CSKA Post Match Thread

crazyg said:
bellsouth said:
As painful as it was last night, I actually think we'll still qualify.
I'll have a couple of pints of what you've been drinking :).

1 pint is more than enough! Bayern have finished 1st and whilst it won't be a reserve side it will be under strength - we'll beat them. Then last game Roma will really feel the pressure knowing a draw will be enough they won't know whether to attack or defend, we'll exploit that indecision and win - job done
bellsouth said:
crazyg said:
bellsouth said:
As painful as it was last night, I actually think we'll still qualify.
I'll have a couple of pints of what you've been drinking :).

1 pint is more than enough! Bayern have finished 1st and whilst it won't be a reserve side it will be under strength - we'll beat them. Then last game Roma will really feel the pressure knowing a draw will be enough they won't know whether to attack or defend, we'll exploit that indecision and win - job done
Were good enough on our day to qualify, but even if we do, then what, the level of play required to qualify would not continue in the knock out stages coz we ain't got the fight this year blues.
The workrate of some players was embarrassing.

The worst thing is, it was almost a carbon copy of the Newcastle game last week.

The intensity and workrate just wasn't there again and it's worrying that it's not a one-off. We just don't seem up for games at the moment and that's totally unacceptable. The minimum requirement we as fans ask for is for players to give 100%. I'm not sure they're doing that just now.

I think it was partly down to a little lack of quality on the pitch tonight. Without Silva, I thought Nasri had to start. A midfield 4 containing Navas, Milner and Fernando is hardly technically world class in keeping possession.
i8rags said:
bellsouth said:
crazyg said:
I'll have a couple of pints of what you've been drinking :).

1 pint is more than enough! Bayern have finished 1st and whilst it won't be a reserve side it will be under strength - we'll beat them. Then last game Roma will really feel the pressure knowing a draw will be enough they won't know whether to attack or defend, we'll exploit that indecision and win - job done
Were good enough on our day to qualify, but even if we do, then what, the level of play required to qualify would not continue in the knock out stages coz we ain't got the fight this year blues.

On our day being the key combination of words. At the moment we are not looking like having one of those days anytime soon!

I think a Bayern second string would beat us at the minute and probably take great pleasure in doing so.

Don't forget we are without yaya and Fernandinho so will be relying on Milner and Fernando in the middle. Not too mention the fact that Clichy will still probably be in the team.
I blame myself as I took Mrs Moon along, last 4 games Soton away after which we went on a long winning run but were poor there, Arse in the CS, Newcastle last week and last night.

She's no better at home when I'm at the game she usually won't watch on tv as if she does we usually fuck up.
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
i8rags said:
bellsouth said:
1 pint is more than enough! Bayern have finished 1st and whilst it won't be a reserve side it will be under strength - we'll beat them. Then last game Roma will really feel the pressure knowing a draw will be enough they won't know whether to attack or defend, we'll exploit that indecision and win - job done
Were good enough on our day to qualify, but even if we do, then what, the level of play required to qualify would not continue in the knock out stages coz we ain't got the fight this year blues.

On our day being the key combination of words. At the moment we are not looking like having one of those days anytime soon!

I think a Bayern second string would beat us at the minute and probably take great pleasure in doing so.

Don't forget we are without yaya and Fernandinho so will be relying on Milner and Fernando in the middle. Not too mention the fact that Clichy will still probably be in the team.

Don't see this as a problem tbh, an opportunity to see how our midfield can work without Yaya. Lampard will play and with Milner, Fernando, Nasri and maybe even Silva then I'd still fancy us
bellsouth said:
Millwallawayveteran1988 said:
i8rags said:
Were good enough on our day to qualify, but even if we do, then what, the level of play required to qualify would not continue in the knock out stages coz we ain't got the fight this year blues.

On our day being the key combination of words. At the moment we are not looking like having one of those days anytime soon!

I think a Bayern second string would beat us at the minute and probably take great pleasure in doing so.

Don't forget we are without yaya and Fernandinho so will be relying on Milner and Fernando in the middle. Not too mention the fact that Clichy will still probably be in the team.

Don't see this as a problem tbh, an opportunity to see how our midfield can work without Yaya. Lampard will play and with Milner, Fernando, Nasri and maybe even Silva then I'd still fancy us

Let's see if the team is lifted without Yaya, then we will see where part of the problem lies
of the guys coming on the forum with the idea of going to Roma and feeling we have an earthy can I please borrow the Prozac you are in no doubt on because after last night I think we would struggle against 10 Italian waiters and the pope at centre forward
Not that the referee being incompetent and not sending off the cska player lost us the match, we weren't good. However, after all the furore when Nani got ( correctly ) sent off for the Rags vs Madrid, you'd expect Sky to at least mention it in their morning match review!

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