
“No way many others on here haven’t seen a rise in young heart attacks amongst their circles”.

I know hundreds of people, young and old, and I literally can’t think of anyone under the age of 82 who has had a heart attack since the introduction of the Covid vaccine. I know one person who died of a heart attack in January 2021 who was aged 49 but the vaccine was still a couple of months away from being rolled out to his age group back then.

Don’t take this the wrong way but it seems to always be the anti-vaxxers who know of multiple people dropping dead of heart attacks.
...and its anti-vaxxers that seem to link everything from acne to any death since the roll-out of the vaccine with the vaccine.
"My partners cousin dropped dead after a run at 42, 3 jabs"

What is the relevance of the "3 jabs" on the end. It has NONE. But it's what antivaxxers do. It's deliberately intended to mislead.
I’ve long since given up being bothered by the rambling drivel spouted by the antivax nutters. If people are gullible enough to be taken in by their shite and don’t bother getting boosters when recommended it makes no difference to my life so crack on.

The fact that every single antivaxxer spouts complete rubbish suggests that catching Covid whilst unvaccinated creates a significant chance of scrambling your brain.
I was giving an example of scientific illiteracy.
It really isn't worth discussing a video full of nonsense, someone will just show another with as much rubbish.

Seriously mate genuinely why do you think the videos rubbish ?
Why would a group of Japanese medical experts compile a study to have a look a adverse reactions and announce them in a press conference

What is your opinion on why this happened ? Is there any political agenda in play I don’t know about
Do you think they’ve done the study, seen that it was safe and thought they’d lie and say it’s dangerous anyway ?
Do you think they didn’t even do a study and just made some stuff up about what they found ?

Honestly interested to see what makes you think it’s rubbish
...and its anti-vaxxers that seem to link everything from acne to any death since the roll-out of the vaccine with the vaccine.
"My partners cousin dropped dead after a run at 42, 3 jabs"

What is the relevance of the "3 jabs" on the end. It has NONE. But it's what antivaxxers do. It's deliberately intended to mislead.

What’s the relevance of stating a young person with no previous health issues suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack after receiving a 3rd dose of the vaccine in a thread that’s currently discussing if there’s a possibility of the vaccine causes heart problems and having adverse effect ?
What’s the relevance of stating a young person with no previous health issues suddenly dropped dead of a heart attack after receiving a 3rd dose of the vaccine in a thread that’s currently discussing if there’s a possibility of the vaccine causes heart problems and having adverse effect ?
You didn't mention that he had 3 cups of coffee a day. Or was on antibiotics the year before. Or had a bad case of the flu 5 years ago... there could be million and one reasons that lead to him having a heart attack...... why mention the vaccine? We know why...because you're a ****. We've had these vaccines for 4 years now and there is no evidence they cause heart attacks. Some VERY rare case of myocarditis, but you have more chance of getting that from COVID itself.
So...that means your girlfriend's cousin's mate's step-brother must have had a heart attack from other causes.
...and its anti-vaxxers that seem to link everything from acne to any death since the roll-out of the vaccine with the vaccine.
"My partners cousin dropped dead after a run at 42, 3 jabs"

What is the relevance of the "3 jabs" on the end. It has NONE. But it's what antivaxxers do. It's deliberately intended to mislead.
Has anyone raised covid vax as a reason for Mr Slater's fall in Tenerife, brain anuerism/heart attack... I'd be surprised if they haven't...

as @M18CTID raised, he knows diddly people who've had a heart attack in the past 4 years. I'm the same. I've known a reasonable amount of people dying from longterm issues in the past 4 years, and covid vax as an issue never came up once as a possible reason that they did die. I know of zero people who 'dropped dead' - other than the usual random's that have happened as per usual - cf our own Marc vivien Foe.

I'll keep posting this, as it's the best way of looking at overall death rates for the UK, there was a significant rise in deaths due to covid. Until someone can explain what these rises were, other than due to covid, I'll keep posting it:

It's bloody obvious something happened in late spring 2020 and the winter of 2021, that caused deaths to substantially be far higher than even a bad period of 'Winter flu' (2015).
Has anyone raised covid vax as a reason for Mr Slater's fall in Tenerife, brain anuerism/heart attack... I'd be surprised if they haven't...

as @M18CTID raised, he knows diddly people who've had a heart attack in the past 4 years. I'm the same. I've known a reasonable amount of people dying from longterm issues in the past 4 years, and covid vax as an issue never came up once as a possible reason that they did die. I know of zero people who 'dropped dead' - other than the usual random's that have happened as per usual - cf our own Marc vivien Foe.

