De Bruyne?

He has a lot to live up to if he does sign. This post from last night summed it up well.

Fed up of this saga now, not even keeping up with it but I keep seeing his name everywhere, his first touch in a City shirt better be an overhead kick flying in the top corner whilst he shits gold mid-flight.
Or just maybe he`s been asked by both clubs to say fuck all until an announcement from Wolfsburg do have a decent replacement for him.It is possible.

You never know. Anything is possible, and you're probably right but I've been ground down by this transfer and I'm feeling piss ed off and any thought that is coming out of my mind is going to be negative and out of character but I'm going to go with it because it feels quite good just now. So I'm going to carry on in that vein until I fall asleep and hope I feel a bit more positive in the morning.[/QUOTE]
I'm not a ITK but I'm sick and tired of all this KDB talk.

Oh the "City are still engaged with talks over the fee" shite is spouted in the meedjia more regularly than my dog licks his balls.

The way we are playing at the moment, along with the squad we have to play 50ish games is fine by me. I hate to say this but if negotiations are taking this long I wonder about the agents and contractual issues involved.
Could be, maybe the deal has been done for few days already. All I know is that nobody knows jack shit besides people in the charge
And I think thats the way to look at it until next Tuesday.I do feel sorry for Tolm & Ric,as I know they wouldn`t post any old shit and you can clearly tell they are equally pissed off,but what do we know,everything may be fine and dandy at the other end.
All this shit has taken the shine off it for me. It's going to be a huge anti climax when he signs.

I hope so, but it has given us the jitters going into the last week of the window. I guess it is the same for most long and drawn out sagas, there would be no transfer without a lot of media bullshit beforehand. I think we kind of expected the media to drag out names out of the hat in regards to being linked with De Bruyne. I think we are the only club who have been interested in him from day one, i hope that pretty much seals it.
I'm not a ITK but I'm sick and tired of all this KDB talk.

Oh the "City are still engaged with talks over the fee" shite is spouted in the meedjia more regularly than my dog licks his balls.

The way we are playing at the moment, along with the squad we have to play 50ish games is fine by me. I hate to say this but if negotiations are taking this long I wonder about the agents and contractual issues involved.

There's only one issue and that is how much they can wring out of us and as far as I can see K'DBS agent is hand in glove with Wolfsburg.
You never know. Anything is possible, and you're probably right but I've been ground down by this transfer and I'm feeling piss ed off and any thought that is coming out of my mind is going to be negative and out of character but I'm going to go with it because it feels quite good just now. So I'm going to carry on in that vein until I fall asleep and hope I feel a bit more positive in the morning.
I think everyone,myself included to some extent,had hoped this would have been concluded day ago.I just get the feeling that no news is good news and for whatever reason there appears to be very little coming out of that Sporting Directors gob-shit of a mouth over the past few days.
Either he`s getting sick of it or somethings afoot.Less than a week to go now.

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