Dangerous Dogs

I remember growing up in Wythenshawe there seemed to be loads of dogs wandering around on their own. Getting about could be a nightmare if you stumbled on an aggressive one that decided to not let you walk past. Thankfully most seem to at least be on a lead these days, though I'm wary when some young kid or a female nine stone wet through has a rottweiler on a lead. No way could they stop it if it decided to attack.

I remember wandering our estate as a kid and spending a significant amount of time avoiding dogs or being chased by them. I ended up being sacked from a paper round as I refused to deliver to one house that had a Rottweiller in the front garden and it would get very angry as soon as I approached the gate. £3.00 per week was not quite worth the risk. Plus, I had to pay a mate £1 to do the round on Saturdays when City were playing at home.
I remember wandering our estate as a kid and spending a significant amount of time avoiding dogs or being chased by them. I ended up being sacked from a paper round as I refused to deliver to one house that had a Rottweiller in the front garden and it would get very angry as soon as I approached the gate. £3.00 per week was not quite worth the risk. Plus, I had to pay a mate £1 to do the round on Saturdays when City were playing at home.

Yes it's hard to believe how bad it could be looking back. One dog, a collie, on our road was always in the garden. Everytime you walked past it would wait a few seconds then nip through the gap and start coming up behind you. If you looked around it would go for you, if you didn't it would go for you. Everytime I left the house I had to grab some stones to ward it off. Nightmare.
I remember growing up in Wythenshawe there seemed to be loads of dogs wandering around on their own. Getting about could be a nightmare if you stumbled on an aggressive one that decided to not let you walk past. Thankfully most seem to at least be on a lead these days, though I'm wary when some young kid or a female nine stone wet through has a rottweiler on a lead. No way could they stop it if it decided to attack.

Was sketchy in Wythy at times in the 90s for stray dogs lol white dogshit everywhere too.
The majority of the scrotes who own these types of dangerous dogs haven't got the brains or inclination to train the dogs correctly. They get off on the fear they cause.
Growing up in Failsworth and Newton Heath meant running the gauntlet on a daily basis on my bike.
Bicycle pump in one hand and a snarling dog trying to chew the calf off you was how we rolled.
I remember growing up in Wythenshawe there seemed to be loads of dogs wandering around on their own. Getting about could be a nightmare if you stumbled on an aggressive one that decided to not let you walk past. Thankfully most seem to at least be on a lead these days, though I'm wary when some young kid or a female nine stone wet through has a rottweiler on a lead. No way could they stop it if it decided to attack.
My mate who lived across the road from me when we were kids had taken her Alsatian for a walk. She was about 13 at the time, skinny girl, dog would have been miles stronger than her… while my Father was out on a walk with our Westie he came round the corner and her Alsatian bolted and started trying to kill our Westie.

My Father wrestled the Alsatian until it stopped and he had it in a head lock with all his strength. He got bitten about three times himself but he saved our dog’s life.

My mate is still mortified that happened to this day. What her parents were doing letting her take that dog for a walk on her own, I’ll never know.
My mate who lived across the road from me when we were kids had taken her Alsatian for a walk. She was about 13 at the time, skinny girl, dog would have been miles stronger than her… while my Father was out on a walk with our Westie he came round the corner and her Alsatian bolted and started trying to kill our Westie.

My Father wrestled the Alsatian until it stopped and he had it in a head lock with all his strength. He got bitten about three times himself but he saved our dog’s life.

My mate is still mortified that happened to this day. What her parents were doing letting her take that dog for a walk on her own, I’ll never know.

Yes I give anyone walking a powerful dog a wide berth.

Again when I was a kid I was walking my grandads dog. It was a small,daft, soft as shit thing totally harmless. Suddenly it bolted across the road pulling the lead out of my hand and had some poor bloke pinned against a hedge growling and barking. He was petrified and I was in shock. A bloke came out of the house and between we pulled it away and I dragged it home. It was totally out of character. Bizarre and shows how unpredictable animals can be.
Yes I give anyone walking a powerful dog a wide berth.

Again when I was a kid I was walking my grandads dog. It was a small,daft, soft as shit thing totally harmless. Suddenly it bolted across the road pulling the lead out of my hand and had some poor bloke pinned against a hedge growling and barking. He was petrified and I was in shock. A bloke came out of the house and between we pulled it away and I dragged it home. It was totally out of character. Bizarre and shows how unpredictable animals can be.
Hence the quote "He's never done that before"
I remember growing up in Wythenshawe there seemed to be loads of dogs wandering around on their own. Getting about could be a nightmare if you stumbled on an aggressive one that decided to not let you walk past. Thankfully most seem to at least be on a lead these days, though I'm wary when some young kid or a female nine stone wet through has a rottweiler on a lead. No way could they stop it if it decided to attack.
I don’t remember anyone walking their dog round WHP, simply open to the door and boot it out. They’d all hang around together, usually shagging rather than fighting, occasionally you’d see a bunch of 5 or so running together proper pack like until they got mowed down by a Ford Zephyr. There were a fair few one eyed and 3 legged dogs back then.

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