Daunte Wright Killed by Minnesota Officer Following Traffic Stop

jesus wept. There is plenty of footage of him and the older male firing shots.

In UK law there is something known as the doctrine of 'joint enterprise' which in reality means if they are acting together its not who pulls the trigger. Now I dont know if there is a similar law in the US.

But keep making a martyr out of Toledo. Would you be happy to drive past him or any of your family? No.
Can you post the footage of Toledo firing shots at passing cars, you keep telling everyone it's there and you've viewed it so if you don't mind.
Can you post the footage of Toledo firing shots at passing cars, you keep telling everyone it's there and you've viewed it so if you don't mind.
I have read that he had gun residue on his right hand.

But moreover, I was explaining the principle of joint enterprise that exists in this country. For example, somebody acting as look out at a bank robbery. Or somebody standing next to someone as they fire at a passing car-which could be tested in court.
I have read that he had gun residue on his right hand.

But moreover, I was explaining the principle of joint enterprise that exists in this country. For example, somebody acting as look out at a bank robbery. Or somebody standing next to someone as they fire at a passing car-which could be tested in court.

So you have or haven't viewed footage of him shooting at passing cars?
But as i replied to a more pointed post-the UK has a law known as the doctrine of joint enterprise which means if it can be shown they acted together it does not matter who fired the weapon. And obv I'm not sure if a comparable act applies in the US or that state.
I wouldn't cite joint enterprise in a favourable light given the large body of academic research that shows its massively disproportionate use against ethnic minorities, especially black youth, in the UK.

Edit: I'd also add that you've inadvertently revealed something very telling. You say that if the older guy was shooting at cars then that means that Toledo was criminally responsible for the same thing. You seem to regard this as justification for his shooting despite him being unarmed. Like, you view him being shot as a justifiable punishment rather than as a police officer's response to being in actual physical danger from the kid.
I dont disagree with any of that-i even mentioned the influence of older males in relationships with juveniles but called a dogwhistle racist for it.

But as i replied to a more pointed post-the UK has a law known as the doctrine of joint enterprise which means if it can be shown they acted together it does not matter who fired the weapon. And obv I'm not sure if a comparable act applies in the US or that state.

I've also said once a person comes into contact with the police it is often too late-where were his family through all this? he didnt just fall into bad company that night, it wouldve been a gradual process. Where were the educators, social care? I keep repeating it runs much deeper than the police but all the replies (granted not yours) just want to blame the officer who chased an armed suspect (he has no idea how old he is or who may have fired it) and was given less than a second to decide. The problem came months or years before that moment.

Joint enterprise does exist in the State of Illinois. But it isn't without its controversy because of its use has been used to convict large groups of ethnic minorities.

It’s a law that gets results but prone to being abused and used with too broad a remit.

Toledo obviously committed crimes in attempting to conceal the weapon but I don't think it is fair to put the gun shots on him when there is such a wide age between them and such an obvious case of exploitation.
So there seems to be 3 possibilities 1. The cop is a murderer who enjoys shooting 13 year old boys.2. The cop was shit at his job or 3. that while chasing a known to be armed suspect down a dark entry he didn’t have the ability to see through fences that he’d tossed the gun and as he turned round had a milli second to decide to shoot or wait and hope he had and gamble he wasn’t going to be shot himself

I’d also say it’s doubtful the cop knew he was 13 and probably assumed he was about the same age as the man they already had on the ground

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