De Bruyne?

Dudes. The best thing about this for me is that Navas is out of the starting 11! Perfect super sub for me. Sucks for him because he was finally in form. I'm not sure I would change the starting 11 until we at least give up a goal but I know absolute shit!!!!! SO happy about this signing, as we all are.

Just for any lurking rags this needs to be said.

Manchester City Football Club are now self sufficient. If the big man walks away tomorrow, we will be just fine, thank you very much. Our sponsorship etc has seen to this and we are in a position where we can keep spending. With or without him. This isnt sugar daddy giving daughter large sums of money. The way we have operated over the last 7 years has ensured there is a stable future.

Our owners invested in this club for the benefit of this club. We have built the best academy in the world etc etc. Of course they take there share of profit, that's why ADUG are such a profitable business. They are not fucking daft. But the general theme here is that they make sure the club is sweet first. Your owners bleed you fucking dry, and yes, your in a shit load of debt. But of course ffp wasn't designed to recognise this, was it?

The fact is, we realise we were very fortunate to receive the investment we did. But operationally, we are now fucking streets ahead of you. On the field as well.

Yes you have the trophies, but so do Liverpool and they have done jack shit for a number of years. History means fuck all in the modern era. You are already starting to sound like them.

We are now número fucking uno in this city. So pipe the fuck down and suck it up because we ain't even fuckin started, you miserable twats.

(Mods, sorry for the off topic)
Well words almost fail me, this is such a magnificent post I now feel very warm inside ;) ohh and get the fu#k in KDB is one hell of a player, what squad we have now. I can not wait to see the movement of our front six supported by our fullback's as we rip up this league, then head off to the swamp to teach them another lesson....That warm feelings back again;)
That fucking picture should be blown up and put somewhere inside the training ground, along with what is signified for all new players to view and digest. It should be mandatory viewing before every derby game along with songs of the rag bastards moronic chants,we all know the ones, the bonfire song and the knick knack paddy whack one!

It stayed there for thirty five years with the full backing of the ownership and management of that vile club,at a time when we were light years away from them on the playing field.Not content with winning trophy after trophy,however, they had to really rub our noses in it,never once dreaming we would turn the tables. I hope after last season's blip we go on to torture them mercilessly from here to eternity the fucking vermin!

Sorry to get back to you so late, i was on a flight back from France. As far as De Bruyne on the right goes, I'm not convinced he'll excel for you there, he won't be a bad player by any means but I don't think you'll see him to his full potential. He's best when given total freedom, to pass, dribble, shoot when ever he wants, which he could at Wolfsburg, at City I'm not so sure. He is however one of the best crossers of a ball. But when you pay upwards of £50m for a player you are looking at what they'll produce long term and I'd assume he'll eventually take over from Silva as the main man (?) and given he'll have had some experience of City and the PL I honestly think in 2/3 years time he will be a Ballon d'or contender. I rate him that highly
Not a problem mate and many thanks for your input but there's one more thing, are you still considering becoming a city supporter?...not a bad idea you know
now watch out for utd fans calling he's shite since he's Belgian and they've just walloped a Belgian team.

Malmö are Swedish!

On edit: What the hell?! Ignore that. It's five to brain doesn't come online for another hour or so.

Still, the fact I mixed up United with Celtic shows how far the fuckers have fallen!
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