Creepy or unusual things that have happened to you.

Not so much creepy but more of a karma type.

I flew out to London on business, when we landed a guy was on crutches clearly struggling with his bags. I offered to carry these and get him to his taxi rank.

Couple of days later I fly home and the same guy is on the flight, we have the usual hello how's the leg talk. Midway through the flight we are told we have to land in Birmingham for some reason. The replacement bus was going to collect us in a couple of hours and then a long trip on the bus to Manchester was to follow. I'm outside waiting with everyone else and suddenly a private hire taxi pulls up, the guy with the crutches leans out and tells me to get in and he'll pay for a taxi back to Manchester. Felt like a celebrity walking past all the dross waiting for the bus.

It wasn't Dave Whelan was it?
This thread is all about 'what are the chances of that'. Well....
Saturday August 20th 2008 City played their first game at the Etihad. For the first time in my life I went into the Grey Horse, when it came to my round I realised I had forgotten my wallet. Every home game since then the exact same thing has happened..... what are the chances of that ?
In 2015 the mrs and me were at my Dad's down in Sussex and considering going to Shoreham to the Next or M&S – think I needed a suit or something. Decided to sack it off and go and visit her Mum who lived down in another part of Sussex instead. We get to her Mum’s and the news is on showing a plane crash on the motorway – from a plane at the Shoreham air show. It was all very surreal and we spent the afternoon in the pub just thinking – imagine if we’d have gone, maybe we’d have been hit etc. Headed off in the early evening and left her Mum and step Dad to continue their session. Next morning we wake up to a load of missed calls and panicked voicemails. Her Mum and step Dad had got a taxi home from the pub they ended up in, only to be hit by a car that was trying to escape a police chase. The car had rolled and they'd sustained a fair few broken bones etc. Considering we'd spent the afternoon talking about the choices we make and how you never know what could happen, it was all so strange.
I was in London with my girlfriend and I was talking about as a kid I used to eat a lot of tamarind because my nanas next door neighbours were Thai and I was friends with their kids and used to go to their house and their mam would give me tamarind. This was in Manchester and I hadn't seen them since I was about 11.

Anyway, the next day were sat outside a pub having a drink in London I hear someone call my name as they walked past and it turns out to be the mam and sister from that family and they said they recognised me easily because I have one green eye and one blue eye and I guess pretty distinctive looking because of that.

Anyway I always found that odd, I'd never thought about them for years really until the day before and they end up on the same street on another city less than 24 hours later. Everyone's got to be somewhere i suppose.
This one is a killer.

I am a fan of the Saddleworth prog rock group Barclay James Harvest, and post on the forum,

Twenty years ago, I got chatting to another fan on the forum that was from Australia.

He said he moved out there from a small town just outside Manchester, fifteen years before.

Chatting some more, it turned out he grew up less than a mile from me.

I reeled off the names of five or six of my old schoolfriends/friends and he knew them all.

He was actually in the same class as my best friend.

We both owned Triumph Bonnevilles at the same time in England.

I said "What team do you support" and he said Manchester City.

I have three lads, he has two, both of his have the same name as two of mine.

We did not know each other at all when he lived in England.

We are both regular Bluemoon posters and now keep in touch.
I used to DJ as support for live bands. I was on at The Roadhouse one time and put on This Charming Man. Half way through, the promoter came to the booth to tell me Johnny Marr had just walked in to watch one of the bands.
We had a work outing once and saw Jeremy Paxman near Holborn tube in London. I used Holborn again months later, randomly thought of it and he walked past me thirty seconds later.

The only explanation I have is that I’d subconsciously seen him or he is so local that he’s always around.
I was playing catch with my lad in the sea in about knee high water. He knocked his glass of, we tried to hide them but not luck. Anyway the now ex was giving us both grief for losing them.

At low tide about 5 hours later I decided to go for a walk with our dog. I walked a straight line towards the rocks about 1000 yards away. I just started to walk on the rocks when in a small rock pool I saw about a centimetre of thin blue something in the sand. I thought cant be ! Dug around this as it wouldnt pull out and it was my lads glasses ! Completely undamaged.
No great surprise you found them as you must have known where you had hidden them ;-)

That's a very confusing first paragraph!
This thread is all about 'what are the chances of that'. Well....
Saturday August 20th 2008 City played their first game at the Etihad. For the first time in my life I went into the Grey Horse, when it came to my round I realised I had forgotten my wallet. Every home game since then the exact same thing has happened..... what are the chances of that ?
Pretty high
I was in London with my girlfriend and I was talking about as a kid I used to eat a lot of tamarind because my nanas next door neighbours were Thai and I was friends with their kids and used to go to their house and their mam would give me tamarind. This was in Manchester and I hadn't seen them since I was about 11.

Anyway, the next day were sat outside a pub having a drink in London I hear someone call my name as they walked past and it turns out to be the mam and sister from that family and they said they recognised me easily because I have one green eye and one blue eye and I guess pretty distinctive looking because of that.

Anyway I always found that odd, I'd never thought about them for years really until the day before and they end up on the same street on another city less than 24 hours later. Everyone's got to be somewhere i suppose.
You are David Bowie and I claim my £5

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