D-Day - Student Protests in London, 09/12/10

m27 said:
johnmc said:
Not necessarily. Stop trying to spin it yourself.

Their fees are paid for them and they will either have to pay it back over a long period of time or their debt will be with them all their lives.

Have I forgot to cover anything there?

It depends on how much they earn. With there degree they could earn 10 or 20 times the £27k they will have to pay back at an affordable rate.
so let me get this right, you want us to pay it back at a higher rate than before, but we can't pay it back early because you want to scrounge every penny out of us, and then you want us to pay a higher level of tax because we do better in life than the rest, so you're penalising us about three times.

ok...this all sounds a bit like Robin Hood 2bh.
JoeMercer'sWay said:
so let me get this right, you want us to pay it back at a higher rate than before, but we can't pay it back early because you want to scrounge every penny out of us, and then you want us to pay a higher level of tax because we do better in life than the rest, so you're penalising us about three times.

ok...this all sounds a bit like Robin Hood 2bh.

I dont agree with certain aspects, such as not being able to pay off early.

My point is should you pay or not. Yes you should. That said Uni should not be profit making and if £9k is too much then reduce it.
johnmc said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
so let me get this right, you want us to pay it back at a higher rate than before, but we can't pay it back early because you want to scrounge every penny out of us, and then you want us to pay a higher level of tax because we do better in life than the rest, so you're penalising us about three times.

ok...this all sounds a bit like Robin Hood 2bh.

I dont agree with certain aspects, such as not being able to pay off early.

My point is should you pay or not. Yes you should. That said Uni should not be profit making and if £9k is too much then reduce it.
That's fine, students pay now, alright it is partially subsidised but the real issue should be making sure every uni is running cost effectively and not making a profit as an entity.
johnmc said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
so let me get this right, you want us to pay it back at a higher rate than before, but we can't pay it back early because you want to scrounge every penny out of us, and then you want us to pay a higher level of tax because we do better in life than the rest, so you're penalising us about three times.

ok...this all sounds a bit like Robin Hood 2bh.

I dont agree with certain aspects, such as not being able to pay off early.

My point is should you pay or not. Yes you should. That said Uni should not be profit making and if £9k is too much then reduce it.

I'm not sure why you responded with "crap arguments" to my first post because I think you're softening on this.
dannybcity said:
IFeedGoats said:
Obviously if the hose is used incorrectly that is equally as bad. But what should be done, leave violent protesters to their own devices, until the get board and go home? I personally think that if demos turn violent and start defacing public\private property setting fires etc than the right is there to get them wet.

Exactly my point, firstly it was to be used upon violent protesters, now it's acceptable to turn it on those starting fires, defacing public property. Let's be honest water cannons aren't used to just get people wet, they knock people off their feet. Last year in Germany two men lost their eye sight because of them.

Furthermore, police have been given the power to "kettle" protesters, it's not stopped violence. Indeed, it could be argued it only exacerbates the problem. What happens when water cannons stop working? Rubber bullets?

Look i will most probably get hammered for this but if you are willing to be violent and commit crimes and make life a real hardship for people like me trying to just go home then why should reasonable force be used, i believe water cannons are considered reasonable force for dispearsing rioting crowds by the law still. Until brussles get hold of it and invent some mental health and safety law about the tire tread being too dangerous. All we ever seem to do in these situations is blame the police and then get some of them arrested for doing there job, while the people commiting the real crimes get payouts and swan off into the future with a nice lump sum for being a violent protestor.
nashark said:
without a dream said:
The 'I'm alright fuck the rest' attitude in this thread is staggering.

This. Fucking heartless pigs. Imagine if a university-educated doctor said "fuck all you ***** who supported those who left me with a lifetime of debt, you'll be getting no help from me. Fuck the rest". I think the world would be a better place.

Anyway, I posted this last night, and will do so again until people realise the situation:

This really is incredible. Even more incredible is the fact that I have to spell it out for some.

A party posing as 'liberal' presents a manifesto which states explicitly that, should they get into power, tuition fees would be abolished. Fastforward a few months, the said party is in power, and not only do they support, they propose a policy which is diametrically opposed to the one on their manifesto which got them elected.

The proposal put forward seeks to increase tuition fees to such a point where there will be many young, intelligent people - who are potentially vital to our future society - deterred from becoming educated by an enormous, lifetime cloud of debt. That's not even mentioning that certain factors of this policy will ultimately lead to the privatisation of higher education where only the rich are entitled to go to the best universities and take the best degrees.

Put in basic terms, the state are using students as a scapegoat for the foibles of capitalism by charging them more than the natural and actual cost of a degree.

So, moving forward to 6:00pm, proposals which are nothing less than political warfare on those who strive to have greater inteligence have been implemented in an outrageous obfuscation of democracy. The people, who realise that every single member of the electorate has been cheated, are very, very unhappy. Fuelling this unhappiness is the fact that unelected, above-the-law, tooled-up men cage them up like animals in complete contravention of Article 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights. What do the people do? What can the people do? They cannot go the toilet. They cannot get water. They cannot get food. They cannot even vote for a party who will stick by their manifesto.

So the people riot.

They riot because they have witnessed a fascist, oligarchic coup d'etat which affects every single member of society - even you.

Yet you sit at home, slagging them off, and pick up on a few idiots who decide to desecrate statues of Churchill and the War Dead to strengthen your argument on emotive grounds. But you forget that the only reason these men are venerated is because of their violent stance on fascism - d'ya see where I'm going with this?

So, next time, think about what you write, and ask yourselves, am I up to discussing such a subject without making myself look like a grade-A c,unt?

Until then, I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Edit: By the way Bluesmarties, I fully support your work.


Absolutely on the money nashark - well said.
Probably wasted on the usual neanderthal right wing gloom and doom merchants on here,but 100% correct nonetheless.
m27 said:
johnmc said:
I dont agree with certain aspects, such as not being able to pay off early.

My point is should you pay or not. Yes you should. That said Uni should not be profit making and if £9k is too much then reduce it.

I'm not sure why you responded with "crap arguments" to my first post because I think you're softening on this.

I thought you thought it should be free. So I got that wrong. I apologise.

Maybe I am softening i don't know. My stance has always been you should pay as it opens so many more doors. £9k per year seems excessive i agree. And I have never thought Uni's should be profit making. Indeed I think there should be a subsidy as society undoubtedly benefits.

If they came out and said to run a course for a year for you costs £10k. We are asking £5k back towards it spread over several years once you are getting the benefit of a good wage then it would be taken in a more positive light.

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