If you got go to the would have to put your mask back on.Not sure if you had to keep the mask on in the toilet....
But you had to have it on when you walked back to your seat.
And sat down. Then you could let it take a sip of
Those were the convid rules,and everybody followed them. Didn't they...

There were a lot of masks..
And a lot of money was made.
Whilst I’ll never be like those who said the dead were crisis actors or they just added Covid to every day deaths, the more I think back I have to conclude we were spun some form of shite. Something existed and it ripped through the world, but I look at some facebook memories from the time and wonder how we ever got to those depths, and how more didn’t comply.

If it happened again I think the majority would tell the powers that be to fuck off. I remember going for a pint and had to wear a mask at the bar. Then go back to my table and take it off whilst people crossed paths.

It was all very fucking bizarre.
We dealt with an unknown virus that fortunately became milder quite quickly. If it hadn’t, who knows how many would have died.

The next pandemic will be harder to control as it’ll be like herding cats. If it’s a more potent virus, then the number of deaths would be the only thing to make people comply.
We dealt with an unknown virus that fortunately became milder quite quickly. If it hadn’t, who knows how many would have died.

The next pandemic will be harder to control as it’ll be like herding cats. If it’s a more potent virus, then the number of deaths would be the only thing to make people comply.
Unknown virus ?
What was operation Alice all about then on 15th Feb 2016 ?
Or exercise Alice ...I'm confused. Where world leaders sat down to talk about the response to a possible deadly coronovirus pandemic.
Plans were already in place.....surely .
Unknown virus ?
What was operation Alice all about then on 15th Feb 2016 ?
Or exercise Alice ...I'm confused. Where world leaders sat down to talk about the response to a possible deadly coronovirus pandemic.
Plans were already in place.....surely .
Unknown insomuch as no one knew how deadly it was going to be.

The rest of it, I don’t care anymore. The vaccines might have caused 15 minute cities and cloud seeding, but I doubt it and don’t care if people think they did, so knock yourself out spouting shite.

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