D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

Seriously, water cannon? These things aren't just employed to make people feel a bit cold and wet.

That said, the Active Denial System might warm everyone up and encourage them.
dannybcity said:
IFeedGoats said:
Obviously if the hose is used incorrectly that is equally as bad. But what should be done, leave violent protesters to their own devices, until the get board and go home? I personally think that if demos turn violent and start defacing public\private property setting fires etc than the right is there to get them wet.

Exactly my point, firstly it was to be used upon violent protesters, now it's acceptable to turn it on those starting fires, defacing public property. Let's be honest water cannons aren't used to just get people wet, they knock people off their feet. Last year in Germany two men lost their eye sight because of them.

Furthermore, police have been given the power to "kettle" protesters, it's not stopped violence. Indeed, it could be argued it only exacerbates the problem. What happens when water cannons stop working? Rubber bullets?

I'm not suggesting the hoses are brought out when little johnny is vandalising the bus shelter, when violent crowds are to big to be brought under control by manpower alone. The violent protesters know what they are doing after all safety in numbers and all that, I'd like to see a group of 5 -10 people behave like they have been in front of police, but no as they may be forced to face the consequences.

I'm not trying to change your view here as you obviously feel that what has gone on is OK and they should be aloud to get on with it, if I'm am incorrect then I would love to hear you solution on how they should be treated.
IFeedGoats said:
I'm not suggesting the hoses are brought out when little johnny is vandalising the bus shelter, when violent crowds are to big to be brought under control by manpower alone. The violent protesters know what they are doing after all safety in numbers and all that, I'd like to see a group of 5 -10 people behave like they have been in front of police, but no as they may be forced to face the consequences.

I'm not trying to change your view here as you obviously feel that what has gone on is OK and they should be aloud to get on with it, if I'm am incorrect then I would love to hear you solution on how they should be treated.

A good point. There were a load of students smashing through the treasury windows last night. Once they actually got through them only one guy was prepared to go in and all the others were egging him on but not prepared to follow him. So no one went in. Pointless really. Mob mentality.<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:11 pm --<br /><br />
johnny on the spot said:
johnmc said:
Hardly barbaric though

Throw in some Fairy and it could turn into a foam party.

Now now, the soap could irritate the eyes.
The occasional violent protest is better than a passive population. The former is a small price to pay for avoiding the latter. Just consider the damages incurred to a kind of 'tax' that pays for politicians not feeling enabled to totally ride roughshod over the public will (and next time it might be over an issue that effects you, after all)

It's a worthwhile expense, just like paying our council tax to fund schools and hospitals. It's just more abstract.

A certain degree of militant/borderline violent dissent is probably beneficial to the functioning of society and facilitates a freer society. Britain has become too passive and apathetic in the past couple of decades, and the political class has taken full advantage. Can anyone really not see that?
southern muppet said:
has become too passive and apathetic in the past couple of decades, and the political class has taken full advantage. Can anyone really not see that?
sounds just like the USA, more and more so everyday.
IFeedGoats said:
I'm not trying to change your view here as you obviously feel that what has gone on is OK and they should be aloud to get on with it, if I'm am incorrect then I would love to hear you solution on how they should be treated.

Of course I don't think what went on was OK but the police aren't there to hand our violent retribution, their job is to prevent violence not cause the escalation of it. If you go around hearding people into small space and tell them they can not leave then you are bound to cause problems, you turn a disgruntled minority intent on violence into a majority by throwing your weight around and pissing people off. I don't remember people being to impressed with the police keeping us in at Old Trafford last season. Imagine what would have happened if they had charged us with horses. The police need to look at themselves with regard to policing these events because I honestly feel their tactics aren't helping.
It seems the Met bosses are mainly pissed off by the demo going off-piste.the carefully laid ambush that would end like the G8 demo,everyone in lockdown by 'kettling' was avoided and allowed news crews to film both sides,definitely not what was intended.The fiasco with 'The Future King of England' (yes news-readers can talk in capitals to add to the out-rage) has caused some well-deserved red-faces among the Met elite,though not as much as the death of a passer-by at the hands of their men,or institutionalised racism.The French use water cannon against demos,but like kettling it just escalates the problem,the activists know what is to come so adopt guerilla tactics,which are even harder to control.The tories are finding it hard to shake off their historical reputation as being the party of oppression,of defending the rich and suppressing the poor,and trying to insist that £9000 is less than £3000 makes them look silly if not worse. A much smaller group could cause far greater chaos to this country,the transport system being what it is(pathetic) the total dependence on electronic communications/networks,fuel supplies etc.Imagine the uproar if an episode of corrie,or x-factor was cancelled.(sarcasm).
Specifics aside,the over-all impression that the country is coming apart is getting stronger.

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