
I have two adult kids with long covid. One is struggling to stay in her job as a dementia nurse, the others life consists of working from home, sleeping and eating a very restricted diet. That's it. He can't walk more than a couple of hundred yards without bringing on a crash to his body systems. Fucking right I still care about it. God forbid you or any of your family join the millions with this affliction for which there is no cure or treatment (yet).
Apologies, I meant vaccines and their “side effects”. I hope everyone with long Covid gets cured as soon as humanly possible.
Absolutely agree about masks on flights, there are a few hundred people sat in a tin tube breathing recirculated air.
Totally agree, flying out to Portugal last year a couple sat behind me were coughing all the way there, two days later I wake up coughing and generally feeling shite, might be coincidence but I’m defo wearing a mask when I fly out again in a few weeks.
My partners cousin dropped dead after a run at 42, 3 jabs
One of my best friends dropped dead at 40 while working at his job at duty free at Manchester airport, 4 jabs

No way many others on here haven’t seen a rise in young heart attacks amongst their circles

This study just proves what my own initial point was
We all knew this “ vaccine “ was rushed, I’m at an age where the chance of me being bothered by it were less than 1% so I said I’d wait a few years to make sure the vaccine is safe, then I heard the vaccine companies had for the first time ever been made exempt from any damages caused and the vaccine trial findings were being locked away for 75 years, now I’m sorry that made me concerned and even more sure I would not been taking it
We were told that’s not the point and selfish as it’s about not giving it to granny, we were told this by people in very high positions of power and that if we got vaccinated the virus stops with us, this was again proved to be bullshit and turns out the vaccine was never even tested on transmission
So as originally thought the only person not taking it it would affect would be me
I was unaware at the time these thoughts also meant I’m a lunatic who thinks thinks the earth is flat

People lost their shit, believed walking the same direction in supermarkets would make you catch Covid, people arguing people were to close, people happy it was safe to sit down without a mask but not safe stood up
Perspex screens in front of desks would do a fuckin thing to stop spread

I remember when KDB had positive test, I said it might not be a bad thing as he can have a couple of weeks at home resting his muscles
I was attacked with “ it’s not a good thing he’s got a life threatening illness “

Anyone saying the “ anyone can report an adverse reaction “ is deluded, if they think false claims can account for that kind of rise in reports of harms

This Vaccine has caused more harm to people than most others combined and we weren’t allowed to make a personal choice if we needed or wanted it

You had people who didn’t want it, “ get it or you can’t go to the cinema “ “ get it or you can’t go to the pub “ and so they got it
We’re going to let people go on holiday again but you can’t you’re not vaccinated

I’m so glad I’m the type who won’t be bullied and said “ fuck you “
Just ban the ****.
Interesting the vax fetishists haven’t made a comment on that video, they’ve chose to just reply to seperate comments with insults hoping to hold it off until they rally the troops
Probably because people don't think it's worth discussing unscientific rubbish.
A few heavy periods do not equal a massive increase in reproductive problems.
Probably because people don't think it's worth discussing unscientific rubbish.
A few heavy periods do not equal a massive increase in reproductive problems.

Is that what you took from that video ? Cool
My partners cousin dropped dead after a run at 42, 3 jabs
One of my best friends dropped dead at 40 while working at his job at duty free at Manchester airport, 4 jabs

No way many others on here haven’t seen a rise in young heart attacks amongst their circles

This study just proves what my own initial point was
We all knew this “ vaccine “ was rushed, I’m at an age where the chance of me being bothered by it were less than 1% so I said I’d wait a few years to make sure the vaccine is safe, then I heard the vaccine companies had for the first time ever been made exempt from any damages caused and the vaccine trial findings were being locked away for 75 years, now I’m sorry that made me concerned and even more sure I would not been taking it
We were told that’s not the point and selfish as it’s about not giving it to granny, we were told this by people in very high positions of power and that if we got vaccinated the virus stops with us, this was again proved to be bullshit and turns out the vaccine was never even tested on transmission
So as originally thought the only person not taking it it would affect would be me
I was unaware at the time these thoughts also meant I’m a lunatic who thinks thinks the earth is flat

People lost their shit, believed walking the same direction in supermarkets would make you catch Covid, people arguing people were to close, people happy it was safe to sit down without a mask but not safe stood up
Perspex screens in front of desks would do a fuckin thing to stop spread

I remember when KDB had positive test, I said it might not be a bad thing as he can have a couple of weeks at home resting his muscles
I was attacked with “ it’s not a good thing he’s got a life threatening illness “

Anyone saying the “ anyone can report an adverse reaction “ is deluded, if they think false claims can account for that kind of rise in reports of harms

This Vaccine has caused more harm to people than most others combined and we weren’t allowed to make a personal choice if we needed or wanted it

You had people who didn’t want it, “ get it or you can’t go to the cinema “ “ get it or you can’t go to the pub “ and so they got it
We’re going to let people go on holiday again but you can’t you’re not vaccinated

I’m so glad I’m the type who won’t be bullied and said “ fuck you “
“No way many others on here haven’t seen a rise in young heart attacks amongst their circles”.

I know hundreds of people, young and old, and I literally can’t think of anyone under the age of 82 who has had a heart attack since the introduction of the Covid vaccine. I know one person who died of a heart attack in January 2021 who was aged 49 but the vaccine was still a couple of months away from being rolled out to his age group back then.

Don’t take this the wrong way but it seems to always be the anti-vaxxers who know of multiple people dropping dead of heart attacks.
“No way many others on here haven’t seen a rise in young heart attacks amongst their circles”.

I know hundreds of people, young and old, and I literally can’t think of anyone under the age of 82 who has had a heart attack since the introduction of the Covid vaccine. I know one person who died of a heart attack in January 2021 who was aged 49 but the vaccine was still a couple of months away from being rolled out to his age group back then.

Don’t take this the wrong way but it seems to always be the anti-vaxxers who know of multiple people dropping dead of heart attacks.

Yeah I’m not an anti vaxer and explained my reasoning for not taking this particular one

Don’t take this the wrong way but my freinds name was Andrew Queenan, another good freind who is head of firearms at the airport actually worked on him trying to bring him back
His 2nd job was caring for Elderley so he got each vaccine as it came out, dead before he hit the floor at 40

Fair enough many might not know of anyone having this problem but I assumed after conversation in day to day that many we’re seeing this happen
I wouldn’t say your own experience completely rules it out as in 4 years I’ve not known a single person who died or was hospitalised from Covid
Is that what you took from that video ? Cool
I was giving an example of scientific illiteracy.
It really isn't worth discussing a video full of nonsense, someone will just show another with as much rubbish.

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