De Bruyne?

Really? So Cavani, Pastore and David Luiz were all bargains? Illaramendi, James, Bale, all bought for a song? I think you'll find that all the big clubs get forced to pay a lot for the players they want, you just only notice the City ones because you only keep an eye on ours. PSG have been absolutely abused in the market
That's just the way the cookie crumbles, isn't it. The big clubs pay over the top for the best players, while the smaller clubs stay happy scoring a once in a life time victory over them by fleecing them if and when they stumble upon a world class player. That is the reason big clubs stay big and the small clubs never get bigger.
That last 50 pages of this thread bickering over whether we are good or shit at transfers or if Txiki is a mug or not and whether we're getting fucked or just doing business...

Can't you just start a new thread somewhere else to talk about it?

It's only tangentially related to KDB anyway, most seems to be about sterling and now fucking Chelsea.

There's about 3 or 4 of you just going round and round in circles and its just clogging up the thread for people who want to know if there's actually been any news.

We held all the cards, and Liverpool still had it play out the way they wanted to.
You said you were here to discuss.
I've seen many posters remind you that Liverpool did not want to sell their star asset. That there was no way he was leaving them to join City. And yet you insist Liverpool had it play out how they wanted to. So you ignore what you've been told and stick to your one item agenda, to criticise the DoF.
It patently didn't pan out the way Liverpool wanted it to.
If the inside info is true that we'd more or less done the deal with Sterling and Aidy Ward, then that makes it all the more frustrating with the way the deal panned out with Liverpool.

We held all the cards, and Liverpool still had it play out the way they wanted to.

That's why I worry that it may have made life harder for us with De Bruyne and Wolfsburg.

That is my only point, and @nomorethaksintimes puts it more succinctly after me.

And as you've said, Wolfsburg have moved the goalposts with De Bruyne already. Who's to say our negotiations with Liverpool haven't influenced them to play hardball with us, knowing we've shown a precedence to bend eventually?

I don't know, that is purely speculation of course. I just find it frustrating that we're going into the second game of the season at loggerheads with Wolfsburg, when we've apparently had De Bruyne under the thumb for months.

The Jovetic and Dzeko deals just add to the scepticism of Txiki's work for me, we still seem to pay the City tax and we still get take over a barrel when it comes to selling players.

But I digress, going off topic now.

Hopefully De Bruyne will be a blue soon.
Liverpool didn't get what they want. They wanted to keep Sterling.

Wolfsburg simply don't want to pay KDB out of their money.
Yes a Chelsea player who they got massive value for, inspite of not wanting him. You can add Mata, DeBryune and a host of others Chelsea didn't want and sold on for a pretty penny.

Yet when they buy, they get good value too. DeBryune last season was about as hot as Costa was at Athletico, yet Chelsea didn't spend 57 ml ion to get him. In spite of the whole world knowing Chelsea needed a top class striker. And they took said striker off The Spanish league champions and CL finalist. Best striker outside of Messi and Ronaldo in Spain.

So the whole: "they know we have money" line is just that, a line. Chelsea has money too, and they almost never get taken.
Why don't you tell us what you think Chelsea do so right and what it is that you think we do wrong, and different when we go to the negotiating tale.
Chelsea paid his release clause, they did no negotiating whatsoever. How did things go when they decided to buy a player off Liverpool btw?
I don't think he understand what a release clause is and the fact that all players in Spain have them, by law.

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