I'll keep posting this, as it's the best way of looking at overall death rates for the UK, there was a significant rise in deaths due to covid. Until someone can explain what these rises were, other than due to covid, I'll keep posting it:
View attachment 125979

It's bloody obvious something happened in late spring 2020 and the winter of 2021, that caused deaths to substantially be far higher than even a bad period of 'Winter flu' (2015).
The high death rate INCLUDED the UNvaccinated. In fact, they had a higher death rate than the vaccinated.
The high death rate INCLUDED the UNvaccinated. In fact, they had a higher death rate than the vaccinated.
Yes I know, that was not shown in those graphs, but was known to anyone who looked at death rates as vaccines were introduced.
The 2020 & 2021 high plateaus were prior to vaccine availability.
It was pretty obvious that the death rates (% of that population) for unvax’d were higher than vax’d in the later 'covid' data that came out, despite idiots claiming 'look the deaths by covid for unvaxxed are less than vaxxed', when they have a serious issue with basic maths (ie the %age of the population vaxxed was 90%, so if the vax did "nothing" (or made things worse), then the amount of deaths for vaxxed people should be 9 times higher than unvaxxed, whereas the it was more the opposite - unvaxxed deaths (despite being only 10% of the population) were higher than vaxxed (despite being 90% of the population).
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Yeah I’m not an anti vaxer and explained my reasoning for not taking this particular one

Don’t take this the wrong way but my freinds name was Andrew Queenan, another good freind who is head of firearms at the airport actually worked on him trying to bring him back
His 2nd job was caring for Elderley so he got each vaccine as it came out, dead before he hit the floor at 40

Fair enough many might not know of anyone having this problem but I assumed after conversation in day to day that many we’re seeing this happen
I wouldn’t say your own experience completely rules it out as in 4 years I’ve not known a single person who died or was hospitalised from Covid
Sorry but your post comes across as someone who is an anti-vaxxer. It’s also full of untruths. At no point were we ever told that it stops transmission, not in this country anyhow. We were told that it would reduce the chances of serious illness and death from Covid which it did. Anyone who claims we were told it would stop transmission is gaslighting. It also wasn’t “rushed” either. It was tested on more people than any other vaccine ever, and the only reason it got rolled out so quickly is that every fucker and his dog was working to get it rolled out as quickly as possible. No corners were cut.

None of the above means that nobody has had a serious adverse reaction to it, or worse. No vaccine is 100% safe in that respect but it’s saved way more lives than it’s cost.

Also, those people you know who have dropped dead. Where’s your evidence that it was definitely down to the vaccine? Ever thought that it might be down to Covid or rather Long Covid (which is estimated to be affecting hundreds of thousands of people in this country)? After all, you say you’re not an anti-vaxxer so surely you’ve considered this possibility too. Or maybe it wasn’t down to either the vaccine or Covid and it was something else.
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Sorry but your post comes across as someone who is an anti-vaxxer. It’s also full of untruths. At no point were we ever told that it stops transmission, not in this country anyhow. We were told that it would reduce the chances of serious illness and death from Covid which it did. Anyone who claims we were told it would stop transmission is gaslighting. It also wasn’t “rushed” either. It was tested on more people than any other vaccine ever, and the only reason it got rolled out so quickly is that every fucker and his dog was working to get it rolled out as quickly as possible. No corners were cut.
Good post M18.

It can be tempting to think that COVID-19 vaccine development kicked off when the pandemic did. In reality, scientists had spent years building vaccine technologies that could be quickly adapted to emerging viral threats — sometimes known as 'Disease X'.

Thanks to funding bodies like the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness (CEPI), researchers at Oxford University had been working on a vaccine that could be quickly tweaked to target COVID-19.

The technology involves using a harmless common cold virus (that infects chimpanzees) and engineering it to carry proteins of other viruses you want to protect against.
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