Dangerous Dogs

Was reading a lost pet facebook page yesterday about a dog doing the rounds up near Accrington, wandering around on its own, killed a couple of cats and has been going for Kids and adults. No idea if its been found yet.
I've an Akita/Collie cross and a Staffie/Alsation cross.
Both great dogs and great with kids and other dogs in the wider family and when out but I am totally rigid when it comes to them being off lead, can't see when it would ever happen around people or other dogs.
I only ever let them off in out of the way places and am sure we're alone. They're both obedient but am careful in the extreme when kids are around probably more so than with previous dogs because of the reports in the media at the moment.
Don't know how others feel with dogs mentioned on dangerous dogs lists but it makes me more vigilant I hope.
Make a flirt pole out of 6ft of cane attach 6ft of string ( washing line) to one end. Tape a water bottle to the open string end ( having first got the dogs intrested in the bottle through play/ after removing all other distractions).
It will allow you to play/re-train/dial commands in a close proximity to you ( by flirting the bottle about creating little bursts of excitment.. at all points of the compass) whilst they are leadless and cement any stop/ wait commands because youve got the dogs motivation at your fingertips...whilst acheiving good cardio in short time....

Essentially the dogs are facing you at any given time cause youre the bottle master...and because youve got the motivation then 100% recall to the heel position is easilly acheivable should a doggee monster flop on you and your dogs need leading...ultimate aim is to have one sat while one chases ( alternates)...drop of water in the bottle will make it more dexterous.

Teaching em seperate if need be isnt such an headache cause the drill isnt time handicapped and closing the game down whilst in a flow keeps motivation high...whuch leads to willing to wait for staggered amounts of time ( whilst the bottle teases em jigging around their sight line) which leads to one waiting one exercising....all within a 24ft circle.
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I see the XL bully debate is raging again after the latest incident with 3 people hurt.

Suella Braverman is considering banning XL bully dogs after an attack in which three people were injured.

“This is appalling. The American XL bully is a clear and lethal danger to our communities, particularly to children. We can’t go on like this. I have commissioned urgent advice on banning them,” Braverman said on Twitter/X.

There is now a plethora of XL bully owners saying it’s the way they are brought up rather than the extreme genetics that make the dog clearly extremely dangerous.
The breed is already banned. The ignorance of law is just astounding.

While the act defines dogs by their type rather than their breed (more on this later) the act specifically indicates four breeds of dog which are labelled as 'specially controlled dogs' and are as a general rule illegal to own, breed or sell within the UK. These dogs are :

  • The Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasiliero
The act also covers cross breeds and mixed breeds with ancestry from the above four mentioned dog breeds, and also those having significant physical characteristics or traits of the breeds in question.

The XL is a direct descendent of the American Pit-Bull, and is therefore covered within current legislation.
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Surely a way to control this is to look at the owners. If certain types of people want a dog and their requirements are that it has to be hard, look hard and act hard then maybe these people shouldn't have a dog. Restrict that then demand for these dogs reduces.

I once knew a lad like this. Would drink his pint in the pub and then start on 'friends' accusing them of drinking his pint until someone just bought him another to shut him up. If you brought a new pet goldfish, he'd have had a goldfish when he was 5 that was harder than your goldfish and could take it in a fight. And yes, he was a rag actually.

Any dog can turn. We have a rescue dog and I know full well that, whilst generally good natured, weighing just 6kgs and more scared of anything than aggressive, if he feels backed into a corner he could nip. He can push you backwards with his enthusiasm for a walk. If he was ten times the size and weight then, regardless of the attitude and temperament, that is a problem.
There’s a whole host of dog breeds and crosses that need to be looked at, not just these, so it’s not going to be as a easy process as some may think, but what did make me laugh, and not in a funny way, is some of the owners gems I’ve read, like “mines really soft and placid, what about little dogs that bite ?” and “ I get really offended what when people see my dog and cross the road”.

Soz (not soz) but if you can’t see or comprehend why that is, you shouldn’t be owning one of these dogs, you absolute fuckin moron.
The breed is already banned. The ignorance of law is just astounding.

While the act defines dogs by their type rather than their breed (more on this later) the act specifically indicates four breeds of dog which are labelled as 'specially controlled dogs' and are as a general rule illegal to own, breed or sell within the UK. These dogs are :

  • The Pit Bull Terrier
  • Japanese Tosa
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Fila Brasiliero
The act also covers cross breeds and mixed breeds with ancestry from the above four mentioned dog breeds, and also those having significant physical characteristics or traits of the breeds in question.

The XL is a direct descendent of the American Pit-Bull, and is therefore covered within current legislation. This smacks of populist opportunism and ignorance, which is typical of this government.
It wouldn’t do any harm to add the “breed” to a banned list, though. Dogs such as these that kill should be subject to some sort of check to ensure owners know their responsibility. Christ I don’t even let my Westie alone with kids.

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