De Bruyne?

Tottenham don't have the resources we do, it's irrelevant. My point was we're shit at getting anything approaching value for money. Before anyone asks, why I care, it's because we still have a transfer budget and the knock-on effects of letting one club fleece us can be exponential - see De Bruyne.
I think you are missing the point here entirely because of the simple fact we are trying to buy players from successful teams where said players are most often the reason for their success. They will only sell for the amount they deem worthy and that is a fact.

We, on the other hand, wanted rid of dzeko and sacrificed the extra 10 million we probably would have got for him by selling to someone we felt probably wouldn't impact on us as much.

I mean sure we can play hard ball but that doesn't work to we'll as I'm sure u seen with the likes of hazard.

So in short I'll end with this...
Either we low ball and hope they drop the value or we pay up!
I know witch one I'd rather.
Chelsea has cash, so does Real, so does PSG, they don't seem to get hacked like we seem too.
Really? So Cavani, Pastore and David Luiz were all bargains? Illaramendi, James, Bale, all bought for a song? I think you'll find that all the big clubs get forced to pay a lot for the players they want, you just only notice the City ones because you only keep an eye on ours. PSG have been absolutely abused in the market

Please be news soon
Didn't say I'd walk away, I was just disappointed that Liverpool seemed to hold all the cards in spite of us being in the much stronger position.

As I've said earlier, there were no other clubs at the table for Sterling at the prices being quoted, we were the only club willing to meet those figures. How can you be sure how much was the transfer fee deterring other clubs, and how much was a solid agreement with us - unless you're Aidy Ward?

And as I've said, if we did have a solid agreement with Sterling, and he only had eyes for us, then that makes us an even softer touch for eventually paying Liverpool's inflated asking price in full.

I understand the point that maybe we felt it was just worth stumping it up, and not letting it drag on, but I think it's put us in a weaker position trying to negotiate De Bruyne's fee.

How can you be so sure re the 'take it or leave it' bid? It was widely reported by the press, we're all speculating here, unless you're not?
If a player has a long contract then the selling club always holds the cards. How strong that hand is depends on how deep their pockets are and how much balls they've got. If a club doesn't want to sell then there is no amount of negotiation will make them unless and until they receive an offer they feel they cannot refuse. That's what happened with Sterling and that is what is now happening with De Bruyne.
I give you David Luiz for starters
Yes a Chelsea player who they got massive value for, inspite of not wanting him. You can add Mata, DeBryune and a host of others Chelsea didn't want and sold on for a pretty penny.

Yet when they buy, they get good value too. DeBryune last season was about as hot as Costa was at Athletico, yet Chelsea didn't spend 57 ml ion to get him. In spite of the whole world knowing Chelsea needed a top class striker. And they took said striker off The Spanish league champions and CL finalist. Best striker outside of Messi and Ronaldo in Spain.

So the whole: "they know we have money" line is just that, a line. Chelsea has money too, and they almost never get taken.

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