
I think now is the time everyone turns up to their MP's surgery - regardless of party - and just asks " what are you going to do " - about dementia - ,MD - cancer - NHS - the list is endless just ask them over and over again and make them realise their jobs are now on the line over what has been allowed to happen - don't forget you may also not be able to travel by train to spend those final hours with someone and you may not be able to send your condolence cards all because of the actions of a Conservative Govt but we need to prep its replacement so they know that just beating them is not a fix

Not the thread for this
Me and my brother are just at the early stages of our dementia journey with our mum, she’s still in denial, which we were for a while too, but have at least got her to the doctors and she’s now had a scan and the specialist dementia team have been round to her house to see mum and her partner.

It all started from the usual “not being able to find the words“ about 2 years ago, and now she just doesn’t retain anything you tell her, it was her birthday yesterday and I phoned to say I would come round at 12 and reiterated it twice yet when I got there they were driving off to her friends and I got the “you didn’t say you were coming“ line.

She has stock questions she asks about me and the grandkids but she doesn’t compute and retain the answers so you then get the same questions 5 minutes later, and then the next time we speak it’s the same questions.

It’s awful knowing it’s only going to get worse.
Me and my brother are just at the early stages of our dementia journey with our mum, she’s still in denial, which we were for a while too, but have at least got her to the doctors and she’s now had a scan and the specialist dementia team have been round to her house to see mum and her partner.

It all started from the usual “not being able to find the words“ about 2 years ago, and now she just doesn’t retain anything you tell her, it was her birthday yesterday and I phoned to say I would come round at 12 and reiterated it twice yet when I got there they were driving off to her friends and I got the “you didn’t say you were coming“ line.

She has stock questions she asks about me and the grandkids but she doesn’t compute and retain the answers so you then get the same questions 5 minutes later, and then the next time we speak it’s the same questions.

It’s awful knowing it’s only going to get worse.
All the best, mate. It's good you have your brother with you. Stay strong, mate. Heartbreaking, I know. I'm sure you'll get a lot of good advice and support on here from Blues that have been through similar.
My mum was starting with Parkinson's and was worried sick about it, then out of the blue she had 4 mini strokes and that was it, she was never the same again.

She lost everything in a matter of days and then I had 2 years of seeing her every day and her not having a clue who I was.

It's horrible to see and at the end death was a release for her and me.

Still miss her now.
My partner's mum went into care home start of the year with Parkinson's and dementia. Some days she's great, yesterday couldn't remember anything, wasn't even sure if she'd eaten. I don't see my own sister very often. Saw her 2 weeks ago and her forgetfulness (for want of better phrase) was staggering. Arranged to take her to seaside for lunch, walk along prom etc. Even texted her the time and place to meet. She turned up 30 minutes early then forgot where we were going. It's been a tradition we do that when I visit for last 20 years (usually 2 or 3 times a year). Loads of other the instances over course of 3 day visit. Lives on her own and I'm worried she'll put cooker or iron on and forget. Turning 60 soon and my brother says he's been asking her to get gp appointment for while now but she refuses. Breaking my heart
My partner's mum went into care home start of the year with Parkinson's and dementia. Some days she's great, yesterday couldn't remember anything, wasn't even sure if she'd eaten. I don't see my own sister very often. Saw her 2 weeks ago and her forgetfulness (for want of better phrase) was staggering. Arranged to take her to seaside for lunch, walk along prom etc. Even texted her the time and place to meet. She turned up 30 minutes early then forgot where we were going. It's been a tradition we do that when I visit for last 20 years (usually 2 or 3 times a year). Loads of other the instances over course of 3 day visit. Lives on her own and I'm worried she'll put cooker or iron on and forget. Turning 60 soon and my brother says he's been asking her to get gp appointment for while now but she refuses. Breaking my heart
Feel for you mate.
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Me and my brother are just at the early stages of our dementia journey with our mum, she’s still in denial, which we were for a while too, but have at least got her to the doctors and she’s now had a scan and the specialist dementia team have been round to her house to see mum and her partner.

It all started from the usual “not being able to find the words“ about 2 years ago, and now she just doesn’t retain anything you tell her, it was her birthday yesterday and I phoned to say I would come round at 12 and reiterated it twice yet when I got there they were driving off to her friends and I got the “you didn’t say you were coming“ line.

She has stock questions she asks about me and the grandkids but she doesn’t compute and retain the answers so you then get the same questions 5 minutes later, and then the next time we speak it’s the same questions.

It’s awful knowing it’s only going to get worse.
So sorry for you blue, all the love in the world for you.
My thoughts are with you all.
I've been through this with my grandad's brother, my (great) uncle John.
A very fit man, worked hard all his life as a road worker.
Even when he retired he'd walk the dog 8-10 miles a day, rain or shine.
Then out of the blue It all started with a stroke, which the doctors seem to think brought on the dementia.
The dementia took hold rather quickly, ending with him going into a home after he nearly burned down the house after forgetting he'd put the chip pan on.
If it hadn't been for my grandad the house would have definitely gone up.
At first it wasn't too bad visiting him, he'd forget little bits and pieces but he'd still be his loveable funny self.
That soon changed, it started with him forgetting our names, then quickly that confused look cos he had absolutely no idea who we were.
Then he got cancer, poor bloke couldn't catch a break.
Then we all finally get the inevitable phone call "you need to get to the hospital now he's not got long"
This is where things got a little weird.
We get there and he can barely breathe, barely talk, still had no idea who we were.
My mum is sat holding his hand, talking to him and telling us what he's saying as we're all stood at the bottom area of the bed and cannot hear him cos he can barely speak.
Then it was like someone flicked a switch, his breathing returned to normal, he started speaking perfectly and his memory came back, all of it.
We spent about half talking, saying our goodbyes and then he peacefully passed away.
It was weird, beautiful and sad all at the same time.
To this day none of us can explain what happened in that hospital room, but we're glad it did.

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