
just found out my nans next door neighbour Doris, her Grandsons best friend Malcolm who recently got engaged to Sarah, Malcom’s Dad big Dave the roofer who loved a few pints each day after clocking off early and loved a Big Mac, his friends named him Big Mac Dave as he scoffed them so much. Anyway, turns out he had a heart attack and died. He was 61. He was jabbed 3 times.

Makes you think.
Almost as naive as the anti vaxers linking every random death and medical condition to the vaccines are the weirdos who need to attack them and defend the vaccines like they are a holy relic. I doubt we will know for sure for many years if there are any harmful effects - there will be some as there are always those '1 in a million' reactions to any medicine or vaccine. On balance though, taking your chances with those is probably better than taking your chances with COVID.
Almost as naive as the anti vaxers linking every random death and medical condition to the vaccines are the weirdos who need to attack them and defend the vaccines like they are a holy relic. I doubt we will know for sure for many years if there are any harmful effects - there will be some as there are always those '1 in a million' reactions to any medicine or vaccine. On balance though, taking your chances with those is probably better than taking your chances with COVID.
But not as weird as the weirdos who actually believe in holy relics :)
just found out my nans next door neighbour Doris, her Grandsons best friend Malcolm who recently got engaged to Sarah, Malcom’s Dad big Dave the roofer who loved a few pints each day after clocking off early and loved a Big Mac, his friends named him Big Mac Dave as he scoffed them so much. Anyway, turns out he had a heart attack and died. He was 61. He was jabbed 3 times.

Makes you think.
Thoughts with you and the family and friends of Big Mac at this difficult time.
You didn't mention that he had 3 cups of coffee a day. Or was on antibiotics the year before. Or had a bad case of the flu 5 years ago... there could be million and one reasons that lead to him having a heart attack...... why mention the vaccine? We know why...because you're a ****. We've had these vaccines for 4 years now and there is no evidence they cause heart attacks. Some VERY rare case of myocarditis, but you have more chance of getting that from COVID itself.
So...that means your girlfriend's cousin's mate's step-brother must have had a heart attack from other causes.
I reckon they might right. Turns out almost everyone who dies in a car crash was wearing a seat belt, so I won’t be putting one of those on again……..
just found out my nans next door neighbour Doris, her Grandsons best friend Malcolm who recently got engaged to Sarah, Malcom’s Dad big Dave the roofer who loved a few pints each day after clocking off early and loved a Big Mac, his friends named him Big Mac Dave as he scoffed them so much. Anyway, turns out he had a heart attack and died. He was 61. He was jabbed 3 times.

Makes you think.

The excess deaths across the western world are up between 10% and 40% according to official data released and have been consistently since the vaccine roll out.

Makes you think
The excess deaths across the western world are up between 10% and 40% according to official data released and have been consistently since the vaccine roll out.

Makes you think

That's not what the UK government data shows. I think excess mortality was 2% for 2023 with the second half of the year actually having a death rate lower than the expected baseline. Always happy to be corrected if you have a better data source?
The excess deaths across the western world are up between 10% and 40% according to official data released and have been consistently since the vaccine roll out.

Makes you think
Even if this was true, why would it mean that the vaccines are at fault and not COVID itself?

It is a proven fact that first hand COVID infections are the cause of a massive array of health problems. In 2020 upto 30% of people who were ill enough to go to A&E with COVID were presenting with blood clots. Many also had MRI confirmed heart damage which is a known contributing factor in long-COVID. This is before the vaccines existed.

It therefore surely makes sense that for example a past serious COVID infection and its complications are likely to increase your risk of a heart attack in the future?

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