
That's not what the UK government data shows. I think excess mortality was 2% for 2023 with the second half of the year actually having a death rate lower than the expected baseline. Always happy to be corrected if you have a better data source?
No room for that sort of factual post on this thread mate.
Even if this was true, why would it mean that the vaccines are at fault and not COVID itself?

It is a proven fact that first hand COVID infections are the cause of a massive array of health problems. In 2020 upto 30% of people who were ill enough to go to A&E with COVID were presenting with blood clots. Many also had MRI confirmed heart damage which is a known contributing factor in long-COVID. This is before the vaccines existed.

It therefore surely makes sense that for example a past serious COVID infection and its complications are likely to increase your risk of a heart attack in the future?
Makes you think.
That's not what the UK government data shows. I think excess mortality was 2% for 2023 with the second half of the year actually having a death rate lower than the expected baseline. Always happy to be corrected if you have a better data source?

Yeah no worries, doctor John Campbell lays it out pretty well in this video.

Yeah no worries, doctor John Campbell lays it out pretty well in this video.

As already mentioned, this talks of excess deaths data, it doesn't talk about the cause for those excess deaths.

Anybody can however pull out of their arse the cause whether that's the vaccines, 5G masts or even the air that we breathe...

There is no evidence that the vaccines have contributed to any amount of excess deaths. There is however PLENTY of evidence for other causes and if somebody doesn't account for that data then they're not credible.
As already mentioned, this talks of excess deaths data, it doesn't talk about the cause for those excess deaths.

Anybody can however pull out of their arse the cause whether that's the vaccines, 5G masts or even the air that we breathe...

There is no evidence that the vaccines have contributed to any amount of excess deaths. There is however PLENTY of evidence for other causes and if somebody doesn't account for that data then they're not credible.

That’s true, just putting the information out there.

It would be extremely coincidental regarding timings if there were no links between the roll out and excess deaths imo.
Are people still listening to this crackpot. He was decent at the start then seems to just be a click hunting youtuber after cash now.

I believe him to be a credible doctor who actually took the vaccines himself and has changed his initial opinions due to his own research of the data available.

Also his channel is demonetised so financial gain is seemingly not the reason for his videos, maybe watch and learn instead of blindly dismissing?!
Yeah no worries, doctor John Campbell lays it out pretty well in this video.

I didn't think he was viewed as a scientifically credible source? He's not a medical doctor, his background was as a nurse educator with his doctorate being in effect on e-learning rather than anything medical. Hes not a trained research scientist in this space and he's been called out multiple times for misuse of data and information. I have no idea whether he's well intentioned or is a youtuber focused on monetisation but he doesn't seem like a reliable source of analysis. YouTube can be a great resource but it can also be pretty iffy too. He comes across as quite serious and plausible but the things I look at with a Youtuber are (1) are their qualifications/experience relevant to what they are talking about (2) has what they are saying been subject to some form of peer review (3) what level of regulation/consequence are they subject to it they misinform people either accidentally or deliberately. I can guess but can't really judge their intentions good or bad so I tend to focus on those prior three things and he doesn't pass muster for me on those.
Yeah no worries, doctor John Campbell lays it out pretty well in this video.

He's not a medical doctor. He is a retired nurse and nursing lecturer/trainer and possesses a doctorate.

Even most consultants in infectious diseases wouldn't start YouTube channels, especially talking about subjects that they have no speciality in.

It's unprofessional and it's unethical.

He knew his stuff on some earlier videos but it's clear he doesn't on many other videos and his audience don't possess enough insight to realise this.

He isn't an expert.
I believe him to be a credible doctor who actually took the vaccines himself and has changed his initial opinions due to his own research of the data available.

Also his channel is demonetised so financial gain is seemingly not the reason for his videos, maybe watch and learn instead of blindly dismissing?!

See my post, which crossed over with yours. He isn't a credible doctor that's not his background. Coincidentally I work in Edtech currently with an emphasis on Nursing, so actually his and mine backgrounds are a bit similar. But I'm damn sure I wouldn't take advice from me on this subject :-)

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