De Bruyne?

Tbh I felt exactly the same when I first saw links to us, I wondered how the fuck a player with his pass completion rate, would possibly fit in at City. But I've done a complete about turn on that & actually now think the opposite. Someone who does something different, is exactly what we need. He 'has a go' . Sometimes, as a team, we don't.

Re counter attacking, I think we will do a lot more of that this season, Chelsea being an example. But against the bus parkers in a possession game, DeBruyne may be the key which unlocks it.

This is a big one for City imo. Bigger than Pogba. We will be great without him, but with him, we could be something unstoppable.
Spot on
So you saying De Bruyne cant make his mind up or he is told where he has to go?
In Belgian newspaper Laatste Nieuws is mentioned today that Bayern put an offer in for de Bruyne on friday night of 50 million euro's + one player (Dante or Rode) furthermore they would agree for a one year loan of de Bruyne in wolfsburg! I guess that would solve the problem of Wolfsburg...and they don't Need the money. I really hope de Bruyne has Chosen city already..
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I think I'm the only one who doesn't really even want De Bruyne *at any price*.

It's not knee-jerk from me, if you look through my posts about him, I was always a bit sceptical about KdB, and I'm just unsure whether we need another "No. 10" in the first eleven as we've got Silva, too. Currently, with Sterling drifting inside and Navas just staying at the sideline makes it a great balance and gives Silva lot of options to create something. With KdB taking Navas' place, I don't know, it of course might work, but I see our attacking mid options absolutely fascinating just as it stands now.

Also, De Bruyne flourishes in a counter-attacking setup, he really does, which is great, but I'm just wondering that he's worth all the fuss after 1 world-class season, when he might (or might not) suffer in a possession-based team.

He's not exactly Silva when it comes to retain and pass the ball in tight spaces.
You are not only one, everyone with half brain have some reservations about him and that price, but are scared to admit that and get attacked by childish posters on here, called rag. He is not perfect fit in our team, but he is upgrade on Navas anyway, and available talent out there at the moment is scarce
To those doubtful about whether we need KDB or not. He will improve the right side of our team by pairing up with Zaba, the same way Sterling has improved the left side of our formation by pairing up with Kolarov.

Plus his crosses are much better than Navas, and he is not as predictable as Navas who just does a fake left and goes right.
In Belgian newspaper Laatste Nieuws is mentioned today that Bayern put an offer in for de Bruyne on friday night of 50 million euro's + one player (Dante or Rode) furthermore they would agree for a one year loan of de Bruyne in wolfsburg! I guess that would solve the problem of Wolfsburg...and they don't Need the money. I really hope de Bruyne has Chosen city already..

A deal that suits both.
Munich flexing their muscles hope its bull
Volkswagen's CEO Winterkorn is a member of the Bayern board. Bayern sponsor Audi belongs to the Volkswagen corporation. Winterkorn has indicated earlier that he'd prefer it if De Bruyne stays in the league. Nothing like a bit of conflict of interest eh?
Your dead right he is. His writing style changes depending on whether we are anticipating good or bad news. He will be the first to get on here if it goes tits up proclaiming how right he was and how we should have listened, but worse for me, still demanding Txikis head.
Some people on here expect all and sundry to sign for City and they cant understand when a player turns us down,for whatever reason.Some posters thrive on bad news ... this one (Forza) lives for it mate.
Spoilt brats.I could imagine him as a kid running off with his football during a kick about when his team mates wouldn`t pass to him.

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